C++ thread_pool with heterogeneous work-queueType erasure and deferred function calls for any...
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C++ thread_pool with heterogeneous work-queue
Type erasure and deferred function calls for any functionParallelizing an algorithm with OpenMP using a dynamic work queueRun tasks in parallel using limited number of threadsJob queue with threadingLightweight asynchronous event library in C - Threadpool moduleNaive lock free work stealing queueWork stealing queueMinimalist dynamic task schedulerA simple lock-free queue for work stealingthread safe queue with interrupt function
.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;
I have read the book "C++ concurrency in action" and understood the thread_pool implementation. I have changed a few things according to my project requirements.
I have used std::variant
to support heterogeneous work-queue
to store different task arriving on a epoll-event
loop. Currently In my project I have only two different types of task arrive on the epoll loop. Those are TaskECB
and TaskRPCB
. I have created classes for both of them and overloaded the operator()
#define THREAD_POOL_SIZE 100
std::map<std::string,std::string> tidToTname;
template<typename T>
class threadSafeQueue {
mutable std::mutex mut;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<T>> taskQueue; /* task as pushed here and
task are processed in FIFO
style */
std::condition_variable dataCond; /* used to protect the queue */
void waitAndPop(T& value); /* wait untill task is not available in
the queue */
std::shared_ptr<T> waitAndPop();/* same but returns a shared pointer */
bool tryPop(T& value); /* does not block */
std::shared_ptr<T> tryPop(); /* does not block and returns a pointer*/
void Push(T newData);
bool Empty() const; /* check if queue is empty or not */
void notifyAllThreads(); /* notify all the waiting threads
used in Thpool decallocation */
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::notifyAllThreads() {
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop(T& value) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop(T& value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return false;
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
return true;
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return std::shared_ptr<T>(); /* return nullptr */
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return taskQueue.empty();
class TaskRPCB { /* Task RecvAndProcessCallbacks */
int len;
uint fdId;
int streamId;
void* msgBlob;
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func;
TaskRPCB(std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)>&f , void* msgBlob,int len,
uint fdId, int streamId) {
this->func = f;
this->msgBlob = msgBlob;
this->len = len;
this->fdId = fdId;
this->streamId = streamId;
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskRPCB function is executing...");
class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
std::function<void(void)> func;
TaskECB(std::function<void(void)>&f) : func(f) {}
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
class Thpool {
std::atomic_bool done;
threadSafeQueue<taskTypes> workQ;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
void workerThread() {
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
while(!done) {
auto task = workQ.waitAndPop();
if(task != nullptr and !done) {
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
Thpool(): done(false) {
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
printf("ThreadPool Size = %d",maxThreadCount);
/* save thread names for logging purpose */
std::vector<std::string> tnames;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
tnames.push_back("Thread_" + std::to_string(i+1));
try { /* exception might arise due to thread creation */
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
/*map this ith threadID to a name Thread_i*/
auto tid = threads[i].get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
}catch(...) {
done = true;
~Thpool() {
// done = true;
template<typename taskType>
void submit(taskType task) {
void deAllocatePool() {
done = true;
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;) {
if(threads[i].joinable()) {
i++; /* go for the next thread in the pool */
}else {
/*============== Thread Pool code ends ============== */
How I use this thread_pool
Thpool pool;
Following code will be inserted in required functions. I am showing for the TaskRPCB
type task only.
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func = NFVInstance->CallBackTable[channel];
/* create a task object : members of it :
- the callback function
- msgBlob
- len of the msgBlob
- some other ID
- stream ID on which this message was received
TaskRPCB task(func,msg,rc,fdd.id,streamId);
/* submit this task to the pool.
one of the waiting threads will pick this task
c++ multithreading c++17
add a comment |
I have read the book "C++ concurrency in action" and understood the thread_pool implementation. I have changed a few things according to my project requirements.
I have used std::variant
to support heterogeneous work-queue
to store different task arriving on a epoll-event
loop. Currently In my project I have only two different types of task arrive on the epoll loop. Those are TaskECB
and TaskRPCB
. I have created classes for both of them and overloaded the operator()
#define THREAD_POOL_SIZE 100
std::map<std::string,std::string> tidToTname;
template<typename T>
class threadSafeQueue {
mutable std::mutex mut;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<T>> taskQueue; /* task as pushed here and
task are processed in FIFO
style */
std::condition_variable dataCond; /* used to protect the queue */
void waitAndPop(T& value); /* wait untill task is not available in
the queue */
std::shared_ptr<T> waitAndPop();/* same but returns a shared pointer */
bool tryPop(T& value); /* does not block */
std::shared_ptr<T> tryPop(); /* does not block and returns a pointer*/
void Push(T newData);
bool Empty() const; /* check if queue is empty or not */
void notifyAllThreads(); /* notify all the waiting threads
used in Thpool decallocation */
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::notifyAllThreads() {
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop(T& value) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop(T& value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return false;
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
return true;
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return std::shared_ptr<T>(); /* return nullptr */
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return taskQueue.empty();
class TaskRPCB { /* Task RecvAndProcessCallbacks */
int len;
uint fdId;
int streamId;
void* msgBlob;
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func;
TaskRPCB(std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)>&f , void* msgBlob,int len,
uint fdId, int streamId) {
this->func = f;
this->msgBlob = msgBlob;
this->len = len;
this->fdId = fdId;
this->streamId = streamId;
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskRPCB function is executing...");
class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
std::function<void(void)> func;
TaskECB(std::function<void(void)>&f) : func(f) {}
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
class Thpool {
std::atomic_bool done;
threadSafeQueue<taskTypes> workQ;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
void workerThread() {
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
while(!done) {
auto task = workQ.waitAndPop();
if(task != nullptr and !done) {
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
Thpool(): done(false) {
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
printf("ThreadPool Size = %d",maxThreadCount);
/* save thread names for logging purpose */
std::vector<std::string> tnames;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
tnames.push_back("Thread_" + std::to_string(i+1));
try { /* exception might arise due to thread creation */
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
/*map this ith threadID to a name Thread_i*/
auto tid = threads[i].get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
}catch(...) {
done = true;
~Thpool() {
// done = true;
template<typename taskType>
void submit(taskType task) {
void deAllocatePool() {
done = true;
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;) {
if(threads[i].joinable()) {
i++; /* go for the next thread in the pool */
}else {
/*============== Thread Pool code ends ============== */
How I use this thread_pool
Thpool pool;
Following code will be inserted in required functions. I am showing for the TaskRPCB
type task only.
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func = NFVInstance->CallBackTable[channel];
/* create a task object : members of it :
- the callback function
- msgBlob
- len of the msgBlob
- some other ID
- stream ID on which this message was received
TaskRPCB task(func,msg,rc,fdd.id,streamId);
/* submit this task to the pool.
one of the waiting threads will pick this task
c++ multithreading c++17
sorry for mixing tags. I would like to have suggestions regarding thread pool implementation overall and the use of` std:: variant` ? is it ok ? or does it have some performance penalty?
– Debashish
Mar 29 at 12:43
I've edited tags to C++17 (sincestd::variant
requires that). I hope you get good reviews!
– Toby Speight
Mar 29 at 14:04
I hope you are running on some large hardware. The point os a thread pool is that you create a thread for each available processor (or very close to that) then each processor gets new work from the pool without having to switch threads (as that is a relatively expensive operation).
– Martin York
Apr 1 at 18:40
add a comment |
I have read the book "C++ concurrency in action" and understood the thread_pool implementation. I have changed a few things according to my project requirements.
I have used std::variant
to support heterogeneous work-queue
to store different task arriving on a epoll-event
loop. Currently In my project I have only two different types of task arrive on the epoll loop. Those are TaskECB
and TaskRPCB
. I have created classes for both of them and overloaded the operator()
#define THREAD_POOL_SIZE 100
std::map<std::string,std::string> tidToTname;
template<typename T>
class threadSafeQueue {
mutable std::mutex mut;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<T>> taskQueue; /* task as pushed here and
task are processed in FIFO
style */
std::condition_variable dataCond; /* used to protect the queue */
void waitAndPop(T& value); /* wait untill task is not available in
the queue */
std::shared_ptr<T> waitAndPop();/* same but returns a shared pointer */
bool tryPop(T& value); /* does not block */
std::shared_ptr<T> tryPop(); /* does not block and returns a pointer*/
void Push(T newData);
bool Empty() const; /* check if queue is empty or not */
void notifyAllThreads(); /* notify all the waiting threads
used in Thpool decallocation */
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::notifyAllThreads() {
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop(T& value) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop(T& value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return false;
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
return true;
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return std::shared_ptr<T>(); /* return nullptr */
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return taskQueue.empty();
class TaskRPCB { /* Task RecvAndProcessCallbacks */
int len;
uint fdId;
int streamId;
void* msgBlob;
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func;
TaskRPCB(std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)>&f , void* msgBlob,int len,
uint fdId, int streamId) {
this->func = f;
this->msgBlob = msgBlob;
this->len = len;
this->fdId = fdId;
this->streamId = streamId;
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskRPCB function is executing...");
class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
std::function<void(void)> func;
TaskECB(std::function<void(void)>&f) : func(f) {}
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
class Thpool {
std::atomic_bool done;
threadSafeQueue<taskTypes> workQ;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
void workerThread() {
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
while(!done) {
auto task = workQ.waitAndPop();
if(task != nullptr and !done) {
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
Thpool(): done(false) {
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
printf("ThreadPool Size = %d",maxThreadCount);
/* save thread names for logging purpose */
std::vector<std::string> tnames;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
tnames.push_back("Thread_" + std::to_string(i+1));
try { /* exception might arise due to thread creation */
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
/*map this ith threadID to a name Thread_i*/
auto tid = threads[i].get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
}catch(...) {
done = true;
~Thpool() {
// done = true;
template<typename taskType>
void submit(taskType task) {
void deAllocatePool() {
done = true;
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;) {
if(threads[i].joinable()) {
i++; /* go for the next thread in the pool */
}else {
/*============== Thread Pool code ends ============== */
How I use this thread_pool
Thpool pool;
Following code will be inserted in required functions. I am showing for the TaskRPCB
type task only.
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func = NFVInstance->CallBackTable[channel];
/* create a task object : members of it :
- the callback function
- msgBlob
- len of the msgBlob
- some other ID
- stream ID on which this message was received
TaskRPCB task(func,msg,rc,fdd.id,streamId);
/* submit this task to the pool.
one of the waiting threads will pick this task
c++ multithreading c++17
I have read the book "C++ concurrency in action" and understood the thread_pool implementation. I have changed a few things according to my project requirements.
I have used std::variant
to support heterogeneous work-queue
to store different task arriving on a epoll-event
loop. Currently In my project I have only two different types of task arrive on the epoll loop. Those are TaskECB
and TaskRPCB
. I have created classes for both of them and overloaded the operator()
#define THREAD_POOL_SIZE 100
std::map<std::string,std::string> tidToTname;
template<typename T>
class threadSafeQueue {
mutable std::mutex mut;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<T>> taskQueue; /* task as pushed here and
task are processed in FIFO
style */
std::condition_variable dataCond; /* used to protect the queue */
void waitAndPop(T& value); /* wait untill task is not available in
the queue */
std::shared_ptr<T> waitAndPop();/* same but returns a shared pointer */
bool tryPop(T& value); /* does not block */
std::shared_ptr<T> tryPop(); /* does not block and returns a pointer*/
void Push(T newData);
bool Empty() const; /* check if queue is empty or not */
void notifyAllThreads(); /* notify all the waiting threads
used in Thpool decallocation */
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::notifyAllThreads() {
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop(T& value) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::waitAndPop() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop(T& value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return false;
value = std::move(*taskQueue.front());
return true;
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> threadSafeQueue<T>::tryPop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return std::shared_ptr<T>(); /* return nullptr */
std::shared_ptr<T> res = taskQueue.front();
return res;
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
template<typename T>
bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
return taskQueue.empty();
class TaskRPCB { /* Task RecvAndProcessCallbacks */
int len;
uint fdId;
int streamId;
void* msgBlob;
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func;
TaskRPCB(std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)>&f , void* msgBlob,int len,
uint fdId, int streamId) {
this->func = f;
this->msgBlob = msgBlob;
this->len = len;
this->fdId = fdId;
this->streamId = streamId;
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskRPCB function is executing...");
class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
std::function<void(void)> func;
TaskECB(std::function<void(void)>&f) : func(f) {}
void operator()() {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
class Thpool {
std::atomic_bool done;
threadSafeQueue<taskTypes> workQ;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
void workerThread() {
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
while(!done) {
auto task = workQ.waitAndPop();
if(task != nullptr and !done) {
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
Thpool(): done(false) {
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
printf("ThreadPool Size = %d",maxThreadCount);
/* save thread names for logging purpose */
std::vector<std::string> tnames;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
tnames.push_back("Thread_" + std::to_string(i+1));
try { /* exception might arise due to thread creation */
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;i++) {
/*map this ith threadID to a name Thread_i*/
auto tid = threads[i].get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
}catch(...) {
done = true;
~Thpool() {
// done = true;
template<typename taskType>
void submit(taskType task) {
void deAllocatePool() {
done = true;
// unsigned const maxThreadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned const maxThreadCount = THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<maxThreadCount;) {
if(threads[i].joinable()) {
i++; /* go for the next thread in the pool */
}else {
/*============== Thread Pool code ends ============== */
How I use this thread_pool
Thpool pool;
Following code will be inserted in required functions. I am showing for the TaskRPCB
type task only.
std::function<void(void*,int,uint,int)> func = NFVInstance->CallBackTable[channel];
/* create a task object : members of it :
- the callback function
- msgBlob
- len of the msgBlob
- some other ID
- stream ID on which this message was received
TaskRPCB task(func,msg,rc,fdd.id,streamId);
/* submit this task to the pool.
one of the waiting threads will pick this task
c++ multithreading c++17
c++ multithreading c++17
edited Mar 29 at 14:44
asked Mar 29 at 10:30

sorry for mixing tags. I would like to have suggestions regarding thread pool implementation overall and the use of` std:: variant` ? is it ok ? or does it have some performance penalty?
– Debashish
Mar 29 at 12:43
I've edited tags to C++17 (sincestd::variant
requires that). I hope you get good reviews!
– Toby Speight
Mar 29 at 14:04
I hope you are running on some large hardware. The point os a thread pool is that you create a thread for each available processor (or very close to that) then each processor gets new work from the pool without having to switch threads (as that is a relatively expensive operation).
– Martin York
Apr 1 at 18:40
add a comment |
sorry for mixing tags. I would like to have suggestions regarding thread pool implementation overall and the use of` std:: variant` ? is it ok ? or does it have some performance penalty?
– Debashish
Mar 29 at 12:43
I've edited tags to C++17 (sincestd::variant
requires that). I hope you get good reviews!
– Toby Speight
Mar 29 at 14:04
I hope you are running on some large hardware. The point os a thread pool is that you create a thread for each available processor (or very close to that) then each processor gets new work from the pool without having to switch threads (as that is a relatively expensive operation).
– Martin York
Apr 1 at 18:40
sorry for mixing tags. I would like to have suggestions regarding thread pool implementation overall and the use of` std:: variant` ? is it ok ? or does it have some performance penalty?
– Debashish
Mar 29 at 12:43
sorry for mixing tags. I would like to have suggestions regarding thread pool implementation overall and the use of` std:: variant` ? is it ok ? or does it have some performance penalty?
– Debashish
Mar 29 at 12:43
I've edited tags to C++17 (since
requires that). I hope you get good reviews!$endgroup$
– Toby Speight
Mar 29 at 14:04
I've edited tags to C++17 (since
requires that). I hope you get good reviews!$endgroup$
– Toby Speight
Mar 29 at 14:04
I hope you are running on some large hardware. The point os a thread pool is that you create a thread for each available processor (or very close to that) then each processor gets new work from the pool without having to switch threads (as that is a relatively expensive operation).$endgroup$
– Martin York
Apr 1 at 18:40
I hope you are running on some large hardware. The point os a thread pool is that you create a thread for each available processor (or very close to that) then each processor gets new work from the pool without having to switch threads (as that is a relatively expensive operation).$endgroup$
– Martin York
Apr 1 at 18:40
add a comment |
2 Answers
Naming nits:
instead ofThreadSafeQueue
? You CamelCaps all your other class names. Why not this one?class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
is a very verbose way of writingclass TaskEventCallback {
. If you have to spell it out in a comment anyway, just spell it out in the code. Your readers will thank you.bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const
: Since you're diverging from the traditional STL naming convention anyway (Empty
is notempty
), I recommend prefixing boolean accessors withIs
, as in,myQueue.IsEmpty()
. This way you don't confuse it with the verb "to empty," as in, "this function empties the queue." Orthogonally, you might mark this function[[nodiscard]]
just to emphasize that it has no side effects.deAllocatePool()
would more traditionally be spelleddeallocatePool()
. "Deallocate" is a single word in English.
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Personally, I would simplify this to
template<class T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Notice the use of =
for initialization — it helps distinguish bool foo(int)
from bool foo(true)
, and helps readability in general. I also put a std::move
on the push, so that we're not unnecessarily copying the shared_ptr
and incurring an extra atomic increment and decrement of the refcount. (No big deal.) Notice that we are still incurring an extra call to T
's move-constructor; we might want to take T
by reference here, in which case we might want two versions — one that takes const T&
and one that takes T&&
In fact, we might want to cut out the middleman entirely:
template<class T>
template<class... Args>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Emplace(Args&&... args) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
You're missing a std::
there. Also, isn't it weird to have a single type named taskTypes
(plural)? When I see the name "taskTypes", I expect to see multiple types — like a parameter pack or something. Here I think this type alias wants to be just a taskType
or taskVariant
, singular.
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
Yuck. In an ideal world, std::to_string(std::this_thread::get_id())
would Do The Right Thing; but we don't live in an ideal world.
However, why are you using std::string
as your map key, anyway? Why not just define
std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> tidToTname;
and skip the expensive stringification?
Then, instead of
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
you would write simply
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname.at(tid).c_str());
(notice that we no longer risk modifying tidToTname
accidentally!), and instead of
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
you'd write simply
tidToTname.insert_or_assign(tid, tnames[i]);
(Still beware: using emplace
instead of insert_or_assign
will still compile, but it will do the wrong thing if the key is already present! The STL's map
is a very tricky beast. You have to be careful with it.)
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
First of all, (*task).index()
is traditionally spelled task->index()
, and I strongly recommend that you do so. Nested parentheses make things hard to read. That's why the ->
operator was added to C back in the '70s! (Probably late '60s, actually. Maybe earlier.)
Second, this is not a typical way to interact with std::variant
. The library really intends you to interact with it like this:
std::visit([](auto& callback) {
}, *task);
If you want to preserve your inefficient copying, just change auto&
to auto
Really, IMO, it should be const auto&
; but in order to make that work, you'll have to make your callback
types const-callable. Right now their operator()
s are non-const member functions:
void operator()() /* NO CONST HERE -- INTENTIONAL? */ {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
If you're allergic to visit
— which you shouldn't be! — but if you are, then a slightly more idiomatic way to write your chain of if
s would be
if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskECB>(task.get())) {
} else if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskRPCB>(task.get())) {
Having to use task.get()
to get a raw pointer, instead of just task
or *task
, definitely isn't ideal API design on the STL's part. But again, the ideal solution is to just use std::visit
! You should use std::visit
I didn't check the multithreading parts. Odds are, there are bugs. Multithreaded code always has at least one bug. :)
add a comment |
Some additions to the review from @Quuxpluson.
With regard to threadsafety, i'd be concerned that you are not calling deAllocatePool
in the destructor. It's undefined behavior to call a destructor on std::mutex
when the mutex is locked. It is also a bad thing to call the destructor on std::thread
when it is considered joinable
. Both of these may happen if you destruct your threadpool without clearing out the work queue.
Looking further at your deAllocatePool
, I think that you could get into cases where you can't end a thread. You are setting done
but if the queue is empty, the thread could be waiting in waitAndPop()
. While the notifyAllThreads
will cause it to wake the lambda expression that you are using in your wait
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
would immediately go back into a wait state after awoken. If you manage to call join()
on this kind of thread your deallocatePool
would hang. I think is that checking for an abort condition inside the wait would mitigate that. If this hasn't happened yet there could be a variety of issues, i could be wrong, your use pattern has prevented this, or just pure coincidence ...
Both of your task types could be reduced to a functor with the type std::function<void(void)>
. You could use either lambdas or std::bind
to enclose the state information, this would reduce the complexity inside your threadpool.
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2 Answers
2 Answers
Naming nits:
instead ofThreadSafeQueue
? You CamelCaps all your other class names. Why not this one?class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
is a very verbose way of writingclass TaskEventCallback {
. If you have to spell it out in a comment anyway, just spell it out in the code. Your readers will thank you.bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const
: Since you're diverging from the traditional STL naming convention anyway (Empty
is notempty
), I recommend prefixing boolean accessors withIs
, as in,myQueue.IsEmpty()
. This way you don't confuse it with the verb "to empty," as in, "this function empties the queue." Orthogonally, you might mark this function[[nodiscard]]
just to emphasize that it has no side effects.deAllocatePool()
would more traditionally be spelleddeallocatePool()
. "Deallocate" is a single word in English.
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Personally, I would simplify this to
template<class T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Notice the use of =
for initialization — it helps distinguish bool foo(int)
from bool foo(true)
, and helps readability in general. I also put a std::move
on the push, so that we're not unnecessarily copying the shared_ptr
and incurring an extra atomic increment and decrement of the refcount. (No big deal.) Notice that we are still incurring an extra call to T
's move-constructor; we might want to take T
by reference here, in which case we might want two versions — one that takes const T&
and one that takes T&&
In fact, we might want to cut out the middleman entirely:
template<class T>
template<class... Args>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Emplace(Args&&... args) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
You're missing a std::
there. Also, isn't it weird to have a single type named taskTypes
(plural)? When I see the name "taskTypes", I expect to see multiple types — like a parameter pack or something. Here I think this type alias wants to be just a taskType
or taskVariant
, singular.
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
Yuck. In an ideal world, std::to_string(std::this_thread::get_id())
would Do The Right Thing; but we don't live in an ideal world.
However, why are you using std::string
as your map key, anyway? Why not just define
std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> tidToTname;
and skip the expensive stringification?
Then, instead of
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
you would write simply
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname.at(tid).c_str());
(notice that we no longer risk modifying tidToTname
accidentally!), and instead of
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
you'd write simply
tidToTname.insert_or_assign(tid, tnames[i]);
(Still beware: using emplace
instead of insert_or_assign
will still compile, but it will do the wrong thing if the key is already present! The STL's map
is a very tricky beast. You have to be careful with it.)
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
First of all, (*task).index()
is traditionally spelled task->index()
, and I strongly recommend that you do so. Nested parentheses make things hard to read. That's why the ->
operator was added to C back in the '70s! (Probably late '60s, actually. Maybe earlier.)
Second, this is not a typical way to interact with std::variant
. The library really intends you to interact with it like this:
std::visit([](auto& callback) {
}, *task);
If you want to preserve your inefficient copying, just change auto&
to auto
Really, IMO, it should be const auto&
; but in order to make that work, you'll have to make your callback
types const-callable. Right now their operator()
s are non-const member functions:
void operator()() /* NO CONST HERE -- INTENTIONAL? */ {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
If you're allergic to visit
— which you shouldn't be! — but if you are, then a slightly more idiomatic way to write your chain of if
s would be
if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskECB>(task.get())) {
} else if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskRPCB>(task.get())) {
Having to use task.get()
to get a raw pointer, instead of just task
or *task
, definitely isn't ideal API design on the STL's part. But again, the ideal solution is to just use std::visit
! You should use std::visit
I didn't check the multithreading parts. Odds are, there are bugs. Multithreaded code always has at least one bug. :)
add a comment |
Naming nits:
instead ofThreadSafeQueue
? You CamelCaps all your other class names. Why not this one?class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
is a very verbose way of writingclass TaskEventCallback {
. If you have to spell it out in a comment anyway, just spell it out in the code. Your readers will thank you.bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const
: Since you're diverging from the traditional STL naming convention anyway (Empty
is notempty
), I recommend prefixing boolean accessors withIs
, as in,myQueue.IsEmpty()
. This way you don't confuse it with the verb "to empty," as in, "this function empties the queue." Orthogonally, you might mark this function[[nodiscard]]
just to emphasize that it has no side effects.deAllocatePool()
would more traditionally be spelleddeallocatePool()
. "Deallocate" is a single word in English.
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Personally, I would simplify this to
template<class T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Notice the use of =
for initialization — it helps distinguish bool foo(int)
from bool foo(true)
, and helps readability in general. I also put a std::move
on the push, so that we're not unnecessarily copying the shared_ptr
and incurring an extra atomic increment and decrement of the refcount. (No big deal.) Notice that we are still incurring an extra call to T
's move-constructor; we might want to take T
by reference here, in which case we might want two versions — one that takes const T&
and one that takes T&&
In fact, we might want to cut out the middleman entirely:
template<class T>
template<class... Args>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Emplace(Args&&... args) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
You're missing a std::
there. Also, isn't it weird to have a single type named taskTypes
(plural)? When I see the name "taskTypes", I expect to see multiple types — like a parameter pack or something. Here I think this type alias wants to be just a taskType
or taskVariant
, singular.
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
Yuck. In an ideal world, std::to_string(std::this_thread::get_id())
would Do The Right Thing; but we don't live in an ideal world.
However, why are you using std::string
as your map key, anyway? Why not just define
std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> tidToTname;
and skip the expensive stringification?
Then, instead of
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
you would write simply
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname.at(tid).c_str());
(notice that we no longer risk modifying tidToTname
accidentally!), and instead of
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
you'd write simply
tidToTname.insert_or_assign(tid, tnames[i]);
(Still beware: using emplace
instead of insert_or_assign
will still compile, but it will do the wrong thing if the key is already present! The STL's map
is a very tricky beast. You have to be careful with it.)
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
First of all, (*task).index()
is traditionally spelled task->index()
, and I strongly recommend that you do so. Nested parentheses make things hard to read. That's why the ->
operator was added to C back in the '70s! (Probably late '60s, actually. Maybe earlier.)
Second, this is not a typical way to interact with std::variant
. The library really intends you to interact with it like this:
std::visit([](auto& callback) {
}, *task);
If you want to preserve your inefficient copying, just change auto&
to auto
Really, IMO, it should be const auto&
; but in order to make that work, you'll have to make your callback
types const-callable. Right now their operator()
s are non-const member functions:
void operator()() /* NO CONST HERE -- INTENTIONAL? */ {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
If you're allergic to visit
— which you shouldn't be! — but if you are, then a slightly more idiomatic way to write your chain of if
s would be
if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskECB>(task.get())) {
} else if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskRPCB>(task.get())) {
Having to use task.get()
to get a raw pointer, instead of just task
or *task
, definitely isn't ideal API design on the STL's part. But again, the ideal solution is to just use std::visit
! You should use std::visit
I didn't check the multithreading parts. Odds are, there are bugs. Multithreaded code always has at least one bug. :)
add a comment |
Naming nits:
instead ofThreadSafeQueue
? You CamelCaps all your other class names. Why not this one?class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
is a very verbose way of writingclass TaskEventCallback {
. If you have to spell it out in a comment anyway, just spell it out in the code. Your readers will thank you.bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const
: Since you're diverging from the traditional STL naming convention anyway (Empty
is notempty
), I recommend prefixing boolean accessors withIs
, as in,myQueue.IsEmpty()
. This way you don't confuse it with the verb "to empty," as in, "this function empties the queue." Orthogonally, you might mark this function[[nodiscard]]
just to emphasize that it has no side effects.deAllocatePool()
would more traditionally be spelleddeallocatePool()
. "Deallocate" is a single word in English.
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Personally, I would simplify this to
template<class T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Notice the use of =
for initialization — it helps distinguish bool foo(int)
from bool foo(true)
, and helps readability in general. I also put a std::move
on the push, so that we're not unnecessarily copying the shared_ptr
and incurring an extra atomic increment and decrement of the refcount. (No big deal.) Notice that we are still incurring an extra call to T
's move-constructor; we might want to take T
by reference here, in which case we might want two versions — one that takes const T&
and one that takes T&&
In fact, we might want to cut out the middleman entirely:
template<class T>
template<class... Args>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Emplace(Args&&... args) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
You're missing a std::
there. Also, isn't it weird to have a single type named taskTypes
(plural)? When I see the name "taskTypes", I expect to see multiple types — like a parameter pack or something. Here I think this type alias wants to be just a taskType
or taskVariant
, singular.
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
Yuck. In an ideal world, std::to_string(std::this_thread::get_id())
would Do The Right Thing; but we don't live in an ideal world.
However, why are you using std::string
as your map key, anyway? Why not just define
std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> tidToTname;
and skip the expensive stringification?
Then, instead of
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
you would write simply
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname.at(tid).c_str());
(notice that we no longer risk modifying tidToTname
accidentally!), and instead of
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
you'd write simply
tidToTname.insert_or_assign(tid, tnames[i]);
(Still beware: using emplace
instead of insert_or_assign
will still compile, but it will do the wrong thing if the key is already present! The STL's map
is a very tricky beast. You have to be careful with it.)
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
First of all, (*task).index()
is traditionally spelled task->index()
, and I strongly recommend that you do so. Nested parentheses make things hard to read. That's why the ->
operator was added to C back in the '70s! (Probably late '60s, actually. Maybe earlier.)
Second, this is not a typical way to interact with std::variant
. The library really intends you to interact with it like this:
std::visit([](auto& callback) {
}, *task);
If you want to preserve your inefficient copying, just change auto&
to auto
Really, IMO, it should be const auto&
; but in order to make that work, you'll have to make your callback
types const-callable. Right now their operator()
s are non-const member functions:
void operator()() /* NO CONST HERE -- INTENTIONAL? */ {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
If you're allergic to visit
— which you shouldn't be! — but if you are, then a slightly more idiomatic way to write your chain of if
s would be
if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskECB>(task.get())) {
} else if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskRPCB>(task.get())) {
Having to use task.get()
to get a raw pointer, instead of just task
or *task
, definitely isn't ideal API design on the STL's part. But again, the ideal solution is to just use std::visit
! You should use std::visit
I didn't check the multithreading parts. Odds are, there are bugs. Multithreaded code always has at least one bug. :)
Naming nits:
instead ofThreadSafeQueue
? You CamelCaps all your other class names. Why not this one?class TaskECB { /* Task eventCallBack */
is a very verbose way of writingclass TaskEventCallback {
. If you have to spell it out in a comment anyway, just spell it out in the code. Your readers will thank you.bool threadSafeQueue<T>::Empty() const
: Since you're diverging from the traditional STL naming convention anyway (Empty
is notempty
), I recommend prefixing boolean accessors withIs
, as in,myQueue.IsEmpty()
. This way you don't confuse it with the verb "to empty," as in, "this function empties the queue." Orthogonally, you might mark this function[[nodiscard]]
just to emphasize that it has no side effects.deAllocatePool()
would more traditionally be spelleddeallocatePool()
. "Deallocate" is a single word in English.
template<typename T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check before pushing */
std::shared_ptr<T> data(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData)));
/* construct the object before lock*/
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Personally, I would simplify this to
template<class T>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Push(T newData) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::move(newData));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
Notice the use of =
for initialization — it helps distinguish bool foo(int)
from bool foo(true)
, and helps readability in general. I also put a std::move
on the push, so that we're not unnecessarily copying the shared_ptr
and incurring an extra atomic increment and decrement of the refcount. (No big deal.) Notice that we are still incurring an extra call to T
's move-constructor; we might want to take T
by reference here, in which case we might want two versions — one that takes const T&
and one that takes T&&
In fact, we might want to cut out the middleman entirely:
template<class T>
template<class... Args>
void threadSafeQueue<T>::Emplace(Args&&... args) { /* TODO: size check */
auto data = std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);
typedef variant<TaskECB,TaskRPCB> taskTypes;
You're missing a std::
there. Also, isn't it weird to have a single type named taskTypes
(plural)? When I see the name "taskTypes", I expect to see multiple types — like a parameter pack or something. Here I think this type alias wants to be just a taskType
or taskVariant
, singular.
auto tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << tid;
std::string s = ss.str();
Yuck. In an ideal world, std::to_string(std::this_thread::get_id())
would Do The Right Thing; but we don't live in an ideal world.
However, why are you using std::string
as your map key, anyway? Why not just define
std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> tidToTname;
and skip the expensive stringification?
Then, instead of
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname[s].c_str());
you would write simply
printf("%s is executing now : ",tidToTname.at(tid).c_str());
(notice that we no longer risk modifying tidToTname
accidentally!), and instead of
tidToTname[ss.str()] = tnames[i];
you'd write simply
tidToTname.insert_or_assign(tid, tnames[i]);
(Still beware: using emplace
instead of insert_or_assign
will still compile, but it will do the wrong thing if the key is already present! The STL's map
is a very tricky beast. You have to be careful with it.)
if((*task).index() == 0) { // TODO: change 0 and 1 to enums
auto func = get<TaskECB>(*task);
}else if((*task).index() == 1) {
auto func = get<TaskRPCB>(*task);
First of all, (*task).index()
is traditionally spelled task->index()
, and I strongly recommend that you do so. Nested parentheses make things hard to read. That's why the ->
operator was added to C back in the '70s! (Probably late '60s, actually. Maybe earlier.)
Second, this is not a typical way to interact with std::variant
. The library really intends you to interact with it like this:
std::visit([](auto& callback) {
}, *task);
If you want to preserve your inefficient copying, just change auto&
to auto
Really, IMO, it should be const auto&
; but in order to make that work, you'll have to make your callback
types const-callable. Right now their operator()
s are non-const member functions:
void operator()() /* NO CONST HERE -- INTENTIONAL? */ {
higLog("%s","TaskECB function is executing...");
If you're allergic to visit
— which you shouldn't be! — but if you are, then a slightly more idiomatic way to write your chain of if
s would be
if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskECB>(task.get())) {
} else if (auto *func = std::get_if<TaskRPCB>(task.get())) {
Having to use task.get()
to get a raw pointer, instead of just task
or *task
, definitely isn't ideal API design on the STL's part. But again, the ideal solution is to just use std::visit
! You should use std::visit
I didn't check the multithreading parts. Odds are, there are bugs. Multithreaded code always has at least one bug. :)
answered Apr 1 at 19:53
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Some additions to the review from @Quuxpluson.
With regard to threadsafety, i'd be concerned that you are not calling deAllocatePool
in the destructor. It's undefined behavior to call a destructor on std::mutex
when the mutex is locked. It is also a bad thing to call the destructor on std::thread
when it is considered joinable
. Both of these may happen if you destruct your threadpool without clearing out the work queue.
Looking further at your deAllocatePool
, I think that you could get into cases where you can't end a thread. You are setting done
but if the queue is empty, the thread could be waiting in waitAndPop()
. While the notifyAllThreads
will cause it to wake the lambda expression that you are using in your wait
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
would immediately go back into a wait state after awoken. If you manage to call join()
on this kind of thread your deallocatePool
would hang. I think is that checking for an abort condition inside the wait would mitigate that. If this hasn't happened yet there could be a variety of issues, i could be wrong, your use pattern has prevented this, or just pure coincidence ...
Both of your task types could be reduced to a functor with the type std::function<void(void)>
. You could use either lambdas or std::bind
to enclose the state information, this would reduce the complexity inside your threadpool.
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Some additions to the review from @Quuxpluson.
With regard to threadsafety, i'd be concerned that you are not calling deAllocatePool
in the destructor. It's undefined behavior to call a destructor on std::mutex
when the mutex is locked. It is also a bad thing to call the destructor on std::thread
when it is considered joinable
. Both of these may happen if you destruct your threadpool without clearing out the work queue.
Looking further at your deAllocatePool
, I think that you could get into cases where you can't end a thread. You are setting done
but if the queue is empty, the thread could be waiting in waitAndPop()
. While the notifyAllThreads
will cause it to wake the lambda expression that you are using in your wait
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
would immediately go back into a wait state after awoken. If you manage to call join()
on this kind of thread your deallocatePool
would hang. I think is that checking for an abort condition inside the wait would mitigate that. If this hasn't happened yet there could be a variety of issues, i could be wrong, your use pattern has prevented this, or just pure coincidence ...
Both of your task types could be reduced to a functor with the type std::function<void(void)>
. You could use either lambdas or std::bind
to enclose the state information, this would reduce the complexity inside your threadpool.
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Some additions to the review from @Quuxpluson.
With regard to threadsafety, i'd be concerned that you are not calling deAllocatePool
in the destructor. It's undefined behavior to call a destructor on std::mutex
when the mutex is locked. It is also a bad thing to call the destructor on std::thread
when it is considered joinable
. Both of these may happen if you destruct your threadpool without clearing out the work queue.
Looking further at your deAllocatePool
, I think that you could get into cases where you can't end a thread. You are setting done
but if the queue is empty, the thread could be waiting in waitAndPop()
. While the notifyAllThreads
will cause it to wake the lambda expression that you are using in your wait
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
would immediately go back into a wait state after awoken. If you manage to call join()
on this kind of thread your deallocatePool
would hang. I think is that checking for an abort condition inside the wait would mitigate that. If this hasn't happened yet there could be a variety of issues, i could be wrong, your use pattern has prevented this, or just pure coincidence ...
Both of your task types could be reduced to a functor with the type std::function<void(void)>
. You could use either lambdas or std::bind
to enclose the state information, this would reduce the complexity inside your threadpool.
Some additions to the review from @Quuxpluson.
With regard to threadsafety, i'd be concerned that you are not calling deAllocatePool
in the destructor. It's undefined behavior to call a destructor on std::mutex
when the mutex is locked. It is also a bad thing to call the destructor on std::thread
when it is considered joinable
. Both of these may happen if you destruct your threadpool without clearing out the work queue.
Looking further at your deAllocatePool
, I think that you could get into cases where you can't end a thread. You are setting done
but if the queue is empty, the thread could be waiting in waitAndPop()
. While the notifyAllThreads
will cause it to wake the lambda expression that you are using in your wait
dataCond.wait(lk,[this](){return !taskQueue.empty();});
would immediately go back into a wait state after awoken. If you manage to call join()
on this kind of thread your deallocatePool
would hang. I think is that checking for an abort condition inside the wait would mitigate that. If this hasn't happened yet there could be a variety of issues, i could be wrong, your use pattern has prevented this, or just pure coincidence ...
Both of your task types could be reduced to a functor with the type std::function<void(void)>
. You could use either lambdas or std::bind
to enclose the state information, this would reduce the complexity inside your threadpool.
answered Apr 1 at 21:00
Harald ScheirichHarald Scheirich
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sorry for mixing tags. I would like to have suggestions regarding thread pool implementation overall and the use of` std:: variant` ? is it ok ? or does it have some performance penalty?
– Debashish
Mar 29 at 12:43
I've edited tags to C++17 (since
requires that). I hope you get good reviews!$endgroup$
– Toby Speight
Mar 29 at 14:04
I hope you are running on some large hardware. The point os a thread pool is that you create a thread for each available processor (or very close to that) then each processor gets new work from the pool without having to switch threads (as that is a relatively expensive operation).$endgroup$
– Martin York
Apr 1 at 18:40