Golf Physics “Game” Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara ...

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Golf Physics “Game”

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Golf game boilerplateA small Bejeweled-like game in PygameSimple top down shooter gameSnake game in PygamePython/Pygame Fighting GameSimon memory game in pygameMouse Click Controlled Meteor Avoidance GameSimple Python Pygame GameFirst Pong gamePython Pygame treasure hunt gameGolf game boilerplate

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Continuation of this post

I wrote a program in pygame that basically acts as a physics engine for a ball. You can hit the ball around and your strokes are counted, as well as an extra stroke for going out of bounds. Recently, I added a few things like air resistance, and rewrote my movement physics to make it easier to bounce. I'm wondering if the physics approach is good. Also, is there any way to convert everything into SI units? Right now, my air drag is an arbitrary value.

import math
import pygame as pg

class Colors:

BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
GOLD = (255, 215, 0)
GRAY = (100, 100, 100)

NIGHT = (20, 24, 82)
DAY = (135, 206, 235)
MOON = (245, 243, 206)
SMOKE = (96, 96, 96)

class Constants:






GRAVITY = 9.80665

class Fonts:

strokeFont = pg.font.SysFont("monospace", 50)

powerFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

angleFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

penaltyFont = pg.font.SysFont("georgia", 40, bold=True)

toggleBoundsFont = pg.font.SysFont("geneva", 20)

resistMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

powerMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

class Ball(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, dx = 0, dy = 0, bounce = .8, radius = 10, color=Colors.SMOKE, outlinecolor=Colors.RED, density=1):
self.color = color
self.outlinecolor = outlinecolor
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.dx = dx
self.dy = dy = 0
self.ay = Constants.GRAVITY
self.dt = Constants.GAME_SPEED
self.bounce = bounce
self.radius = radius
self.mass = 4/3 * math.pi * self.radius**3 * density

def show(self, window):, self.outlinecolor, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius), self.color, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius - int(.4 * self.radius))

def update(self, update_frame):
update_frame += 1

self.vx += * self.dt
self.vy += self.ay * self.dt

if resist_multiplier:
drag = 6*math.pi * self.radius * resist_multiplier * Constants.AIR_DRAG
air_resist_x = -drag * self.vx / self.mass
air_resist_y = -drag * self.vy / self.mass

self.vx += air_resist_x/self.dt
self.vy += air_resist_y/self.dt

self.x += self.vx * self.dt
self.y += self.vy * self.dt

bounced, stop, shoot = False, False, True

# Top & Bottom
if self.y + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
self.vy = -self.vy
bounced = True
print(' Bounce!')

if self.y - self.radius < Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER:
self.y = Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
self.vy = -self.vy
bounced = True
print(' Bounce!')

# Speed/Resistance Rectangles
if (self.x >= .875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
self.x = .88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
self.x = .87*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, -2 * abs(self.vx)
bounced = True

if (self.x <= .1175*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
self.x = .118*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
self.x = .119*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, 2 * abs(self.vx)
bounced = True

if x_bounded:
if (self.x - self.radius < Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
self.x = Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
self.vx = -self.vx
bounced = True

if (self.x + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
self.x = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER - self.radius
self.vx = -self.vx
bounced = True

if self.vx > 1000:
self.vx = 1000
self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/4

if bounced:
self.vx *= self.bounce
self.vy *= self.bounce

print(f'n Update Frame: {update_frame}',
' x-pos: %spx' % round(self.x),
' y-pos: %spx' % round(self.y),
' x-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vx),
' y-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vy),
sep='n', end='nn')

return update_frame, shoot, stop

def quadrant(x, y, xm, ym):
if ym < y and xm > x:
return 1
elif ym < y and xm < x:
return 2
elif ym > y and xm < x:
return 3
elif ym > y and xm > x:
return 4
return False

def draw_window():


resist_multiplier_text = 'Air Resistance: {:2.2f} m/s'.format(resist_multiplier)
resist_multiplier_label = Fonts.resistMultiplierFont.render(resist_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.RESISTMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
window.blit(resist_multiplier_label, (.8925*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

power_multiplier_text = f'Swing Strength: {int(power_multiplier*100)}%'
power_multiplier_label = Fonts.powerMultiplierFont.render(power_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.POWERMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (0, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, .1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (0, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
window.blit(power_multiplier_label, (.005*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

if not shoot:
pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, aline[0], aline[1], 5)
pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.LINE_COLOR, Constants.LINE_COLOR, line[0], line[1], 5)

stroke_text = 'Strokes: %s' % strokes
stroke_label = Fonts.strokeFont.render(stroke_text, 1, Fonts.STROKECOLOR)
if not strokes:
window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - .21 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - (.21+.02*math.floor(math.log10(strokes))) * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

power_text = 'Shot Strength: %sN' % power_display
power_label = Fonts.powerFont.render(power_text, 1, Fonts.POWERCOLOR)
if not shoot: window.blit(power_label, (cursor_pos[0] + .008 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, cursor_pos[1]))

angle_text = 'Angle: %s°' % angle_display
angle_label = Fonts.angleFont.render(angle_text, 1, Fonts.ANGLECOLOR)
if not shoot: window.blit(angle_label, (ball.x - .06 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y - .01 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

if penalty:
penalty_text = f'Out of Bounds! +1 Stroke'
penalty_label = Fonts.penaltyFont.render(penalty_text, 1, Fonts.PENALTYCOLOR)
penalty_rect = penalty_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .225*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
window.blit(penalty_label, penalty_rect)

toggle_bounds_text = "Use [b] to toggle bounds"
toggle_bounds_label = Fonts.toggleBoundsFont.render(toggle_bounds_text, 1, Fonts.TOGGLEBOUNDSCOLOR)
toggle_bounds_rect = toggle_bounds_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .275*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
window.blit(toggle_bounds_label, toggle_bounds_rect)


def angle(cursor_pos):
x, y, xm, ym = ball.x, ball.y, cursor_pos[0], cursor_pos[1]
if x-xm:
angle = math.atan((y - ym) / (x - xm))
elif y > ym:
angle = math.pi/2
angle = 3*math.pi/2

q = ball.quadrant(x,y,xm,ym)
if q: angle = math.pi*math.floor(q/2) - angle

if round(angle*deg) == 360:
angle = 0

if x > xm and not round(angle*deg):
angle = math.pi

return angle

def arrow(screen, lcolor, tricolor, start, end, trirad, thickness=2):
pg.draw.line(screen, lcolor, start, end, thickness)
rotation = (math.atan2(start[1] - end[1], end[0] - start[0])) + math.pi/2
pg.draw.polygon(screen, tricolor, ((end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation),
end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation)),
(end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation - 120*rad),
end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation - 120*rad)),
(end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation + 120*rad),
end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation + 120*rad))))
setattr(pg.draw, 'arrow', arrow)

def distance(x, y):
return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

def update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded):
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
quit = True

if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
quit = True

if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
if rkey != max(resist_dict):
rkey += 1

if event.key == pg.K_LEFT:
if rkey != min(resist_dict):
rkey -= 1

if event.key == pg.K_UP:
if skey != max(strength_dict):
skey += 1

if event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
if skey != min(strength_dict):
skey -= 1

if event.key == pg.K_b:
x_bounded = not x_bounded

if event.key == pg.K_q:
rkey = min(resist_dict)
skey = max(strength_dict)
x_bounded = True

if event.key == pg.K_e:
rkey = max(resist_dict)
skey = max(strength_dict)
x_bounded = False

if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if not shoot:
shoot, stop = True, False
strokes, xb, yb = hit_ball(strokes)

return quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded

def hit_ball(strokes):
x, y = ball.x, ball.y
xb, yb = ball.x, ball.y
power = power_multiplier/4 * distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y)
print('nnBall Hit!')
print('npower: %sN' % round(power, 2))
ang = angle(cursor_pos)
print('angle: %s°' % round(ang * deg, 2))
print('cos(a): %s' % round(math.cos(ang), 2)), print('sin(a): %s' % round(math.sin(ang), 2))

ball.vx, ball.vy = power * math.cos(ang), -power * math.sin(ang)

strokes += 1

return strokes, xb, yb

def initialize():
window = pg.display.set_mode((Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pg.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

return window

rad, deg = math.pi/180, 180/math.pi
x, y, power, ang, strokes = [0]*5
xb, yb = None, None
shoot, penalty, stop, quit, x_bounded = [False]*5
p_ticks, update_frame = 0, 0

ball = Ball(Constants.START_X, Constants.START_Y)

clock = pg.time.Clock()

strength_dict = {0: .01, 1: .02, 2: .04, 3: .08, 4: .16, 5: .25, 6: .50, 7: .75, 8: 1}; skey = 6
resist_dict = {0: 0, 1: .01, 2: .02, 3: .03, 4: .04, 5: .05, 6: .1, 7: .2, 8: .3, 9: .4, 10: .5, 11: .6, 12: .7,
13: .8, 14: .9, 15: 1, 16: 1.25, 17: 1.5, 18: 1.75, 19: 2, 20: 2.5, 21: 3, 22: 3.5, 23: 4, 24: 4.5,
25: 5}; rkey = 7

if __name__ == '__main__':

window = initialize()
while not quit:
power_multiplier = strength_dict[skey]
resist_multiplier = resist_dict[rkey]

seconds = (pg.time.get_ticks()-p_ticks)/1000
if seconds > 1.2: penalty = False

cursor_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
line = [(ball.x, ball.y), cursor_pos]
line_ball_x, line_ball_y = cursor_pos[0] - ball.x, cursor_pos[1] - ball.y

aline = [(ball.x, ball.y), (ball.x + .015 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y)]

if not shoot:
power_display = round(
distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y) * power_multiplier/5)

angle_display = round(angle(cursor_pos) * deg)

if stop or (abs(ball.vy) < 5 and abs(ball.vx) < 1 and abs(ball.y - (Constants.START_Y - 2)) <= Constants.BOUNCE_FUZZ):
shoot = False
#ball.y = Constants.START_Y
print('nThe ball has come to a rest!')
update_frame = 0
update_frame, shoot, stop = ball.update(update_frame)

if not Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < ball.x < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
shoot = False
print(f'nOut of Bounds! Pos: {round(ball.x), round(ball.y)}')
penalty = True
p_ticks = pg.time.get_ticks()
strokes += 1

if Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < xb < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
ball.x = xb
ball.x = Constants.START_X
ball.y = yb

quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded = update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded)


print("nShutting down...")





    Continuation of this post

    I wrote a program in pygame that basically acts as a physics engine for a ball. You can hit the ball around and your strokes are counted, as well as an extra stroke for going out of bounds. Recently, I added a few things like air resistance, and rewrote my movement physics to make it easier to bounce. I'm wondering if the physics approach is good. Also, is there any way to convert everything into SI units? Right now, my air drag is an arbitrary value.

    import math
    import pygame as pg

    class Colors:

    BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
    WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
    RED = (255, 0, 0)
    GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
    BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

    YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
    GOLD = (255, 215, 0)
    GRAY = (100, 100, 100)

    NIGHT = (20, 24, 82)
    DAY = (135, 206, 235)
    MOON = (245, 243, 206)
    SMOKE = (96, 96, 96)

    class Constants:

    SCREEN_WIDTH = 1500

    TICKRATE = 60
    GAME_SPEED = .35

    LINE_COLOR = Colors.GOLD


    START_X = int(.5 * SCREEN_WIDTH)
    START_Y = int(.99 * SCREEN_HEIGHT)

    AIR_DRAG = .3
    GRAVITY = 9.80665

    class Fonts:

    strokeFont = pg.font.SysFont("monospace", 50)

    powerFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

    angleFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

    penaltyFont = pg.font.SysFont("georgia", 40, bold=True)

    toggleBoundsFont = pg.font.SysFont("geneva", 20)

    resistMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

    powerMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

    class Ball(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, dx = 0, dy = 0, bounce = .8, radius = 10, color=Colors.SMOKE, outlinecolor=Colors.RED, density=1):
    self.color = color
    self.outlinecolor = outlinecolor
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.dx = dx
    self.dy = dy = 0
    self.ay = Constants.GRAVITY
    self.dt = Constants.GAME_SPEED
    self.bounce = bounce
    self.radius = radius
    self.mass = 4/3 * math.pi * self.radius**3 * density

    def show(self, window):, self.outlinecolor, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius), self.color, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius - int(.4 * self.radius))

    def update(self, update_frame):
    update_frame += 1

    self.vx += * self.dt
    self.vy += self.ay * self.dt

    if resist_multiplier:
    drag = 6*math.pi * self.radius * resist_multiplier * Constants.AIR_DRAG
    air_resist_x = -drag * self.vx / self.mass
    air_resist_y = -drag * self.vy / self.mass

    self.vx += air_resist_x/self.dt
    self.vy += air_resist_y/self.dt

    self.x += self.vx * self.dt
    self.y += self.vy * self.dt

    bounced, stop, shoot = False, False, True

    # Top & Bottom
    if self.y + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
    self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
    self.vy = -self.vy
    bounced = True
    print(' Bounce!')

    if self.y - self.radius < Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER:
    self.y = Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
    self.vy = -self.vy
    bounced = True
    print(' Bounce!')

    # Speed/Resistance Rectangles
    if (self.x >= .875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
    self.x = .88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
    self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
    self.x = .87*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
    self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, -2 * abs(self.vx)
    bounced = True

    if (self.x <= .1175*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
    self.x = .118*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
    self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
    self.x = .119*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
    self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, 2 * abs(self.vx)
    bounced = True

    if x_bounded:
    if (self.x - self.radius < Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
    self.x = Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
    self.vx = -self.vx
    bounced = True

    if (self.x + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
    self.x = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER - self.radius
    self.vx = -self.vx
    bounced = True

    if self.vx > 1000:
    self.vx = 1000
    self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/4

    if bounced:
    self.vx *= self.bounce
    self.vy *= self.bounce

    print(f'n Update Frame: {update_frame}',
    ' x-pos: %spx' % round(self.x),
    ' y-pos: %spx' % round(self.y),
    ' x-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vx),
    ' y-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vy),
    sep='n', end='nn')

    return update_frame, shoot, stop

    def quadrant(x, y, xm, ym):
    if ym < y and xm > x:
    return 1
    elif ym < y and xm < x:
    return 2
    elif ym > y and xm < x:
    return 3
    elif ym > y and xm > x:
    return 4
    return False

    def draw_window():


    resist_multiplier_text = 'Air Resistance: {:2.2f} m/s'.format(resist_multiplier)
    resist_multiplier_label = Fonts.resistMultiplierFont.render(resist_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.RESISTMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
    pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
    pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
    window.blit(resist_multiplier_label, (.8925*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    power_multiplier_text = f'Swing Strength: {int(power_multiplier*100)}%'
    power_multiplier_label = Fonts.powerMultiplierFont.render(power_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.POWERMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
    pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (0, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, .1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
    pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (0, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
    window.blit(power_multiplier_label, (.005*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    if not shoot:
    pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, aline[0], aline[1], 5)
    pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.LINE_COLOR, Constants.LINE_COLOR, line[0], line[1], 5)

    stroke_text = 'Strokes: %s' % strokes
    stroke_label = Fonts.strokeFont.render(stroke_text, 1, Fonts.STROKECOLOR)
    if not strokes:
    window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - .21 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - (.21+.02*math.floor(math.log10(strokes))) * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    power_text = 'Shot Strength: %sN' % power_display
    power_label = Fonts.powerFont.render(power_text, 1, Fonts.POWERCOLOR)
    if not shoot: window.blit(power_label, (cursor_pos[0] + .008 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, cursor_pos[1]))

    angle_text = 'Angle: %s°' % angle_display
    angle_label = Fonts.angleFont.render(angle_text, 1, Fonts.ANGLECOLOR)
    if not shoot: window.blit(angle_label, (ball.x - .06 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y - .01 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    if penalty:
    penalty_text = f'Out of Bounds! +1 Stroke'
    penalty_label = Fonts.penaltyFont.render(penalty_text, 1, Fonts.PENALTYCOLOR)
    penalty_rect = penalty_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .225*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    window.blit(penalty_label, penalty_rect)

    toggle_bounds_text = "Use [b] to toggle bounds"
    toggle_bounds_label = Fonts.toggleBoundsFont.render(toggle_bounds_text, 1, Fonts.TOGGLEBOUNDSCOLOR)
    toggle_bounds_rect = toggle_bounds_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .275*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    window.blit(toggle_bounds_label, toggle_bounds_rect)


    def angle(cursor_pos):
    x, y, xm, ym = ball.x, ball.y, cursor_pos[0], cursor_pos[1]
    if x-xm:
    angle = math.atan((y - ym) / (x - xm))
    elif y > ym:
    angle = math.pi/2
    angle = 3*math.pi/2

    q = ball.quadrant(x,y,xm,ym)
    if q: angle = math.pi*math.floor(q/2) - angle

    if round(angle*deg) == 360:
    angle = 0

    if x > xm and not round(angle*deg):
    angle = math.pi

    return angle

    def arrow(screen, lcolor, tricolor, start, end, trirad, thickness=2):
    pg.draw.line(screen, lcolor, start, end, thickness)
    rotation = (math.atan2(start[1] - end[1], end[0] - start[0])) + math.pi/2
    pg.draw.polygon(screen, tricolor, ((end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation),
    end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation)),
    (end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation - 120*rad),
    end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation - 120*rad)),
    (end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation + 120*rad),
    end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation + 120*rad))))
    setattr(pg.draw, 'arrow', arrow)

    def distance(x, y):
    return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

    def update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded):
    for event in pg.event.get():
    if event.type == pg.QUIT:
    quit = True

    if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
    if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
    quit = True

    if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
    if rkey != max(resist_dict):
    rkey += 1

    if event.key == pg.K_LEFT:
    if rkey != min(resist_dict):
    rkey -= 1

    if event.key == pg.K_UP:
    if skey != max(strength_dict):
    skey += 1

    if event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
    if skey != min(strength_dict):
    skey -= 1

    if event.key == pg.K_b:
    x_bounded = not x_bounded

    if event.key == pg.K_q:
    rkey = min(resist_dict)
    skey = max(strength_dict)
    x_bounded = True

    if event.key == pg.K_e:
    rkey = max(resist_dict)
    skey = max(strength_dict)
    x_bounded = False

    if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
    if not shoot:
    shoot, stop = True, False
    strokes, xb, yb = hit_ball(strokes)

    return quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded

    def hit_ball(strokes):
    x, y = ball.x, ball.y
    xb, yb = ball.x, ball.y
    power = power_multiplier/4 * distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y)
    print('nnBall Hit!')
    print('npower: %sN' % round(power, 2))
    ang = angle(cursor_pos)
    print('angle: %s°' % round(ang * deg, 2))
    print('cos(a): %s' % round(math.cos(ang), 2)), print('sin(a): %s' % round(math.sin(ang), 2))

    ball.vx, ball.vy = power * math.cos(ang), -power * math.sin(ang)

    strokes += 1

    return strokes, xb, yb

    def initialize():
    window = pg.display.set_mode((Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    pg.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    return window

    rad, deg = math.pi/180, 180/math.pi
    x, y, power, ang, strokes = [0]*5
    xb, yb = None, None
    shoot, penalty, stop, quit, x_bounded = [False]*5
    p_ticks, update_frame = 0, 0

    ball = Ball(Constants.START_X, Constants.START_Y)

    clock = pg.time.Clock()

    strength_dict = {0: .01, 1: .02, 2: .04, 3: .08, 4: .16, 5: .25, 6: .50, 7: .75, 8: 1}; skey = 6
    resist_dict = {0: 0, 1: .01, 2: .02, 3: .03, 4: .04, 5: .05, 6: .1, 7: .2, 8: .3, 9: .4, 10: .5, 11: .6, 12: .7,
    13: .8, 14: .9, 15: 1, 16: 1.25, 17: 1.5, 18: 1.75, 19: 2, 20: 2.5, 21: 3, 22: 3.5, 23: 4, 24: 4.5,
    25: 5}; rkey = 7

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    window = initialize()
    while not quit:
    power_multiplier = strength_dict[skey]
    resist_multiplier = resist_dict[rkey]

    seconds = (pg.time.get_ticks()-p_ticks)/1000
    if seconds > 1.2: penalty = False

    cursor_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
    line = [(ball.x, ball.y), cursor_pos]
    line_ball_x, line_ball_y = cursor_pos[0] - ball.x, cursor_pos[1] - ball.y

    aline = [(ball.x, ball.y), (ball.x + .015 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y)]

    if not shoot:
    power_display = round(
    distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y) * power_multiplier/5)

    angle_display = round(angle(cursor_pos) * deg)

    if stop or (abs(ball.vy) < 5 and abs(ball.vx) < 1 and abs(ball.y - (Constants.START_Y - 2)) <= Constants.BOUNCE_FUZZ):
    shoot = False
    #ball.y = Constants.START_Y
    print('nThe ball has come to a rest!')
    update_frame = 0
    update_frame, shoot, stop = ball.update(update_frame)

    if not Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < ball.x < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
    shoot = False
    print(f'nOut of Bounds! Pos: {round(ball.x), round(ball.y)}')
    penalty = True
    p_ticks = pg.time.get_ticks()
    strokes += 1

    if Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < xb < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
    ball.x = xb
    ball.x = Constants.START_X
    ball.y = yb

    quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded = update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded)


    print("nShutting down...")







      Continuation of this post

      I wrote a program in pygame that basically acts as a physics engine for a ball. You can hit the ball around and your strokes are counted, as well as an extra stroke for going out of bounds. Recently, I added a few things like air resistance, and rewrote my movement physics to make it easier to bounce. I'm wondering if the physics approach is good. Also, is there any way to convert everything into SI units? Right now, my air drag is an arbitrary value.

      import math
      import pygame as pg

      class Colors:

      BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
      WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
      RED = (255, 0, 0)
      GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
      BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

      YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
      GOLD = (255, 215, 0)
      GRAY = (100, 100, 100)

      NIGHT = (20, 24, 82)
      DAY = (135, 206, 235)
      MOON = (245, 243, 206)
      SMOKE = (96, 96, 96)

      class Constants:

      SCREEN_WIDTH = 1500
      SCREEN_HEIGHT = 800

      TICKRATE = 60
      GAME_SPEED = .35

      LINE_COLOR = Colors.GOLD
      ALINE_COLOR = Colors.GOLD

      BOUNCE_FUZZ = 0

      START_X = int(.5 * SCREEN_WIDTH)
      START_Y = int(.99 * SCREEN_HEIGHT)

      AIR_DRAG = .3
      GRAVITY = 9.80665

      class Fonts:

      strokeFont = pg.font.SysFont("monospace", 50)

      powerFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

      angleFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

      penaltyFont = pg.font.SysFont("georgia", 40, bold=True)

      toggleBoundsFont = pg.font.SysFont("geneva", 20)

      resistMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

      powerMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

      class Ball(object):
      def __init__(self, x, y, dx = 0, dy = 0, bounce = .8, radius = 10, color=Colors.SMOKE, outlinecolor=Colors.RED, density=1):
      self.color = color
      self.outlinecolor = outlinecolor
      self.x = x
      self.y = y
      self.dx = dx
      self.dy = dy = 0
      self.ay = Constants.GRAVITY
      self.dt = Constants.GAME_SPEED
      self.bounce = bounce
      self.radius = radius
      self.mass = 4/3 * math.pi * self.radius**3 * density

      def show(self, window):, self.outlinecolor, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius), self.color, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius - int(.4 * self.radius))

      def update(self, update_frame):
      update_frame += 1

      self.vx += * self.dt
      self.vy += self.ay * self.dt

      if resist_multiplier:
      drag = 6*math.pi * self.radius * resist_multiplier * Constants.AIR_DRAG
      air_resist_x = -drag * self.vx / self.mass
      air_resist_y = -drag * self.vy / self.mass

      self.vx += air_resist_x/self.dt
      self.vy += air_resist_y/self.dt

      self.x += self.vx * self.dt
      self.y += self.vy * self.dt

      bounced, stop, shoot = False, False, True

      # Top & Bottom
      if self.y + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
      self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
      self.vy = -self.vy
      bounced = True
      print(' Bounce!')

      if self.y - self.radius < Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER:
      self.y = Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
      self.vy = -self.vy
      bounced = True
      print(' Bounce!')

      # Speed/Resistance Rectangles
      if (self.x >= .875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
      self.x = .88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
      self.x = .87*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, -2 * abs(self.vx)
      bounced = True

      if (self.x <= .1175*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
      self.x = .118*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
      self.x = .119*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, 2 * abs(self.vx)
      bounced = True

      if x_bounded:
      if (self.x - self.radius < Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
      self.x = Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
      self.vx = -self.vx
      bounced = True

      if (self.x + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
      self.x = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER - self.radius
      self.vx = -self.vx
      bounced = True

      if self.vx > 1000:
      self.vx = 1000
      self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/4

      if bounced:
      self.vx *= self.bounce
      self.vy *= self.bounce

      print(f'n Update Frame: {update_frame}',
      ' x-pos: %spx' % round(self.x),
      ' y-pos: %spx' % round(self.y),
      ' x-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vx),
      ' y-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vy),
      sep='n', end='nn')

      return update_frame, shoot, stop

      def quadrant(x, y, xm, ym):
      if ym < y and xm > x:
      return 1
      elif ym < y and xm < x:
      return 2
      elif ym > y and xm < x:
      return 3
      elif ym > y and xm > x:
      return 4
      return False

      def draw_window():


      resist_multiplier_text = 'Air Resistance: {:2.2f} m/s'.format(resist_multiplier)
      resist_multiplier_label = Fonts.resistMultiplierFont.render(resist_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.RESISTMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
      pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
      window.blit(resist_multiplier_label, (.8925*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      power_multiplier_text = f'Swing Strength: {int(power_multiplier*100)}%'
      power_multiplier_label = Fonts.powerMultiplierFont.render(power_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.POWERMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
      pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (0, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, .1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (0, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
      window.blit(power_multiplier_label, (.005*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      if not shoot:
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, aline[0], aline[1], 5)
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.LINE_COLOR, Constants.LINE_COLOR, line[0], line[1], 5)

      stroke_text = 'Strokes: %s' % strokes
      stroke_label = Fonts.strokeFont.render(stroke_text, 1, Fonts.STROKECOLOR)
      if not strokes:
      window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - .21 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - (.21+.02*math.floor(math.log10(strokes))) * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      power_text = 'Shot Strength: %sN' % power_display
      power_label = Fonts.powerFont.render(power_text, 1, Fonts.POWERCOLOR)
      if not shoot: window.blit(power_label, (cursor_pos[0] + .008 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, cursor_pos[1]))

      angle_text = 'Angle: %s°' % angle_display
      angle_label = Fonts.angleFont.render(angle_text, 1, Fonts.ANGLECOLOR)
      if not shoot: window.blit(angle_label, (ball.x - .06 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y - .01 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      if penalty:
      penalty_text = f'Out of Bounds! +1 Stroke'
      penalty_label = Fonts.penaltyFont.render(penalty_text, 1, Fonts.PENALTYCOLOR)
      penalty_rect = penalty_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .225*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      window.blit(penalty_label, penalty_rect)

      toggle_bounds_text = "Use [b] to toggle bounds"
      toggle_bounds_label = Fonts.toggleBoundsFont.render(toggle_bounds_text, 1, Fonts.TOGGLEBOUNDSCOLOR)
      toggle_bounds_rect = toggle_bounds_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .275*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      window.blit(toggle_bounds_label, toggle_bounds_rect)


      def angle(cursor_pos):
      x, y, xm, ym = ball.x, ball.y, cursor_pos[0], cursor_pos[1]
      if x-xm:
      angle = math.atan((y - ym) / (x - xm))
      elif y > ym:
      angle = math.pi/2
      angle = 3*math.pi/2

      q = ball.quadrant(x,y,xm,ym)
      if q: angle = math.pi*math.floor(q/2) - angle

      if round(angle*deg) == 360:
      angle = 0

      if x > xm and not round(angle*deg):
      angle = math.pi

      return angle

      def arrow(screen, lcolor, tricolor, start, end, trirad, thickness=2):
      pg.draw.line(screen, lcolor, start, end, thickness)
      rotation = (math.atan2(start[1] - end[1], end[0] - start[0])) + math.pi/2
      pg.draw.polygon(screen, tricolor, ((end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation),
      end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation)),
      (end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation - 120*rad),
      end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation - 120*rad)),
      (end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation + 120*rad),
      end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation + 120*rad))))
      setattr(pg.draw, 'arrow', arrow)

      def distance(x, y):
      return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

      def update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded):
      for event in pg.event.get():
      if event.type == pg.QUIT:
      quit = True

      if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
      if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
      quit = True

      if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
      if rkey != max(resist_dict):
      rkey += 1

      if event.key == pg.K_LEFT:
      if rkey != min(resist_dict):
      rkey -= 1

      if event.key == pg.K_UP:
      if skey != max(strength_dict):
      skey += 1

      if event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
      if skey != min(strength_dict):
      skey -= 1

      if event.key == pg.K_b:
      x_bounded = not x_bounded

      if event.key == pg.K_q:
      rkey = min(resist_dict)
      skey = max(strength_dict)
      x_bounded = True

      if event.key == pg.K_e:
      rkey = max(resist_dict)
      skey = max(strength_dict)
      x_bounded = False

      if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
      if not shoot:
      shoot, stop = True, False
      strokes, xb, yb = hit_ball(strokes)

      return quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded

      def hit_ball(strokes):
      x, y = ball.x, ball.y
      xb, yb = ball.x, ball.y
      power = power_multiplier/4 * distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y)
      print('nnBall Hit!')
      print('npower: %sN' % round(power, 2))
      ang = angle(cursor_pos)
      print('angle: %s°' % round(ang * deg, 2))
      print('cos(a): %s' % round(math.cos(ang), 2)), print('sin(a): %s' % round(math.sin(ang), 2))

      ball.vx, ball.vy = power * math.cos(ang), -power * math.sin(ang)

      strokes += 1

      return strokes, xb, yb

      def initialize():
      window = pg.display.set_mode((Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      pg.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

      return window

      rad, deg = math.pi/180, 180/math.pi
      x, y, power, ang, strokes = [0]*5
      xb, yb = None, None
      shoot, penalty, stop, quit, x_bounded = [False]*5
      p_ticks, update_frame = 0, 0

      ball = Ball(Constants.START_X, Constants.START_Y)

      clock = pg.time.Clock()

      strength_dict = {0: .01, 1: .02, 2: .04, 3: .08, 4: .16, 5: .25, 6: .50, 7: .75, 8: 1}; skey = 6
      resist_dict = {0: 0, 1: .01, 2: .02, 3: .03, 4: .04, 5: .05, 6: .1, 7: .2, 8: .3, 9: .4, 10: .5, 11: .6, 12: .7,
      13: .8, 14: .9, 15: 1, 16: 1.25, 17: 1.5, 18: 1.75, 19: 2, 20: 2.5, 21: 3, 22: 3.5, 23: 4, 24: 4.5,
      25: 5}; rkey = 7

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      window = initialize()
      while not quit:
      power_multiplier = strength_dict[skey]
      resist_multiplier = resist_dict[rkey]

      seconds = (pg.time.get_ticks()-p_ticks)/1000
      if seconds > 1.2: penalty = False

      cursor_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
      line = [(ball.x, ball.y), cursor_pos]
      line_ball_x, line_ball_y = cursor_pos[0] - ball.x, cursor_pos[1] - ball.y

      aline = [(ball.x, ball.y), (ball.x + .015 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y)]

      if not shoot:
      power_display = round(
      distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y) * power_multiplier/5)

      angle_display = round(angle(cursor_pos) * deg)

      if stop or (abs(ball.vy) < 5 and abs(ball.vx) < 1 and abs(ball.y - (Constants.START_Y - 2)) <= Constants.BOUNCE_FUZZ):
      shoot = False
      #ball.y = Constants.START_Y
      print('nThe ball has come to a rest!')
      update_frame = 0
      update_frame, shoot, stop = ball.update(update_frame)

      if not Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < ball.x < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
      shoot = False
      print(f'nOut of Bounds! Pos: {round(ball.x), round(ball.y)}')
      penalty = True
      p_ticks = pg.time.get_ticks()
      strokes += 1

      if Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < xb < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
      ball.x = xb
      ball.x = Constants.START_X
      ball.y = yb

      quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded = update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded)


      print("nShutting down...")



      Continuation of this post

      I wrote a program in pygame that basically acts as a physics engine for a ball. You can hit the ball around and your strokes are counted, as well as an extra stroke for going out of bounds. Recently, I added a few things like air resistance, and rewrote my movement physics to make it easier to bounce. I'm wondering if the physics approach is good. Also, is there any way to convert everything into SI units? Right now, my air drag is an arbitrary value.

      import math
      import pygame as pg

      class Colors:

      BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
      WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
      RED = (255, 0, 0)
      GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
      BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

      YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
      GOLD = (255, 215, 0)
      GRAY = (100, 100, 100)

      NIGHT = (20, 24, 82)
      DAY = (135, 206, 235)
      MOON = (245, 243, 206)
      SMOKE = (96, 96, 96)

      class Constants:

      SCREEN_WIDTH = 1500
      SCREEN_HEIGHT = 800

      TICKRATE = 60
      GAME_SPEED = .35

      LINE_COLOR = Colors.GOLD
      ALINE_COLOR = Colors.GOLD

      BOUNCE_FUZZ = 0

      START_X = int(.5 * SCREEN_WIDTH)
      START_Y = int(.99 * SCREEN_HEIGHT)

      AIR_DRAG = .3
      GRAVITY = 9.80665

      class Fonts:

      strokeFont = pg.font.SysFont("monospace", 50)

      powerFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

      angleFont = pg.font.SysFont("arial", 15, bold=True)

      penaltyFont = pg.font.SysFont("georgia", 40, bold=True)

      toggleBoundsFont = pg.font.SysFont("geneva", 20)

      resistMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

      powerMultiplierFont = pg.font.SysFont("courier new", 13)

      class Ball(object):
      def __init__(self, x, y, dx = 0, dy = 0, bounce = .8, radius = 10, color=Colors.SMOKE, outlinecolor=Colors.RED, density=1):
      self.color = color
      self.outlinecolor = outlinecolor
      self.x = x
      self.y = y
      self.dx = dx
      self.dy = dy = 0
      self.ay = Constants.GRAVITY
      self.dt = Constants.GAME_SPEED
      self.bounce = bounce
      self.radius = radius
      self.mass = 4/3 * math.pi * self.radius**3 * density

      def show(self, window):, self.outlinecolor, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius), self.color, (int(self.x), int(self.y)), self.radius - int(.4 * self.radius))

      def update(self, update_frame):
      update_frame += 1

      self.vx += * self.dt
      self.vy += self.ay * self.dt

      if resist_multiplier:
      drag = 6*math.pi * self.radius * resist_multiplier * Constants.AIR_DRAG
      air_resist_x = -drag * self.vx / self.mass
      air_resist_y = -drag * self.vy / self.mass

      self.vx += air_resist_x/self.dt
      self.vy += air_resist_y/self.dt

      self.x += self.vx * self.dt
      self.y += self.vy * self.dt

      bounced, stop, shoot = False, False, True

      # Top & Bottom
      if self.y + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
      self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
      self.vy = -self.vy
      bounced = True
      print(' Bounce!')

      if self.y - self.radius < Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER:
      self.y = Constants.Y_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
      self.vy = -self.vy
      bounced = True
      print(' Bounce!')

      # Speed/Resistance Rectangles
      if (self.x >= .875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
      self.x = .88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
      self.x = .87*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, -2 * abs(self.vx)
      bounced = True

      if (self.x <= .1175*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius) and (self.y + self.radius >= .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
      self.x = .118*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.y = .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius
      self.x = .119*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH + self.radius
      self.vy, self.vx = -self.vy, 2 * abs(self.vx)
      bounced = True

      if x_bounded:
      if (self.x - self.radius < Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
      self.x = Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER + self.radius
      self.vx = -self.vx
      bounced = True

      if (self.x + self.radius > Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER):
      self.x = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER - self.radius
      self.vx = -self.vx
      bounced = True

      if self.vx > 1000:
      self.vx = 1000
      self.y = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/4

      if bounced:
      self.vx *= self.bounce
      self.vy *= self.bounce

      print(f'n Update Frame: {update_frame}',
      ' x-pos: %spx' % round(self.x),
      ' y-pos: %spx' % round(self.y),
      ' x-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vx),
      ' y-vel: %spx/u' % round(self.vy),
      sep='n', end='nn')

      return update_frame, shoot, stop

      def quadrant(x, y, xm, ym):
      if ym < y and xm > x:
      return 1
      elif ym < y and xm < x:
      return 2
      elif ym > y and xm < x:
      return 3
      elif ym > y and xm > x:
      return 4
      return False

      def draw_window():


      resist_multiplier_text = 'Air Resistance: {:2.2f} m/s'.format(resist_multiplier)
      resist_multiplier_label = Fonts.resistMultiplierFont.render(resist_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.RESISTMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
      pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.8875*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.88*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
      window.blit(resist_multiplier_label, (.8925*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      power_multiplier_text = f'Swing Strength: {int(power_multiplier*100)}%'
      power_multiplier_label = Fonts.powerMultiplierFont.render(power_multiplier_text, 1, Fonts.POWERMULTIPLIERCOLOR)
      pg.draw.rect(window, Colors.BLACK, (0, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, .1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (.1125*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .99*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3, 3)
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Colors.MOON, Colors.GREEN, (0, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), (.12*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .975*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 3)
      window.blit(power_multiplier_label, (.005*Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, .98*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      if not shoot:
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, Constants.ALINE_COLOR, aline[0], aline[1], 5)
      pg.draw.arrow(window, Constants.LINE_COLOR, Constants.LINE_COLOR, line[0], line[1], 5)

      stroke_text = 'Strokes: %s' % strokes
      stroke_label = Fonts.strokeFont.render(stroke_text, 1, Fonts.STROKECOLOR)
      if not strokes:
      window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - .21 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      window.blit(stroke_label, (Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - (.21+.02*math.floor(math.log10(strokes))) * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - .985 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      power_text = 'Shot Strength: %sN' % power_display
      power_label = Fonts.powerFont.render(power_text, 1, Fonts.POWERCOLOR)
      if not shoot: window.blit(power_label, (cursor_pos[0] + .008 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, cursor_pos[1]))

      angle_text = 'Angle: %s°' % angle_display
      angle_label = Fonts.angleFont.render(angle_text, 1, Fonts.ANGLECOLOR)
      if not shoot: window.blit(angle_label, (ball.x - .06 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y - .01 * Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))

      if penalty:
      penalty_text = f'Out of Bounds! +1 Stroke'
      penalty_label = Fonts.penaltyFont.render(penalty_text, 1, Fonts.PENALTYCOLOR)
      penalty_rect = penalty_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .225*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      window.blit(penalty_label, penalty_rect)

      toggle_bounds_text = "Use [b] to toggle bounds"
      toggle_bounds_label = Fonts.toggleBoundsFont.render(toggle_bounds_text, 1, Fonts.TOGGLEBOUNDSCOLOR)
      toggle_bounds_rect = toggle_bounds_label.get_rect(center=(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2, .275*Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      window.blit(toggle_bounds_label, toggle_bounds_rect)


      def angle(cursor_pos):
      x, y, xm, ym = ball.x, ball.y, cursor_pos[0], cursor_pos[1]
      if x-xm:
      angle = math.atan((y - ym) / (x - xm))
      elif y > ym:
      angle = math.pi/2
      angle = 3*math.pi/2

      q = ball.quadrant(x,y,xm,ym)
      if q: angle = math.pi*math.floor(q/2) - angle

      if round(angle*deg) == 360:
      angle = 0

      if x > xm and not round(angle*deg):
      angle = math.pi

      return angle

      def arrow(screen, lcolor, tricolor, start, end, trirad, thickness=2):
      pg.draw.line(screen, lcolor, start, end, thickness)
      rotation = (math.atan2(start[1] - end[1], end[0] - start[0])) + math.pi/2
      pg.draw.polygon(screen, tricolor, ((end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation),
      end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation)),
      (end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation - 120*rad),
      end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation - 120*rad)),
      (end[0] + trirad * math.sin(rotation + 120*rad),
      end[1] + trirad * math.cos(rotation + 120*rad))))
      setattr(pg.draw, 'arrow', arrow)

      def distance(x, y):
      return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

      def update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded):
      for event in pg.event.get():
      if event.type == pg.QUIT:
      quit = True

      if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
      if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
      quit = True

      if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
      if rkey != max(resist_dict):
      rkey += 1

      if event.key == pg.K_LEFT:
      if rkey != min(resist_dict):
      rkey -= 1

      if event.key == pg.K_UP:
      if skey != max(strength_dict):
      skey += 1

      if event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
      if skey != min(strength_dict):
      skey -= 1

      if event.key == pg.K_b:
      x_bounded = not x_bounded

      if event.key == pg.K_q:
      rkey = min(resist_dict)
      skey = max(strength_dict)
      x_bounded = True

      if event.key == pg.K_e:
      rkey = max(resist_dict)
      skey = max(strength_dict)
      x_bounded = False

      if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
      if not shoot:
      shoot, stop = True, False
      strokes, xb, yb = hit_ball(strokes)

      return quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded

      def hit_ball(strokes):
      x, y = ball.x, ball.y
      xb, yb = ball.x, ball.y
      power = power_multiplier/4 * distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y)
      print('nnBall Hit!')
      print('npower: %sN' % round(power, 2))
      ang = angle(cursor_pos)
      print('angle: %s°' % round(ang * deg, 2))
      print('cos(a): %s' % round(math.cos(ang), 2)), print('sin(a): %s' % round(math.sin(ang), 2))

      ball.vx, ball.vy = power * math.cos(ang), -power * math.sin(ang)

      strokes += 1

      return strokes, xb, yb

      def initialize():
      window = pg.display.set_mode((Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
      pg.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

      return window

      rad, deg = math.pi/180, 180/math.pi
      x, y, power, ang, strokes = [0]*5
      xb, yb = None, None
      shoot, penalty, stop, quit, x_bounded = [False]*5
      p_ticks, update_frame = 0, 0

      ball = Ball(Constants.START_X, Constants.START_Y)

      clock = pg.time.Clock()

      strength_dict = {0: .01, 1: .02, 2: .04, 3: .08, 4: .16, 5: .25, 6: .50, 7: .75, 8: 1}; skey = 6
      resist_dict = {0: 0, 1: .01, 2: .02, 3: .03, 4: .04, 5: .05, 6: .1, 7: .2, 8: .3, 9: .4, 10: .5, 11: .6, 12: .7,
      13: .8, 14: .9, 15: 1, 16: 1.25, 17: 1.5, 18: 1.75, 19: 2, 20: 2.5, 21: 3, 22: 3.5, 23: 4, 24: 4.5,
      25: 5}; rkey = 7

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      window = initialize()
      while not quit:
      power_multiplier = strength_dict[skey]
      resist_multiplier = resist_dict[rkey]

      seconds = (pg.time.get_ticks()-p_ticks)/1000
      if seconds > 1.2: penalty = False

      cursor_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
      line = [(ball.x, ball.y), cursor_pos]
      line_ball_x, line_ball_y = cursor_pos[0] - ball.x, cursor_pos[1] - ball.y

      aline = [(ball.x, ball.y), (ball.x + .015 * Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, ball.y)]

      if not shoot:
      power_display = round(
      distance(line_ball_x, line_ball_y) * power_multiplier/5)

      angle_display = round(angle(cursor_pos) * deg)

      if stop or (abs(ball.vy) < 5 and abs(ball.vx) < 1 and abs(ball.y - (Constants.START_Y - 2)) <= Constants.BOUNCE_FUZZ):
      shoot = False
      #ball.y = Constants.START_Y
      print('nThe ball has come to a rest!')
      update_frame = 0
      update_frame, shoot, stop = ball.update(update_frame)

      if not Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < ball.x < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
      shoot = False
      print(f'nOut of Bounds! Pos: {round(ball.x), round(ball.y)}')
      penalty = True
      p_ticks = pg.time.get_ticks()
      strokes += 1

      if Constants.X_BOUNDS_BARRIER < xb < Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH:
      ball.x = xb
      ball.x = Constants.START_X
      ball.y = yb

      quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded = update_values(quit, rkey, skey, shoot, xb, yb, strokes, x_bounded)


      print("nShutting down...")

      python pygame





      asked 6 mins ago








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