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Winforms MVP Passive View

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I am currently in the process of refactoring a monolithic Winforms MVP application to make it testable. I have decided to utilise the Winforms MVP Passive View pattern. After reading many blog posts including Mark Heath I wanted to ensure that my understanding is correct.

Any tips or guidance is greatly appreciated.


public interface IView
event EventHandler Load;
event EventHandler CloseClicked;

void CloseView();


 public interface IClientAImportView : IImportView, IView
int BatchRef { get;set; }

void SetGasTotal(int total);
void SetElectricTotal(int total);
void SetDualFuelTotal(int total);


public interface IImportView
string FilePath { get; set; }

event EventHandler BrowseClicked;
event EventHandler ReportsClicked;
event EventHandler ImportClicked;
event EventHandler TransferClicked;

void ShowFileDialog();


public partial class frmClientAImport : frmTemplate, IClientAImportView
public frmClientAImport()

public void ShowFileDialog()
FilePath = ofdFile.FileName;

public void CloseView()

public void SetGasTotal(int total)
lblGD.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetElectricTotal(int total)
lblED.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetDualFuelTotal(int total)
lblDFD.Text = total.ToString();

public int BatchRef
get { return int.Parse(txtBatchRef.Text); }
set { txtBatchRef.Text = value.ToString(); }

public string FilePath
get { return txtFilePath.Text; }
set { txtFilePath.Text = value; }

public event EventHandler BrowseClicked
add { btnBrowse.Click += value; }
remove { btnBrowse.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ImportClicked
add { btnImport.Click += value; }
remove { btnImport.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ReportsClicked
add { btnReports.Click += value; }
remove { btnReports.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler TransferClicked
add { btnTransfer.Click += value; }
remove { btnTransfer.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler CloseClicked
add { btnClose.Click += value; }
remove { btnClose.Click -= value; }


public class ClientARepository : IClientARepository
private DataTable _excelImportTable;

public int GetBatchRef()
return SQLHelper.ExecuteScalarDapper<int>("SELECT MAX(BatchRef) + 1 FROM tblCase C WHERE ClientID IN (1234, 5678));

public void GetExcelContents(string filePath)
_excelImportTable = new DataTable().FromExcel(filePath, true);

public void TruncateImportTable()
SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("TRUNCATE TABLE tblUMImportClientA");

public void TransferFileToDatabase(int batchRef)
using (var cn = new SqlConnection(Settings.DBConnectionString))

var dtBCP = new DataTable();
var sqlImportTable = new DataTable();
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblUMImportClientA", cn);

adapter.FillSchema(dtBCP, SchemaType.Source);


using (var bc = new SqlBulkCopy(cn))
bc.DestinationTableName = "tblUMImportClientA";
bc.BatchSize = 500;

SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("prcUMClientAImportProcess", new { BatchRef = batchRef }, CommandType.StoredProcedure );


private void SetupImportTable(DataTable bcpTable)
foreach (DataColumn col in _excelImportTable.Columns)
col.ColumnName = bcpTable.Columns[col.Ordinal].ColumnName;

foreach (DataRow rawRow in _excelImportTable.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn rawCol in _excelImportTable.Columns)
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
rawRow[rawCol] = DBNull.Value;

DateTime date;
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length > 4 && !rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Contains(".") && DateTime.TryParse(rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim(), out date))
rawRow[rawCol] = date;

if (bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].DataType == typeof(string) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawRow[rawCol].ToString()) &&
rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Length > bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength)
rawRow[rawCol] = rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Substring(0, bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength);




public class ClientAImportPresenter
private IClientAImportView _view;
private IClientARepository _repository;

private DataTable _importFile;

public ClientAImportPresenter(IClientAImportView view, IClientARepository repository)
_view = view;
_repository = repository;


private void AssignEventHandlers()
_view.Load += OnLoad;
_view.CloseClicked += OnClose;
_view.BrowseClicked += OnBrowseClicked;
_view.ImportClicked += OnImportClicked;

private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
_view.BatchRef = _repository.GetBatchRef();

private void OnBrowseClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnImportClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs e)

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  • $begingroup$
    What’s the reasoning for the downvote? If people downvote without a comment how can we learn to ask better questions?
    – JammoD
    Mar 16 at 16:35



I am currently in the process of refactoring a monolithic Winforms MVP application to make it testable. I have decided to utilise the Winforms MVP Passive View pattern. After reading many blog posts including Mark Heath I wanted to ensure that my understanding is correct.

Any tips or guidance is greatly appreciated.


public interface IView
event EventHandler Load;
event EventHandler CloseClicked;

void CloseView();


 public interface IClientAImportView : IImportView, IView
int BatchRef { get;set; }

void SetGasTotal(int total);
void SetElectricTotal(int total);
void SetDualFuelTotal(int total);


public interface IImportView
string FilePath { get; set; }

event EventHandler BrowseClicked;
event EventHandler ReportsClicked;
event EventHandler ImportClicked;
event EventHandler TransferClicked;

void ShowFileDialog();


public partial class frmClientAImport : frmTemplate, IClientAImportView
public frmClientAImport()

public void ShowFileDialog()
FilePath = ofdFile.FileName;

public void CloseView()

public void SetGasTotal(int total)
lblGD.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetElectricTotal(int total)
lblED.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetDualFuelTotal(int total)
lblDFD.Text = total.ToString();

public int BatchRef
get { return int.Parse(txtBatchRef.Text); }
set { txtBatchRef.Text = value.ToString(); }

public string FilePath
get { return txtFilePath.Text; }
set { txtFilePath.Text = value; }

public event EventHandler BrowseClicked
add { btnBrowse.Click += value; }
remove { btnBrowse.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ImportClicked
add { btnImport.Click += value; }
remove { btnImport.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ReportsClicked
add { btnReports.Click += value; }
remove { btnReports.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler TransferClicked
add { btnTransfer.Click += value; }
remove { btnTransfer.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler CloseClicked
add { btnClose.Click += value; }
remove { btnClose.Click -= value; }


public class ClientARepository : IClientARepository
private DataTable _excelImportTable;

public int GetBatchRef()
return SQLHelper.ExecuteScalarDapper<int>("SELECT MAX(BatchRef) + 1 FROM tblCase C WHERE ClientID IN (1234, 5678));

public void GetExcelContents(string filePath)
_excelImportTable = new DataTable().FromExcel(filePath, true);

public void TruncateImportTable()
SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("TRUNCATE TABLE tblUMImportClientA");

public void TransferFileToDatabase(int batchRef)
using (var cn = new SqlConnection(Settings.DBConnectionString))

var dtBCP = new DataTable();
var sqlImportTable = new DataTable();
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblUMImportClientA", cn);

adapter.FillSchema(dtBCP, SchemaType.Source);


using (var bc = new SqlBulkCopy(cn))
bc.DestinationTableName = "tblUMImportClientA";
bc.BatchSize = 500;

SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("prcUMClientAImportProcess", new { BatchRef = batchRef }, CommandType.StoredProcedure );


private void SetupImportTable(DataTable bcpTable)
foreach (DataColumn col in _excelImportTable.Columns)
col.ColumnName = bcpTable.Columns[col.Ordinal].ColumnName;

foreach (DataRow rawRow in _excelImportTable.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn rawCol in _excelImportTable.Columns)
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
rawRow[rawCol] = DBNull.Value;

DateTime date;
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length > 4 && !rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Contains(".") && DateTime.TryParse(rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim(), out date))
rawRow[rawCol] = date;

if (bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].DataType == typeof(string) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawRow[rawCol].ToString()) &&
rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Length > bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength)
rawRow[rawCol] = rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Substring(0, bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength);




public class ClientAImportPresenter
private IClientAImportView _view;
private IClientARepository _repository;

private DataTable _importFile;

public ClientAImportPresenter(IClientAImportView view, IClientARepository repository)
_view = view;
_repository = repository;


private void AssignEventHandlers()
_view.Load += OnLoad;
_view.CloseClicked += OnClose;
_view.BrowseClicked += OnBrowseClicked;
_view.ImportClicked += OnImportClicked;

private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
_view.BatchRef = _repository.GetBatchRef();

private void OnBrowseClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnImportClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs e)

share|improve this question


  • $begingroup$
    What’s the reasoning for the downvote? If people downvote without a comment how can we learn to ask better questions?
    – JammoD
    Mar 16 at 16:35





I am currently in the process of refactoring a monolithic Winforms MVP application to make it testable. I have decided to utilise the Winforms MVP Passive View pattern. After reading many blog posts including Mark Heath I wanted to ensure that my understanding is correct.

Any tips or guidance is greatly appreciated.


public interface IView
event EventHandler Load;
event EventHandler CloseClicked;

void CloseView();


 public interface IClientAImportView : IImportView, IView
int BatchRef { get;set; }

void SetGasTotal(int total);
void SetElectricTotal(int total);
void SetDualFuelTotal(int total);


public interface IImportView
string FilePath { get; set; }

event EventHandler BrowseClicked;
event EventHandler ReportsClicked;
event EventHandler ImportClicked;
event EventHandler TransferClicked;

void ShowFileDialog();


public partial class frmClientAImport : frmTemplate, IClientAImportView
public frmClientAImport()

public void ShowFileDialog()
FilePath = ofdFile.FileName;

public void CloseView()

public void SetGasTotal(int total)
lblGD.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetElectricTotal(int total)
lblED.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetDualFuelTotal(int total)
lblDFD.Text = total.ToString();

public int BatchRef
get { return int.Parse(txtBatchRef.Text); }
set { txtBatchRef.Text = value.ToString(); }

public string FilePath
get { return txtFilePath.Text; }
set { txtFilePath.Text = value; }

public event EventHandler BrowseClicked
add { btnBrowse.Click += value; }
remove { btnBrowse.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ImportClicked
add { btnImport.Click += value; }
remove { btnImport.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ReportsClicked
add { btnReports.Click += value; }
remove { btnReports.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler TransferClicked
add { btnTransfer.Click += value; }
remove { btnTransfer.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler CloseClicked
add { btnClose.Click += value; }
remove { btnClose.Click -= value; }


public class ClientARepository : IClientARepository
private DataTable _excelImportTable;

public int GetBatchRef()
return SQLHelper.ExecuteScalarDapper<int>("SELECT MAX(BatchRef) + 1 FROM tblCase C WHERE ClientID IN (1234, 5678));

public void GetExcelContents(string filePath)
_excelImportTable = new DataTable().FromExcel(filePath, true);

public void TruncateImportTable()
SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("TRUNCATE TABLE tblUMImportClientA");

public void TransferFileToDatabase(int batchRef)
using (var cn = new SqlConnection(Settings.DBConnectionString))

var dtBCP = new DataTable();
var sqlImportTable = new DataTable();
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblUMImportClientA", cn);

adapter.FillSchema(dtBCP, SchemaType.Source);


using (var bc = new SqlBulkCopy(cn))
bc.DestinationTableName = "tblUMImportClientA";
bc.BatchSize = 500;

SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("prcUMClientAImportProcess", new { BatchRef = batchRef }, CommandType.StoredProcedure );


private void SetupImportTable(DataTable bcpTable)
foreach (DataColumn col in _excelImportTable.Columns)
col.ColumnName = bcpTable.Columns[col.Ordinal].ColumnName;

foreach (DataRow rawRow in _excelImportTable.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn rawCol in _excelImportTable.Columns)
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
rawRow[rawCol] = DBNull.Value;

DateTime date;
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length > 4 && !rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Contains(".") && DateTime.TryParse(rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim(), out date))
rawRow[rawCol] = date;

if (bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].DataType == typeof(string) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawRow[rawCol].ToString()) &&
rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Length > bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength)
rawRow[rawCol] = rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Substring(0, bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength);




public class ClientAImportPresenter
private IClientAImportView _view;
private IClientARepository _repository;

private DataTable _importFile;

public ClientAImportPresenter(IClientAImportView view, IClientARepository repository)
_view = view;
_repository = repository;


private void AssignEventHandlers()
_view.Load += OnLoad;
_view.CloseClicked += OnClose;
_view.BrowseClicked += OnBrowseClicked;
_view.ImportClicked += OnImportClicked;

private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
_view.BatchRef = _repository.GetBatchRef();

private void OnBrowseClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnImportClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs e)

share|improve this question


I am currently in the process of refactoring a monolithic Winforms MVP application to make it testable. I have decided to utilise the Winforms MVP Passive View pattern. After reading many blog posts including Mark Heath I wanted to ensure that my understanding is correct.

Any tips or guidance is greatly appreciated.


public interface IView
event EventHandler Load;
event EventHandler CloseClicked;

void CloseView();


 public interface IClientAImportView : IImportView, IView
int BatchRef { get;set; }

void SetGasTotal(int total);
void SetElectricTotal(int total);
void SetDualFuelTotal(int total);


public interface IImportView
string FilePath { get; set; }

event EventHandler BrowseClicked;
event EventHandler ReportsClicked;
event EventHandler ImportClicked;
event EventHandler TransferClicked;

void ShowFileDialog();


public partial class frmClientAImport : frmTemplate, IClientAImportView
public frmClientAImport()

public void ShowFileDialog()
FilePath = ofdFile.FileName;

public void CloseView()

public void SetGasTotal(int total)
lblGD.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetElectricTotal(int total)
lblED.Text = total.ToString();

public void SetDualFuelTotal(int total)
lblDFD.Text = total.ToString();

public int BatchRef
get { return int.Parse(txtBatchRef.Text); }
set { txtBatchRef.Text = value.ToString(); }

public string FilePath
get { return txtFilePath.Text; }
set { txtFilePath.Text = value; }

public event EventHandler BrowseClicked
add { btnBrowse.Click += value; }
remove { btnBrowse.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ImportClicked
add { btnImport.Click += value; }
remove { btnImport.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler ReportsClicked
add { btnReports.Click += value; }
remove { btnReports.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler TransferClicked
add { btnTransfer.Click += value; }
remove { btnTransfer.Click -= value; }

public event EventHandler CloseClicked
add { btnClose.Click += value; }
remove { btnClose.Click -= value; }


public class ClientARepository : IClientARepository
private DataTable _excelImportTable;

public int GetBatchRef()
return SQLHelper.ExecuteScalarDapper<int>("SELECT MAX(BatchRef) + 1 FROM tblCase C WHERE ClientID IN (1234, 5678));

public void GetExcelContents(string filePath)
_excelImportTable = new DataTable().FromExcel(filePath, true);

public void TruncateImportTable()
SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("TRUNCATE TABLE tblUMImportClientA");

public void TransferFileToDatabase(int batchRef)
using (var cn = new SqlConnection(Settings.DBConnectionString))

var dtBCP = new DataTable();
var sqlImportTable = new DataTable();
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblUMImportClientA", cn);

adapter.FillSchema(dtBCP, SchemaType.Source);


using (var bc = new SqlBulkCopy(cn))
bc.DestinationTableName = "tblUMImportClientA";
bc.BatchSize = 500;

SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQueryDapper("prcUMClientAImportProcess", new { BatchRef = batchRef }, CommandType.StoredProcedure );


private void SetupImportTable(DataTable bcpTable)
foreach (DataColumn col in _excelImportTable.Columns)
col.ColumnName = bcpTable.Columns[col.Ordinal].ColumnName;

foreach (DataRow rawRow in _excelImportTable.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn rawCol in _excelImportTable.Columns)
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
rawRow[rawCol] = DBNull.Value;

DateTime date;
if (rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim().Length > 4 && !rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Contains(".") && DateTime.TryParse(rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Trim(), out date))
rawRow[rawCol] = date;

if (bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].DataType == typeof(string) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawRow[rawCol].ToString()) &&
rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Length > bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength)
rawRow[rawCol] = rawRow[rawCol].ToString().Substring(0, bcpTable.Columns[rawCol.Ordinal].MaxLength);




public class ClientAImportPresenter
private IClientAImportView _view;
private IClientARepository _repository;

private DataTable _importFile;

public ClientAImportPresenter(IClientAImportView view, IClientARepository repository)
_view = view;
_repository = repository;


private void AssignEventHandlers()
_view.Load += OnLoad;
_view.CloseClicked += OnClose;
_view.BrowseClicked += OnBrowseClicked;
_view.ImportClicked += OnImportClicked;

private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
_view.BatchRef = _repository.GetBatchRef();

private void OnBrowseClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnImportClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs e)

c# winforms mvp

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edited Mar 15 at 22:04


asked Mar 15 at 20:56




  • $begingroup$
    What’s the reasoning for the downvote? If people downvote without a comment how can we learn to ask better questions?
    – JammoD
    Mar 16 at 16:35

  • $begingroup$
    What’s the reasoning for the downvote? If people downvote without a comment how can we learn to ask better questions?
    – JammoD
    Mar 16 at 16:35

What’s the reasoning for the downvote? If people downvote without a comment how can we learn to ask better questions?
– JammoD
Mar 16 at 16:35

What’s the reasoning for the downvote? If people downvote without a comment how can we learn to ask better questions?
– JammoD
Mar 16 at 16:35





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