Linked list implementation along with unit testLinked list implementation along with unit test - Round...

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Linked list implementation along with unit test

Linked list implementation along with unit test - Round 2Writing to a newly created file, with support for unit testingAll your bases are belong to DijkstraInsert a Node at the Tail of a Linked ListConverting a 2D Array into a 2D Linked ListDoubly-linked list implementation in Python with unit-testsC++11 Singly Linked List with raw pointersPersistent List with constexpr and pointersLinked List using templates and smart pointersLeetcode #146. LRUCache solution in Java (Doubly Linked List + HashMap)Linked list implementation along with unit test - Round 2

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I've already made all the changes suggested here. Here is the link for round 2: Linked list implementation along with unit test [Round 2]

I want to see how other people think of my code, so here it goes. This is my first time writing a unit test. I'm wondering if there needs to be more tests for the LinkedList class and also if I'm writing them correctly.

I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later.

namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
public class Node<T>
public T Data { get; set; }
public Node<T> Next { get; set; }
public Node<T> Previous { get; set; }

public Node() { }

public Node(T t)
Data = t;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
public class LinkedList<T>
public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
Head = node;
Tail = node;

public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
toAdd.Next = Head;
Head = toAdd;

public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
Tail.Next = toAdd;
Tail = toAdd;

public void RemoveFirst()
Head = Head.Next;

public void RemoveLast()
var pointer = Head;
while (pointer.Next != Tail)
pointer = pointer.Next;
// pointer is now before Tail
Tail = pointer;
Tail.Next = null;

public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
var pointer = Head;
while (pointer != null)
yield return pointer;
pointer = pointer.Next;

Unit Test

using System;
using Xunit;

using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures.Tests
public class LinkedListTest
public void AddToFirst_Node_Should_Become_Head()
// Arrange
var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(45));

// Act
var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(67);

// Assert
var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);
Assert.Equal(45, theNode.Next.Data);

public void AddToLast_Node_Should_Become_Tail()
// Arrange
var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(35));

// Act
var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(14);

// Assert
var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);

public void RemoveFirst_Next_Node_Should_Be_Head()
// Arrange
var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

// Act

// Assert
var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node1);
Assert.Equal(node1, myLinkedList.Head);

public void RemoveLast_Next_Node_Should_Be_Tail()
// Arrange
var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

// Act

// Assert
var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node2);
Assert.Equal(node2, myLinkedList.Tail);

public static Node<T> GetNodeFromList<T>(LinkedList<T> someLinkedList, Node<T> someNode) where T : struct
using (var itr = someLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
while (itr.Current != someNode)
return itr.Current;


using System;
using System.Collections;

using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.Presentation.Console
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

static void RunNode()
System.Console.WriteLine("Running the Node class");
var myNode = new Node<int>(32);

static void RunLinkedList()
System.Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(99));
myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(56));
myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(23));
myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(33));
myLinkedList.AddToLast(new Node<int>(8888));
System.Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head.Data);
System.Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail.Data);

using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())


share|improve this question




    I've already made all the changes suggested here. Here is the link for round 2: Linked list implementation along with unit test [Round 2]

    I want to see how other people think of my code, so here it goes. This is my first time writing a unit test. I'm wondering if there needs to be more tests for the LinkedList class and also if I'm writing them correctly.

    I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later.

    namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
    public class Node<T>
    public T Data { get; set; }
    public Node<T> Next { get; set; }
    public Node<T> Previous { get; set; }

    public Node() { }

    public Node(T t)
    Data = t;


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
    public class LinkedList<T>
    public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
    public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

    public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
    Head = node;
    Tail = node;

    public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
    toAdd.Next = Head;
    Head = toAdd;

    public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
    Tail.Next = toAdd;
    Tail = toAdd;

    public void RemoveFirst()
    Head = Head.Next;

    public void RemoveLast()
    var pointer = Head;
    while (pointer.Next != Tail)
    pointer = pointer.Next;
    // pointer is now before Tail
    Tail = pointer;
    Tail.Next = null;

    public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
    var pointer = Head;
    while (pointer != null)
    yield return pointer;
    pointer = pointer.Next;

    Unit Test

    using System;
    using Xunit;

    using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

    namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures.Tests
    public class LinkedListTest
    public void AddToFirst_Node_Should_Become_Head()
    // Arrange
    var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(45));

    // Act
    var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(67);

    // Assert
    var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
    Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);
    Assert.Equal(45, theNode.Next.Data);

    public void AddToLast_Node_Should_Become_Tail()
    // Arrange
    var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(35));

    // Act
    var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(14);

    // Assert
    var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
    Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);

    public void RemoveFirst_Next_Node_Should_Be_Head()
    // Arrange
    var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

    var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

    var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

    var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

    // Act

    // Assert
    var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node1);
    Assert.Equal(node1, myLinkedList.Head);

    public void RemoveLast_Next_Node_Should_Be_Tail()
    // Arrange
    var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

    var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

    var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

    var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

    // Act

    // Assert
    var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node2);
    Assert.Equal(node2, myLinkedList.Tail);

    public static Node<T> GetNodeFromList<T>(LinkedList<T> someLinkedList, Node<T> someNode) where T : struct
    using (var itr = someLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
    while (itr.Current != someNode)
    return itr.Current;


    using System;
    using System.Collections;

    using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

    namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.Presentation.Console
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    static void RunNode()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Running the Node class");
    var myNode = new Node<int>(32);

    static void RunLinkedList()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
    var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(99));
    myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(56));
    myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(23));
    myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(33));
    myLinkedList.AddToLast(new Node<int>(8888));
    System.Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head.Data);
    System.Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail.Data);

    using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
    while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())


    share|improve this question






      I've already made all the changes suggested here. Here is the link for round 2: Linked list implementation along with unit test [Round 2]

      I want to see how other people think of my code, so here it goes. This is my first time writing a unit test. I'm wondering if there needs to be more tests for the LinkedList class and also if I'm writing them correctly.

      I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later.

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
      public class Node<T>
      public T Data { get; set; }
      public Node<T> Next { get; set; }
      public Node<T> Previous { get; set; }

      public Node() { }

      public Node(T t)
      Data = t;


      using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
      public class LinkedList<T>
      public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
      public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

      public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
      Head = node;
      Tail = node;

      public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
      toAdd.Next = Head;
      Head = toAdd;

      public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
      Tail.Next = toAdd;
      Tail = toAdd;

      public void RemoveFirst()
      Head = Head.Next;

      public void RemoveLast()
      var pointer = Head;
      while (pointer.Next != Tail)
      pointer = pointer.Next;
      // pointer is now before Tail
      Tail = pointer;
      Tail.Next = null;

      public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
      var pointer = Head;
      while (pointer != null)
      yield return pointer;
      pointer = pointer.Next;

      Unit Test

      using System;
      using Xunit;

      using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures.Tests
      public class LinkedListTest
      public void AddToFirst_Node_Should_Become_Head()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(45));

      // Act
      var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(67);

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
      Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);
      Assert.Equal(45, theNode.Next.Data);

      public void AddToLast_Node_Should_Become_Tail()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(35));

      // Act
      var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(14);

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
      Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);

      public void RemoveFirst_Next_Node_Should_Be_Head()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

      var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

      var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

      var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

      // Act

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node1);
      Assert.Equal(node1, myLinkedList.Head);

      public void RemoveLast_Next_Node_Should_Be_Tail()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

      var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

      var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

      var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

      // Act

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node2);
      Assert.Equal(node2, myLinkedList.Tail);

      public static Node<T> GetNodeFromList<T>(LinkedList<T> someLinkedList, Node<T> someNode) where T : struct
      using (var itr = someLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
      while (itr.Current != someNode)
      return itr.Current;


      using System;
      using System.Collections;

      using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.Presentation.Console
      class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)

      static void RunNode()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Running the Node class");
      var myNode = new Node<int>(32);

      static void RunLinkedList()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(99));
      myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(56));
      myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(23));
      myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(33));
      myLinkedList.AddToLast(new Node<int>(8888));
      System.Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head.Data);
      System.Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail.Data);

      using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
      while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())


      share|improve this question


      I've already made all the changes suggested here. Here is the link for round 2: Linked list implementation along with unit test [Round 2]

      I want to see how other people think of my code, so here it goes. This is my first time writing a unit test. I'm wondering if there needs to be more tests for the LinkedList class and also if I'm writing them correctly.

      I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later.

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
      public class Node<T>
      public T Data { get; set; }
      public Node<T> Next { get; set; }
      public Node<T> Previous { get; set; }

      public Node() { }

      public Node(T t)
      Data = t;


      using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures
      public class LinkedList<T>
      public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
      public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

      public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
      Head = node;
      Tail = node;

      public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
      toAdd.Next = Head;
      Head = toAdd;

      public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
      Tail.Next = toAdd;
      Tail = toAdd;

      public void RemoveFirst()
      Head = Head.Next;

      public void RemoveLast()
      var pointer = Head;
      while (pointer.Next != Tail)
      pointer = pointer.Next;
      // pointer is now before Tail
      Tail = pointer;
      Tail.Next = null;

      public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
      var pointer = Head;
      while (pointer != null)
      yield return pointer;
      pointer = pointer.Next;

      Unit Test

      using System;
      using Xunit;

      using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures.Tests
      public class LinkedListTest
      public void AddToFirst_Node_Should_Become_Head()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(45));

      // Act
      var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(67);

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
      Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);
      Assert.Equal(45, theNode.Next.Data);

      public void AddToLast_Node_Should_Become_Tail()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(35));

      // Act
      var nodeToAdd = new Node<int>(14);

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, nodeToAdd);
      Assert.Equal(nodeToAdd, theNode);

      public void RemoveFirst_Next_Node_Should_Be_Head()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

      var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

      var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

      var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

      // Act

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node1);
      Assert.Equal(node1, myLinkedList.Head);

      public void RemoveLast_Next_Node_Should_Be_Tail()
      // Arrange
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(777));

      var node1 = new Node<int>(1);

      var node2 = new Node<int>(2);

      var node3 = new Node<int>(3);

      // Act

      // Assert
      var theNode = GetNodeFromList<int>(myLinkedList, node2);
      Assert.Equal(node2, myLinkedList.Tail);

      public static Node<T> GetNodeFromList<T>(LinkedList<T> someLinkedList, Node<T> someNode) where T : struct
      using (var itr = someLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
      while (itr.Current != someNode)
      return itr.Current;


      using System;
      using System.Collections;

      using DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.DataStructures;

      namespace DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.Presentation.Console
      class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)

      static void RunNode()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Running the Node class");
      var myNode = new Node<int>(32);

      static void RunLinkedList()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
      var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new Node<int>(99));
      myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(56));
      myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(23));
      myLinkedList.AddToFirst(new Node<int>(33));
      myLinkedList.AddToLast(new Node<int>(8888));
      System.Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head.Data);
      System.Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail.Data);

      using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
      while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())


      c# beginner linked-list unit-testing

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 29 at 21:12


      asked Mar 28 at 22:44




          1 Answer






          I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later

          I don't think you can use this Node type as a node in a binary tree, because nodes in binary trees typically has references to other nodes like Parent, Left and Right. So IMO keep this Node class as a dedicated node type for this linked list:

            public class LinkedList<T>
          class Node
          public T Data { get; }
          public Node Next { get; set; }
          public Node Previous { get; set; }

          public Node(T data)
          Data = data;

          In this way you can skip the type parameter on the Node class. As shown above I've also made the Node class immutable for the Data property and hence no default constructor. It's easier to maintain, if you know that there is a one-to-one relationship between a data object and a Node.

          public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
          public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

          It's fine to have a public Head and Tail property, but they should be of type T and not Node. The client should be agnostic about the inner implementation of your list and only "communicate" objects of type T with it:

          public T Head => _headNode.Data; // TODO check for null
          public T Tail => _tailNode.Data; // TODO check for null

          This will require that you have private nodes for head and tail as illustrated above.

          public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
          Head = node;
          Tail = node;

          Having a one and only constructor that takes a node (or item) is not a good idea, because you often want to instantiate an empty list and provide it as argument to a method or something like that. So your list should have a default constructor with no arguments:

          public LinkedList()

          You could also consider to have a constructor with a vector of items:

          public LinkedList(IEnumerable<T> items)
          foreach (var item in items)

          public void AddToFirst(Node toAdd) {...}
          public void AddToLast(Node toAdd) {...}

          You would typically call these methods AddHead and AddTail:

          public void AddHead(T item) {...}
          public void AddTail(T item) {...}

          as you would call RemoveFirst() RemoveHead()...

          public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
          toAdd.Next = Head;
          Head = toAdd;

          public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
          Tail.Next = toAdd; //OBS: This will fail if Tail is null!
          Tail = toAdd;

          Your Node<T> class has a Previous property, why don't you use that (doubly linked list)?

          public void RemoveFirst()
          Head = Head.Next;

          This will fail, if Head is null.

          public void RemoveLast()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer.Next != Tail)
          pointer = pointer.Next;
          // pointer is now before Tail
          Tail = pointer;
          Tail.Next = null;

          Why iterate through the entire list, when you have a reference to the last node in Tail?:

          public void RemoveLast()
          if (Tail != null)
          Tail = Tail.Previous;
          Tail.Next = null;

          You could consider to return the Data value from the removed nodes.

          public T RemoveLast() {...}

          public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer != null)
          yield return pointer;
          pointer = pointer.Next;

          It's fine to provide an enumerator. But it would be better to implement the IEnumerable<T> interface instead - where T is the T from your list - not Node<T>.

          If you do that, instead of this

            using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
          while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())

          you would be able to do

            foreach (var item in myLinkedList)

          And besides that, by implementing IEnumerable<T>, you'll be able to use LINQ extensions on the list. (see also VisualMelons comment).

          Consider to implement this:

          public bool Remove(T item)
          // TODO: implement this
          return <wasRemoved>;

          You could try to implement the above and make a new post with an updated version with unit tests and we could then review that... :-)

          Your use case should look as something like:

          void RunLinkedList()
          Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
          var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>();
          Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head);
          Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail);

          foreach (var item in myLinkedList)


          share|improve this answer


          • 1

            With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
            – feature_creep
            Mar 29 at 14:47

          • 1

            +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
            – VisualMelon
            Mar 29 at 14:56

          • $begingroup$
            @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:08

          • $begingroup$
            @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:12

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer












          I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later

          I don't think you can use this Node type as a node in a binary tree, because nodes in binary trees typically has references to other nodes like Parent, Left and Right. So IMO keep this Node class as a dedicated node type for this linked list:

            public class LinkedList<T>
          class Node
          public T Data { get; }
          public Node Next { get; set; }
          public Node Previous { get; set; }

          public Node(T data)
          Data = data;

          In this way you can skip the type parameter on the Node class. As shown above I've also made the Node class immutable for the Data property and hence no default constructor. It's easier to maintain, if you know that there is a one-to-one relationship between a data object and a Node.

          public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
          public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

          It's fine to have a public Head and Tail property, but they should be of type T and not Node. The client should be agnostic about the inner implementation of your list and only "communicate" objects of type T with it:

          public T Head => _headNode.Data; // TODO check for null
          public T Tail => _tailNode.Data; // TODO check for null

          This will require that you have private nodes for head and tail as illustrated above.

          public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
          Head = node;
          Tail = node;

          Having a one and only constructor that takes a node (or item) is not a good idea, because you often want to instantiate an empty list and provide it as argument to a method or something like that. So your list should have a default constructor with no arguments:

          public LinkedList()

          You could also consider to have a constructor with a vector of items:

          public LinkedList(IEnumerable<T> items)
          foreach (var item in items)

          public void AddToFirst(Node toAdd) {...}
          public void AddToLast(Node toAdd) {...}

          You would typically call these methods AddHead and AddTail:

          public void AddHead(T item) {...}
          public void AddTail(T item) {...}

          as you would call RemoveFirst() RemoveHead()...

          public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
          toAdd.Next = Head;
          Head = toAdd;

          public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
          Tail.Next = toAdd; //OBS: This will fail if Tail is null!
          Tail = toAdd;

          Your Node<T> class has a Previous property, why don't you use that (doubly linked list)?

          public void RemoveFirst()
          Head = Head.Next;

          This will fail, if Head is null.

          public void RemoveLast()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer.Next != Tail)
          pointer = pointer.Next;
          // pointer is now before Tail
          Tail = pointer;
          Tail.Next = null;

          Why iterate through the entire list, when you have a reference to the last node in Tail?:

          public void RemoveLast()
          if (Tail != null)
          Tail = Tail.Previous;
          Tail.Next = null;

          You could consider to return the Data value from the removed nodes.

          public T RemoveLast() {...}

          public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer != null)
          yield return pointer;
          pointer = pointer.Next;

          It's fine to provide an enumerator. But it would be better to implement the IEnumerable<T> interface instead - where T is the T from your list - not Node<T>.

          If you do that, instead of this

            using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
          while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())

          you would be able to do

            foreach (var item in myLinkedList)

          And besides that, by implementing IEnumerable<T>, you'll be able to use LINQ extensions on the list. (see also VisualMelons comment).

          Consider to implement this:

          public bool Remove(T item)
          // TODO: implement this
          return <wasRemoved>;

          You could try to implement the above and make a new post with an updated version with unit tests and we could then review that... :-)

          Your use case should look as something like:

          void RunLinkedList()
          Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
          var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>();
          Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head);
          Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail);

          foreach (var item in myLinkedList)


          share|improve this answer


          • 1

            With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
            – feature_creep
            Mar 29 at 14:47

          • 1

            +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
            – VisualMelon
            Mar 29 at 14:56

          • $begingroup$
            @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:08

          • $begingroup$
            @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:12



          I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later

          I don't think you can use this Node type as a node in a binary tree, because nodes in binary trees typically has references to other nodes like Parent, Left and Right. So IMO keep this Node class as a dedicated node type for this linked list:

            public class LinkedList<T>
          class Node
          public T Data { get; }
          public Node Next { get; set; }
          public Node Previous { get; set; }

          public Node(T data)
          Data = data;

          In this way you can skip the type parameter on the Node class. As shown above I've also made the Node class immutable for the Data property and hence no default constructor. It's easier to maintain, if you know that there is a one-to-one relationship between a data object and a Node.

          public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
          public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

          It's fine to have a public Head and Tail property, but they should be of type T and not Node. The client should be agnostic about the inner implementation of your list and only "communicate" objects of type T with it:

          public T Head => _headNode.Data; // TODO check for null
          public T Tail => _tailNode.Data; // TODO check for null

          This will require that you have private nodes for head and tail as illustrated above.

          public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
          Head = node;
          Tail = node;

          Having a one and only constructor that takes a node (or item) is not a good idea, because you often want to instantiate an empty list and provide it as argument to a method or something like that. So your list should have a default constructor with no arguments:

          public LinkedList()

          You could also consider to have a constructor with a vector of items:

          public LinkedList(IEnumerable<T> items)
          foreach (var item in items)

          public void AddToFirst(Node toAdd) {...}
          public void AddToLast(Node toAdd) {...}

          You would typically call these methods AddHead and AddTail:

          public void AddHead(T item) {...}
          public void AddTail(T item) {...}

          as you would call RemoveFirst() RemoveHead()...

          public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
          toAdd.Next = Head;
          Head = toAdd;

          public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
          Tail.Next = toAdd; //OBS: This will fail if Tail is null!
          Tail = toAdd;

          Your Node<T> class has a Previous property, why don't you use that (doubly linked list)?

          public void RemoveFirst()
          Head = Head.Next;

          This will fail, if Head is null.

          public void RemoveLast()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer.Next != Tail)
          pointer = pointer.Next;
          // pointer is now before Tail
          Tail = pointer;
          Tail.Next = null;

          Why iterate through the entire list, when you have a reference to the last node in Tail?:

          public void RemoveLast()
          if (Tail != null)
          Tail = Tail.Previous;
          Tail.Next = null;

          You could consider to return the Data value from the removed nodes.

          public T RemoveLast() {...}

          public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer != null)
          yield return pointer;
          pointer = pointer.Next;

          It's fine to provide an enumerator. But it would be better to implement the IEnumerable<T> interface instead - where T is the T from your list - not Node<T>.

          If you do that, instead of this

            using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
          while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())

          you would be able to do

            foreach (var item in myLinkedList)

          And besides that, by implementing IEnumerable<T>, you'll be able to use LINQ extensions on the list. (see also VisualMelons comment).

          Consider to implement this:

          public bool Remove(T item)
          // TODO: implement this
          return <wasRemoved>;

          You could try to implement the above and make a new post with an updated version with unit tests and we could then review that... :-)

          Your use case should look as something like:

          void RunLinkedList()
          Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
          var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>();
          Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head);
          Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail);

          foreach (var item in myLinkedList)


          share|improve this answer


          • 1

            With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
            – feature_creep
            Mar 29 at 14:47

          • 1

            +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
            – VisualMelon
            Mar 29 at 14:56

          • $begingroup$
            @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:08

          • $begingroup$
            @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:12





          I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later

          I don't think you can use this Node type as a node in a binary tree, because nodes in binary trees typically has references to other nodes like Parent, Left and Right. So IMO keep this Node class as a dedicated node type for this linked list:

            public class LinkedList<T>
          class Node
          public T Data { get; }
          public Node Next { get; set; }
          public Node Previous { get; set; }

          public Node(T data)
          Data = data;

          In this way you can skip the type parameter on the Node class. As shown above I've also made the Node class immutable for the Data property and hence no default constructor. It's easier to maintain, if you know that there is a one-to-one relationship between a data object and a Node.

          public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
          public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

          It's fine to have a public Head and Tail property, but they should be of type T and not Node. The client should be agnostic about the inner implementation of your list and only "communicate" objects of type T with it:

          public T Head => _headNode.Data; // TODO check for null
          public T Tail => _tailNode.Data; // TODO check for null

          This will require that you have private nodes for head and tail as illustrated above.

          public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
          Head = node;
          Tail = node;

          Having a one and only constructor that takes a node (or item) is not a good idea, because you often want to instantiate an empty list and provide it as argument to a method or something like that. So your list should have a default constructor with no arguments:

          public LinkedList()

          You could also consider to have a constructor with a vector of items:

          public LinkedList(IEnumerable<T> items)
          foreach (var item in items)

          public void AddToFirst(Node toAdd) {...}
          public void AddToLast(Node toAdd) {...}

          You would typically call these methods AddHead and AddTail:

          public void AddHead(T item) {...}
          public void AddTail(T item) {...}

          as you would call RemoveFirst() RemoveHead()...

          public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
          toAdd.Next = Head;
          Head = toAdd;

          public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
          Tail.Next = toAdd; //OBS: This will fail if Tail is null!
          Tail = toAdd;

          Your Node<T> class has a Previous property, why don't you use that (doubly linked list)?

          public void RemoveFirst()
          Head = Head.Next;

          This will fail, if Head is null.

          public void RemoveLast()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer.Next != Tail)
          pointer = pointer.Next;
          // pointer is now before Tail
          Tail = pointer;
          Tail.Next = null;

          Why iterate through the entire list, when you have a reference to the last node in Tail?:

          public void RemoveLast()
          if (Tail != null)
          Tail = Tail.Previous;
          Tail.Next = null;

          You could consider to return the Data value from the removed nodes.

          public T RemoveLast() {...}

          public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer != null)
          yield return pointer;
          pointer = pointer.Next;

          It's fine to provide an enumerator. But it would be better to implement the IEnumerable<T> interface instead - where T is the T from your list - not Node<T>.

          If you do that, instead of this

            using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
          while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())

          you would be able to do

            foreach (var item in myLinkedList)

          And besides that, by implementing IEnumerable<T>, you'll be able to use LINQ extensions on the list. (see also VisualMelons comment).

          Consider to implement this:

          public bool Remove(T item)
          // TODO: implement this
          return <wasRemoved>;

          You could try to implement the above and make a new post with an updated version with unit tests and we could then review that... :-)

          Your use case should look as something like:

          void RunLinkedList()
          Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
          var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>();
          Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head);
          Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail);

          foreach (var item in myLinkedList)


          share|improve this answer


          I've made the Node class public so I can use it for a binary tree implementation later

          I don't think you can use this Node type as a node in a binary tree, because nodes in binary trees typically has references to other nodes like Parent, Left and Right. So IMO keep this Node class as a dedicated node type for this linked list:

            public class LinkedList<T>
          class Node
          public T Data { get; }
          public Node Next { get; set; }
          public Node Previous { get; set; }

          public Node(T data)
          Data = data;

          In this way you can skip the type parameter on the Node class. As shown above I've also made the Node class immutable for the Data property and hence no default constructor. It's easier to maintain, if you know that there is a one-to-one relationship between a data object and a Node.

          public Node<T> Head { get; private set; }
          public Node<T> Tail { get; private set; }

          It's fine to have a public Head and Tail property, but they should be of type T and not Node. The client should be agnostic about the inner implementation of your list and only "communicate" objects of type T with it:

          public T Head => _headNode.Data; // TODO check for null
          public T Tail => _tailNode.Data; // TODO check for null

          This will require that you have private nodes for head and tail as illustrated above.

          public LinkedList(Node<T> node)
          Head = node;
          Tail = node;

          Having a one and only constructor that takes a node (or item) is not a good idea, because you often want to instantiate an empty list and provide it as argument to a method or something like that. So your list should have a default constructor with no arguments:

          public LinkedList()

          You could also consider to have a constructor with a vector of items:

          public LinkedList(IEnumerable<T> items)
          foreach (var item in items)

          public void AddToFirst(Node toAdd) {...}
          public void AddToLast(Node toAdd) {...}

          You would typically call these methods AddHead and AddTail:

          public void AddHead(T item) {...}
          public void AddTail(T item) {...}

          as you would call RemoveFirst() RemoveHead()...

          public void AddToFirst(Node<T> toAdd)
          toAdd.Next = Head;
          Head = toAdd;

          public void AddToLast(Node<T> toAdd)
          Tail.Next = toAdd; //OBS: This will fail if Tail is null!
          Tail = toAdd;

          Your Node<T> class has a Previous property, why don't you use that (doubly linked list)?

          public void RemoveFirst()
          Head = Head.Next;

          This will fail, if Head is null.

          public void RemoveLast()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer.Next != Tail)
          pointer = pointer.Next;
          // pointer is now before Tail
          Tail = pointer;
          Tail.Next = null;

          Why iterate through the entire list, when you have a reference to the last node in Tail?:

          public void RemoveLast()
          if (Tail != null)
          Tail = Tail.Previous;
          Tail.Next = null;

          You could consider to return the Data value from the removed nodes.

          public T RemoveLast() {...}

          public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()
          var pointer = Head;
          while (pointer != null)
          yield return pointer;
          pointer = pointer.Next;

          It's fine to provide an enumerator. But it would be better to implement the IEnumerable<T> interface instead - where T is the T from your list - not Node<T>.

          If you do that, instead of this

            using (var linkedListEnumerator = myLinkedList.GetEnumerator())
          while (linkedListEnumerator.MoveNext())

          you would be able to do

            foreach (var item in myLinkedList)

          And besides that, by implementing IEnumerable<T>, you'll be able to use LINQ extensions on the list. (see also VisualMelons comment).

          Consider to implement this:

          public bool Remove(T item)
          // TODO: implement this
          return <wasRemoved>;

          You could try to implement the above and make a new post with an updated version with unit tests and we could then review that... :-)

          Your use case should look as something like:

          void RunLinkedList()
          Console.WriteLine("Running the LinkedList class");
          var myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>();
          Console.WriteLine("HEAD = " + myLinkedList.Head);
          Console.WriteLine("TAIL = " + myLinkedList.Tail);

          foreach (var item in myLinkedList)


          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Mar 29 at 15:29

          answered Mar 29 at 11:47

          Henrik HansenHenrik Hansen



          • 1

            With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
            – feature_creep
            Mar 29 at 14:47

          • 1

            +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
            – VisualMelon
            Mar 29 at 14:56

          • $begingroup$
            @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:08

          • $begingroup$
            @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:12

          • 1

            With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
            – feature_creep
            Mar 29 at 14:47

          • 1

            +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
            – VisualMelon
            Mar 29 at 14:56

          • $begingroup$
            @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:08

          • $begingroup$
            @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
            – Henrik Hansen
            Mar 29 at 15:12



          With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
          – feature_creep
          Mar 29 at 14:47

          With your suggestion, public T RemoveLast() {...}, doesn't it violate Command-Query Separation? RemoveLast() modifies state. Is It okay to break the rule sometimes?
          – feature_creep
          Mar 29 at 14:47



          +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
          – VisualMelon
          Mar 29 at 14:56

          +1; sadly (IMO) you can already use foreach on the OP's class, but properly implementing IEnumerable<T> will facilitate much more.
          – VisualMelon
          Mar 29 at 14:56

          @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
          – Henrik Hansen
          Mar 29 at 15:08

          @VisualMelon: You're right. I know you can, but what I intended to show was that the Enumerator enumerates the T's and not the Node<T>s. By implementing IEnumerable<T> you'll be able to use the standard Linq extensions etc.
          – Henrik Hansen
          Mar 29 at 15:08

          @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
          – Henrik Hansen
          Mar 29 at 15:12

          @feature_creep: IMO CQS is about not changing the object (the list) when querying it. Here I do the opposite: changing the object and provide the "change" to the client - it's not a query. It's a little different.
          – Henrik Hansen
          Mar 29 at 15:12

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