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Abstracting and unit testing lookups in Excel table

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I have a vba solution that I use to ingest investment text reports and reformat them for analysis in Excel. It works, but the macros involve a lot of direct manipulation of Excel objects, and have no unit-testing.

After finding RubberDuck, and reading several years' worth of excellent posts from @MathieuGuindon, I've decided to re-write the "brute force"-heavy solution as a way to learn these new concepts and techniques.

When ingesting from a report, I also pull additional attributes from excel tables. I'm beginning my re-write with those lookup tables. The first of which I'm submitting here.

Initial goals:

  • Programming to Interfaces not classes

  • Making Services and Proxies rather than direct access to Excel sheets and ranges

  • Using the PredeclaredId attribute to enable a Create method

  • Thorough unit testing

Apart from general review, I also have some specific questions, which I'll post following the code.


IAssetTableProxy -- abstracts reference to the "physical" excel table's data rows

Option Explicit

Public Function GetAssetTableData() As Variant()
End Function

AssetTableProxy -- Implementation

Option Explicit
Implements IAssetTableProxy

Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

Dim tblName As String
tblName = "AssetInfoTable"

IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = Worksheets(Range(tblName).Parent.Name).ListObjects(tblName).DataBodyRange.value

End Function

AssetInfo -- a class to handle the three values for each row: Desc, Ticker, Type

Option Explicit

Private Type TAssetInfo
Desc As String
Ticker As String
AssetType As String
End Type
Private this As TAssetInfo

Public Property Get Desc() As String
Desc = this.Desc
End Property

Friend Property Let Desc(ByVal value As String)
this.Desc = value
End Property

Public Property Get Ticker() As String
Ticker = this.Ticker
End Property

Friend Property Let Ticker(ByVal value As String)
this.Ticker = value
End Property

Public Property Get AssetType() As String
AssetType = this.AssetType
End Property

Friend Property Let AssetType(ByVal value As String)
this.AssetType = value
End Property

Public Property Get Self() As AssetInfo
Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Function Create(ByVal theDesc As String, ByVal theTicker As String, ByVal theAssetType As String) As AssetInfo

With New AssetInfo

.Desc = theDesc
.Ticker = theTicker
.AssetType = theAssetType

Set Create = .Self

End With

End Function

IAssetInfoService -- holds a collection of AssetInfo objects and
provides the needed lookups to data from AssetTableProxy

Option Explicit

Public Function Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService
End Function

Public Function GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
End Function

Public Function GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
End Function

AssetInfoService -- implementation

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Implements IAssetInfoService

Private Type TAssetsTable
AssetColl As Collection
End Type
Private this As TAssetsTable

Friend Property Get Assets() As Collection
Set Assets = this.AssetColl
End Property

Friend Property Set Assets(ByRef coll As Collection)
Set this.AssetColl = coll
End Property

Public Property Get Self() As IAssetInfoService
Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Function IAssetInfoService_Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService

Dim twoDArr() As Variant

twoDArr = assetTbl.GetAssetTableData

With New AssetInfoService

Dim tempAsset As AssetInfo

Dim tempColl As Collection
Set tempColl = New Collection

Dim rw As Long
For rw = 1 To UBound(twoDArr, 1)
Set tempAsset = AssetInfo.Create(twoDArr(rw, 1), twoDArr(rw, 2), twoDArr(rw, 3))

tempColl.Add tempAsset, key:=tempAsset.Desc
Next rw

Set .Assets = tempColl

Set IAssetInfoService_Create = .Self

End With

End Function

Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

Dim tempTp As String
If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
tempTp = this.AssetColl(Desc).AssetType
tempTp = "Unknown Asset"
End If
IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc = tempTp

End Function

Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

Dim tempTicker As String
If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
tempTicker = this.AssetColl(Desc).Ticker
tempTicker = "Unknown Asset"
End If
IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc = tempTicker

End Function

Private Function Exists(ByRef coll As Collection, ByRef key As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

coll.Item key

Exists = True
End Function

Unit Testing

AssetTableTestProxy -- proxy implementation for testing w/o dependency on actual excel table

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Implements IAssetTableProxy

Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

Dim twoDArr(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Variant

twoDArr(1, 1) = "Asset1"
twoDArr(1, 2) = "Tick1"
twoDArr(1, 3) = "Type1"

twoDArr(2, 1) = "Asset2"
twoDArr(2, 2) = "Tick2"
twoDArr(2, 3) = "Type2"

twoDArr(3, 1) = "Asset3"
twoDArr(3, 2) = "Tick3"
twoDArr(3, 3) = "Type3"

IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = twoDArr

End Function

TestAssetInfoService -- Unit tests for Asset Info Service

Option Explicit
Option Private Module

Private Assert As Object
Private Fakes As Object
Private assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy

Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
'this method runs once per module.
Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
Set assetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy
End Sub

Public Sub ModuleCleanup()
'this method runs once per module.
Set Assert = Nothing
Set Fakes = Nothing
Set assetTbl = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub TestInitialize()
'this method runs before every test in the module.
End Sub

Public Sub TestCleanup()
'this method runs after every test in the module.
End Sub

Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetTicker()
On Error GoTo TestFail

Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

Dim tick As String
tick = tbl.GetTickerForDesc("Asset2")

Assert.AreEqual "Tick2", tick, "Tick was: " & tick

Exit Sub
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub

Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetAssetType()
On Error GoTo TestFail

Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

Dim assetTp As String
assetTp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset2")

Assert.AreEqual "Type2", assetTp, "AssetTp was: " & assetTp

Exit Sub
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub

Public Sub GivenAssetNotInTable_GetUnknownAssetMsg()
On Error GoTo TestFail

Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

Dim tp As String
tp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("unsub")

Assert.AreEqual "Unknown Asset", tp

Exit Sub
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub

Module1 -- additional sub to play around with functions

Option Explicit

Sub TestAssetInfoTable()

Dim assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy
Dim testAssetTbl As AssetTableTestProxy

Set assetTbl = New AssetTableProxy
Set testAssetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy

Dim assetSvc As IAssetInfoService
Dim testAssetSvc As IAssetInfoService

Set assetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)
Set testAssetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(testAssetTbl)

Dim tp As String
Dim tick As String

tp = assetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")
tick = assetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")

MsgBox ("Real Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

tp = testAssetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset3")
tick = testAssetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("Asset3")

MsgBox ("Test Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

End Sub

Specific questions:

  1. I initially had the "proxy" logic in the service class. But it felt like I was duplicating too many functions when I created the AssetInfoTestService class. Breaking it out to AssetTableProxy and AssetTableTestProxy allowed me to keep only one version of the service functions. But is this carrying things (abstraction?) too far?

  2. Learning about interfaces, I believe I understand the following pieces:

    • the contract created by each Function mentioned in the interface;

    • the requisite coding of corresponding Interface_Function in the implementing class;

    • the dimm-ing of class var "as Interface"; and

    • accessing the functions with classVar.Function

      • However there seems to be an exception here. In TestAssetInfoTable I dim assetSvc as IAssetInfoService. That interface has a Create function, and in the concrete class, I have IAssetInfoService_Create defined. But when I try to call AssetInfoService.Create(…) I get a compile error that only clears when I change to AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create. What am I missing there?

  3. I see the "Option Base 1" thing. Since leave C pointers long ago, I haven't really had a religious belief one way or the other on 0- vs 1-based arrays. I went with it here, because when I began playing with the (extremely handy) multiDimArray = Range I noted the returned arrays are 1-based. And I kept screwing myself up between coding for those, and coding for my own 0-based ones. So I just opted to go all 1-based. Rubberduck Code Inspections do always throw that decision back in my face though, so let me ask here: are compelling reasons to not do that, or work arounds/tips for the multiDimArray = Range 1-based thing?


New contributor

jdap is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.





    I have a vba solution that I use to ingest investment text reports and reformat them for analysis in Excel. It works, but the macros involve a lot of direct manipulation of Excel objects, and have no unit-testing.

    After finding RubberDuck, and reading several years' worth of excellent posts from @MathieuGuindon, I've decided to re-write the "brute force"-heavy solution as a way to learn these new concepts and techniques.

    When ingesting from a report, I also pull additional attributes from excel tables. I'm beginning my re-write with those lookup tables. The first of which I'm submitting here.

    Initial goals:

    • Programming to Interfaces not classes

    • Making Services and Proxies rather than direct access to Excel sheets and ranges

    • Using the PredeclaredId attribute to enable a Create method

    • Thorough unit testing

    Apart from general review, I also have some specific questions, which I'll post following the code.


    IAssetTableProxy -- abstracts reference to the "physical" excel table's data rows

    Option Explicit

    Public Function GetAssetTableData() As Variant()
    End Function

    AssetTableProxy -- Implementation

    Option Explicit
    Implements IAssetTableProxy

    Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

    Dim tblName As String
    tblName = "AssetInfoTable"

    IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = Worksheets(Range(tblName).Parent.Name).ListObjects(tblName).DataBodyRange.value

    End Function

    AssetInfo -- a class to handle the three values for each row: Desc, Ticker, Type

    Option Explicit

    Private Type TAssetInfo
    Desc As String
    Ticker As String
    AssetType As String
    End Type
    Private this As TAssetInfo

    Public Property Get Desc() As String
    Desc = this.Desc
    End Property

    Friend Property Let Desc(ByVal value As String)
    this.Desc = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get Ticker() As String
    Ticker = this.Ticker
    End Property

    Friend Property Let Ticker(ByVal value As String)
    this.Ticker = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get AssetType() As String
    AssetType = this.AssetType
    End Property

    Friend Property Let AssetType(ByVal value As String)
    this.AssetType = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get Self() As AssetInfo
    Set Self = Me
    End Property

    Public Function Create(ByVal theDesc As String, ByVal theTicker As String, ByVal theAssetType As String) As AssetInfo

    With New AssetInfo

    .Desc = theDesc
    .Ticker = theTicker
    .AssetType = theAssetType

    Set Create = .Self

    End With

    End Function

    IAssetInfoService -- holds a collection of AssetInfo objects and
    provides the needed lookups to data from AssetTableProxy

    Option Explicit

    Public Function Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService
    End Function

    Public Function GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
    End Function

    Public Function GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
    End Function

    AssetInfoService -- implementation

    Option Explicit
    Option Base 1
    Implements IAssetInfoService

    Private Type TAssetsTable
    AssetColl As Collection
    End Type
    Private this As TAssetsTable

    Friend Property Get Assets() As Collection
    Set Assets = this.AssetColl
    End Property

    Friend Property Set Assets(ByRef coll As Collection)
    Set this.AssetColl = coll
    End Property

    Public Property Get Self() As IAssetInfoService
    Set Self = Me
    End Property

    Public Function IAssetInfoService_Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService

    Dim twoDArr() As Variant

    twoDArr = assetTbl.GetAssetTableData

    With New AssetInfoService

    Dim tempAsset As AssetInfo

    Dim tempColl As Collection
    Set tempColl = New Collection

    Dim rw As Long
    For rw = 1 To UBound(twoDArr, 1)
    Set tempAsset = AssetInfo.Create(twoDArr(rw, 1), twoDArr(rw, 2), twoDArr(rw, 3))

    tempColl.Add tempAsset, key:=tempAsset.Desc
    Next rw

    Set .Assets = tempColl

    Set IAssetInfoService_Create = .Self

    End With

    End Function

    Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

    Dim tempTp As String
    If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
    tempTp = this.AssetColl(Desc).AssetType
    tempTp = "Unknown Asset"
    End If
    IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc = tempTp

    End Function

    Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

    Dim tempTicker As String
    If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
    tempTicker = this.AssetColl(Desc).Ticker
    tempTicker = "Unknown Asset"
    End If
    IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc = tempTicker

    End Function

    Private Function Exists(ByRef coll As Collection, ByRef key As String) As Boolean

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    coll.Item key

    Exists = True
    End Function

    Unit Testing

    AssetTableTestProxy -- proxy implementation for testing w/o dependency on actual excel table

    Option Explicit
    Option Base 1
    Implements IAssetTableProxy

    Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

    Dim twoDArr(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Variant

    twoDArr(1, 1) = "Asset1"
    twoDArr(1, 2) = "Tick1"
    twoDArr(1, 3) = "Type1"

    twoDArr(2, 1) = "Asset2"
    twoDArr(2, 2) = "Tick2"
    twoDArr(2, 3) = "Type2"

    twoDArr(3, 1) = "Asset3"
    twoDArr(3, 2) = "Tick3"
    twoDArr(3, 3) = "Type3"

    IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = twoDArr

    End Function

    TestAssetInfoService -- Unit tests for Asset Info Service

    Option Explicit
    Option Private Module

    Private Assert As Object
    Private Fakes As Object
    Private assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy

    Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
    'this method runs once per module.
    Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
    Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
    Set assetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy
    End Sub

    Public Sub ModuleCleanup()
    'this method runs once per module.
    Set Assert = Nothing
    Set Fakes = Nothing
    Set assetTbl = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub TestInitialize()
    'this method runs before every test in the module.
    End Sub

    Public Sub TestCleanup()
    'this method runs after every test in the module.
    End Sub

    Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetTicker()
    On Error GoTo TestFail

    Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
    Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

    Dim tick As String
    tick = tbl.GetTickerForDesc("Asset2")

    Assert.AreEqual "Tick2", tick, "Tick was: " & tick

    Exit Sub
    Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
    End Sub

    Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetAssetType()
    On Error GoTo TestFail

    Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
    Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

    Dim assetTp As String
    assetTp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset2")

    Assert.AreEqual "Type2", assetTp, "AssetTp was: " & assetTp

    Exit Sub
    Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
    End Sub

    Public Sub GivenAssetNotInTable_GetUnknownAssetMsg()
    On Error GoTo TestFail

    Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
    Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

    Dim tp As String
    tp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("unsub")

    Assert.AreEqual "Unknown Asset", tp

    Exit Sub
    Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
    End Sub

    Module1 -- additional sub to play around with functions

    Option Explicit

    Sub TestAssetInfoTable()

    Dim assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy
    Dim testAssetTbl As AssetTableTestProxy

    Set assetTbl = New AssetTableProxy
    Set testAssetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy

    Dim assetSvc As IAssetInfoService
    Dim testAssetSvc As IAssetInfoService

    Set assetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)
    Set testAssetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(testAssetTbl)

    Dim tp As String
    Dim tick As String

    tp = assetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")
    tick = assetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")

    MsgBox ("Real Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

    tp = testAssetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset3")
    tick = testAssetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("Asset3")

    MsgBox ("Test Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

    End Sub

    Specific questions:

    1. I initially had the "proxy" logic in the service class. But it felt like I was duplicating too many functions when I created the AssetInfoTestService class. Breaking it out to AssetTableProxy and AssetTableTestProxy allowed me to keep only one version of the service functions. But is this carrying things (abstraction?) too far?

    2. Learning about interfaces, I believe I understand the following pieces:

      • the contract created by each Function mentioned in the interface;

      • the requisite coding of corresponding Interface_Function in the implementing class;

      • the dimm-ing of class var "as Interface"; and

      • accessing the functions with classVar.Function

        • However there seems to be an exception here. In TestAssetInfoTable I dim assetSvc as IAssetInfoService. That interface has a Create function, and in the concrete class, I have IAssetInfoService_Create defined. But when I try to call AssetInfoService.Create(…) I get a compile error that only clears when I change to AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create. What am I missing there?

    3. I see the "Option Base 1" thing. Since leave C pointers long ago, I haven't really had a religious belief one way or the other on 0- vs 1-based arrays. I went with it here, because when I began playing with the (extremely handy) multiDimArray = Range I noted the returned arrays are 1-based. And I kept screwing myself up between coding for those, and coding for my own 0-based ones. So I just opted to go all 1-based. Rubberduck Code Inspections do always throw that decision back in my face though, so let me ask here: are compelling reasons to not do that, or work arounds/tips for the multiDimArray = Range 1-based thing?


    New contributor

    jdap is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.







      I have a vba solution that I use to ingest investment text reports and reformat them for analysis in Excel. It works, but the macros involve a lot of direct manipulation of Excel objects, and have no unit-testing.

      After finding RubberDuck, and reading several years' worth of excellent posts from @MathieuGuindon, I've decided to re-write the "brute force"-heavy solution as a way to learn these new concepts and techniques.

      When ingesting from a report, I also pull additional attributes from excel tables. I'm beginning my re-write with those lookup tables. The first of which I'm submitting here.

      Initial goals:

      • Programming to Interfaces not classes

      • Making Services and Proxies rather than direct access to Excel sheets and ranges

      • Using the PredeclaredId attribute to enable a Create method

      • Thorough unit testing

      Apart from general review, I also have some specific questions, which I'll post following the code.


      IAssetTableProxy -- abstracts reference to the "physical" excel table's data rows

      Option Explicit

      Public Function GetAssetTableData() As Variant()
      End Function

      AssetTableProxy -- Implementation

      Option Explicit
      Implements IAssetTableProxy

      Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

      Dim tblName As String
      tblName = "AssetInfoTable"

      IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = Worksheets(Range(tblName).Parent.Name).ListObjects(tblName).DataBodyRange.value

      End Function

      AssetInfo -- a class to handle the three values for each row: Desc, Ticker, Type

      Option Explicit

      Private Type TAssetInfo
      Desc As String
      Ticker As String
      AssetType As String
      End Type
      Private this As TAssetInfo

      Public Property Get Desc() As String
      Desc = this.Desc
      End Property

      Friend Property Let Desc(ByVal value As String)
      this.Desc = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get Ticker() As String
      Ticker = this.Ticker
      End Property

      Friend Property Let Ticker(ByVal value As String)
      this.Ticker = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get AssetType() As String
      AssetType = this.AssetType
      End Property

      Friend Property Let AssetType(ByVal value As String)
      this.AssetType = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get Self() As AssetInfo
      Set Self = Me
      End Property

      Public Function Create(ByVal theDesc As String, ByVal theTicker As String, ByVal theAssetType As String) As AssetInfo

      With New AssetInfo

      .Desc = theDesc
      .Ticker = theTicker
      .AssetType = theAssetType

      Set Create = .Self

      End With

      End Function

      IAssetInfoService -- holds a collection of AssetInfo objects and
      provides the needed lookups to data from AssetTableProxy

      Option Explicit

      Public Function Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService
      End Function

      Public Function GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
      End Function

      Public Function GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
      End Function

      AssetInfoService -- implementation

      Option Explicit
      Option Base 1
      Implements IAssetInfoService

      Private Type TAssetsTable
      AssetColl As Collection
      End Type
      Private this As TAssetsTable

      Friend Property Get Assets() As Collection
      Set Assets = this.AssetColl
      End Property

      Friend Property Set Assets(ByRef coll As Collection)
      Set this.AssetColl = coll
      End Property

      Public Property Get Self() As IAssetInfoService
      Set Self = Me
      End Property

      Public Function IAssetInfoService_Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService

      Dim twoDArr() As Variant

      twoDArr = assetTbl.GetAssetTableData

      With New AssetInfoService

      Dim tempAsset As AssetInfo

      Dim tempColl As Collection
      Set tempColl = New Collection

      Dim rw As Long
      For rw = 1 To UBound(twoDArr, 1)
      Set tempAsset = AssetInfo.Create(twoDArr(rw, 1), twoDArr(rw, 2), twoDArr(rw, 3))

      tempColl.Add tempAsset, key:=tempAsset.Desc
      Next rw

      Set .Assets = tempColl

      Set IAssetInfoService_Create = .Self

      End With

      End Function

      Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

      Dim tempTp As String
      If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
      tempTp = this.AssetColl(Desc).AssetType
      tempTp = "Unknown Asset"
      End If
      IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc = tempTp

      End Function

      Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

      Dim tempTicker As String
      If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
      tempTicker = this.AssetColl(Desc).Ticker
      tempTicker = "Unknown Asset"
      End If
      IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc = tempTicker

      End Function

      Private Function Exists(ByRef coll As Collection, ByRef key As String) As Boolean

      On Error GoTo ErrHandler

      coll.Item key

      Exists = True
      End Function

      Unit Testing

      AssetTableTestProxy -- proxy implementation for testing w/o dependency on actual excel table

      Option Explicit
      Option Base 1
      Implements IAssetTableProxy

      Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

      Dim twoDArr(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Variant

      twoDArr(1, 1) = "Asset1"
      twoDArr(1, 2) = "Tick1"
      twoDArr(1, 3) = "Type1"

      twoDArr(2, 1) = "Asset2"
      twoDArr(2, 2) = "Tick2"
      twoDArr(2, 3) = "Type2"

      twoDArr(3, 1) = "Asset3"
      twoDArr(3, 2) = "Tick3"
      twoDArr(3, 3) = "Type3"

      IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = twoDArr

      End Function

      TestAssetInfoService -- Unit tests for Asset Info Service

      Option Explicit
      Option Private Module

      Private Assert As Object
      Private Fakes As Object
      Private assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy

      Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
      'this method runs once per module.
      Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
      Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
      Set assetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy
      End Sub

      Public Sub ModuleCleanup()
      'this method runs once per module.
      Set Assert = Nothing
      Set Fakes = Nothing
      Set assetTbl = Nothing
      End Sub

      Public Sub TestInitialize()
      'this method runs before every test in the module.
      End Sub

      Public Sub TestCleanup()
      'this method runs after every test in the module.
      End Sub

      Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetTicker()
      On Error GoTo TestFail

      Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
      Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

      Dim tick As String
      tick = tbl.GetTickerForDesc("Asset2")

      Assert.AreEqual "Tick2", tick, "Tick was: " & tick

      Exit Sub
      Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
      End Sub

      Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetAssetType()
      On Error GoTo TestFail

      Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
      Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

      Dim assetTp As String
      assetTp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset2")

      Assert.AreEqual "Type2", assetTp, "AssetTp was: " & assetTp

      Exit Sub
      Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
      End Sub

      Public Sub GivenAssetNotInTable_GetUnknownAssetMsg()
      On Error GoTo TestFail

      Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
      Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

      Dim tp As String
      tp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("unsub")

      Assert.AreEqual "Unknown Asset", tp

      Exit Sub
      Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
      End Sub

      Module1 -- additional sub to play around with functions

      Option Explicit

      Sub TestAssetInfoTable()

      Dim assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy
      Dim testAssetTbl As AssetTableTestProxy

      Set assetTbl = New AssetTableProxy
      Set testAssetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy

      Dim assetSvc As IAssetInfoService
      Dim testAssetSvc As IAssetInfoService

      Set assetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)
      Set testAssetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(testAssetTbl)

      Dim tp As String
      Dim tick As String

      tp = assetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")
      tick = assetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")

      MsgBox ("Real Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

      tp = testAssetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset3")
      tick = testAssetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("Asset3")

      MsgBox ("Test Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

      End Sub

      Specific questions:

      1. I initially had the "proxy" logic in the service class. But it felt like I was duplicating too many functions when I created the AssetInfoTestService class. Breaking it out to AssetTableProxy and AssetTableTestProxy allowed me to keep only one version of the service functions. But is this carrying things (abstraction?) too far?

      2. Learning about interfaces, I believe I understand the following pieces:

        • the contract created by each Function mentioned in the interface;

        • the requisite coding of corresponding Interface_Function in the implementing class;

        • the dimm-ing of class var "as Interface"; and

        • accessing the functions with classVar.Function

          • However there seems to be an exception here. In TestAssetInfoTable I dim assetSvc as IAssetInfoService. That interface has a Create function, and in the concrete class, I have IAssetInfoService_Create defined. But when I try to call AssetInfoService.Create(…) I get a compile error that only clears when I change to AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create. What am I missing there?

      3. I see the "Option Base 1" thing. Since leave C pointers long ago, I haven't really had a religious belief one way or the other on 0- vs 1-based arrays. I went with it here, because when I began playing with the (extremely handy) multiDimArray = Range I noted the returned arrays are 1-based. And I kept screwing myself up between coding for those, and coding for my own 0-based ones. So I just opted to go all 1-based. Rubberduck Code Inspections do always throw that decision back in my face though, so let me ask here: are compelling reasons to not do that, or work arounds/tips for the multiDimArray = Range 1-based thing?


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      jdap is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      I have a vba solution that I use to ingest investment text reports and reformat them for analysis in Excel. It works, but the macros involve a lot of direct manipulation of Excel objects, and have no unit-testing.

      After finding RubberDuck, and reading several years' worth of excellent posts from @MathieuGuindon, I've decided to re-write the "brute force"-heavy solution as a way to learn these new concepts and techniques.

      When ingesting from a report, I also pull additional attributes from excel tables. I'm beginning my re-write with those lookup tables. The first of which I'm submitting here.

      Initial goals:

      • Programming to Interfaces not classes

      • Making Services and Proxies rather than direct access to Excel sheets and ranges

      • Using the PredeclaredId attribute to enable a Create method

      • Thorough unit testing

      Apart from general review, I also have some specific questions, which I'll post following the code.


      IAssetTableProxy -- abstracts reference to the "physical" excel table's data rows

      Option Explicit

      Public Function GetAssetTableData() As Variant()
      End Function

      AssetTableProxy -- Implementation

      Option Explicit
      Implements IAssetTableProxy

      Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

      Dim tblName As String
      tblName = "AssetInfoTable"

      IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = Worksheets(Range(tblName).Parent.Name).ListObjects(tblName).DataBodyRange.value

      End Function

      AssetInfo -- a class to handle the three values for each row: Desc, Ticker, Type

      Option Explicit

      Private Type TAssetInfo
      Desc As String
      Ticker As String
      AssetType As String
      End Type
      Private this As TAssetInfo

      Public Property Get Desc() As String
      Desc = this.Desc
      End Property

      Friend Property Let Desc(ByVal value As String)
      this.Desc = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get Ticker() As String
      Ticker = this.Ticker
      End Property

      Friend Property Let Ticker(ByVal value As String)
      this.Ticker = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get AssetType() As String
      AssetType = this.AssetType
      End Property

      Friend Property Let AssetType(ByVal value As String)
      this.AssetType = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get Self() As AssetInfo
      Set Self = Me
      End Property

      Public Function Create(ByVal theDesc As String, ByVal theTicker As String, ByVal theAssetType As String) As AssetInfo

      With New AssetInfo

      .Desc = theDesc
      .Ticker = theTicker
      .AssetType = theAssetType

      Set Create = .Self

      End With

      End Function

      IAssetInfoService -- holds a collection of AssetInfo objects and
      provides the needed lookups to data from AssetTableProxy

      Option Explicit

      Public Function Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService
      End Function

      Public Function GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
      End Function

      Public Function GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String
      End Function

      AssetInfoService -- implementation

      Option Explicit
      Option Base 1
      Implements IAssetInfoService

      Private Type TAssetsTable
      AssetColl As Collection
      End Type
      Private this As TAssetsTable

      Friend Property Get Assets() As Collection
      Set Assets = this.AssetColl
      End Property

      Friend Property Set Assets(ByRef coll As Collection)
      Set this.AssetColl = coll
      End Property

      Public Property Get Self() As IAssetInfoService
      Set Self = Me
      End Property

      Public Function IAssetInfoService_Create(ByRef assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy) As IAssetInfoService

      Dim twoDArr() As Variant

      twoDArr = assetTbl.GetAssetTableData

      With New AssetInfoService

      Dim tempAsset As AssetInfo

      Dim tempColl As Collection
      Set tempColl = New Collection

      Dim rw As Long
      For rw = 1 To UBound(twoDArr, 1)
      Set tempAsset = AssetInfo.Create(twoDArr(rw, 1), twoDArr(rw, 2), twoDArr(rw, 3))

      tempColl.Add tempAsset, key:=tempAsset.Desc
      Next rw

      Set .Assets = tempColl

      Set IAssetInfoService_Create = .Self

      End With

      End Function

      Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

      Dim tempTp As String
      If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
      tempTp = this.AssetColl(Desc).AssetType
      tempTp = "Unknown Asset"
      End If
      IAssetInfoService_GetAssetTypeForDesc = tempTp

      End Function

      Public Function IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc(ByVal Desc As String) As String

      Dim tempTicker As String
      If Exists(this.AssetColl, Desc) Then
      tempTicker = this.AssetColl(Desc).Ticker
      tempTicker = "Unknown Asset"
      End If
      IAssetInfoService_GetTickerForDesc = tempTicker

      End Function

      Private Function Exists(ByRef coll As Collection, ByRef key As String) As Boolean

      On Error GoTo ErrHandler

      coll.Item key

      Exists = True
      End Function

      Unit Testing

      AssetTableTestProxy -- proxy implementation for testing w/o dependency on actual excel table

      Option Explicit
      Option Base 1
      Implements IAssetTableProxy

      Public Function IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData() As Variant()

      Dim twoDArr(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Variant

      twoDArr(1, 1) = "Asset1"
      twoDArr(1, 2) = "Tick1"
      twoDArr(1, 3) = "Type1"

      twoDArr(2, 1) = "Asset2"
      twoDArr(2, 2) = "Tick2"
      twoDArr(2, 3) = "Type2"

      twoDArr(3, 1) = "Asset3"
      twoDArr(3, 2) = "Tick3"
      twoDArr(3, 3) = "Type3"

      IAssetTableProxy_GetAssetTableData = twoDArr

      End Function

      TestAssetInfoService -- Unit tests for Asset Info Service

      Option Explicit
      Option Private Module

      Private Assert As Object
      Private Fakes As Object
      Private assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy

      Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
      'this method runs once per module.
      Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
      Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
      Set assetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy
      End Sub

      Public Sub ModuleCleanup()
      'this method runs once per module.
      Set Assert = Nothing
      Set Fakes = Nothing
      Set assetTbl = Nothing
      End Sub

      Public Sub TestInitialize()
      'this method runs before every test in the module.
      End Sub

      Public Sub TestCleanup()
      'this method runs after every test in the module.
      End Sub

      Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetTicker()
      On Error GoTo TestFail

      Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
      Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

      Dim tick As String
      tick = tbl.GetTickerForDesc("Asset2")

      Assert.AreEqual "Tick2", tick, "Tick was: " & tick

      Exit Sub
      Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
      End Sub

      Public Sub GivenAssetInTable_GetAssetType()
      On Error GoTo TestFail

      Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
      Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

      Dim assetTp As String
      assetTp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset2")

      Assert.AreEqual "Type2", assetTp, "AssetTp was: " & assetTp

      Exit Sub
      Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
      End Sub

      Public Sub GivenAssetNotInTable_GetUnknownAssetMsg()
      On Error GoTo TestFail

      Dim tbl As IAssetInfoService
      Set tbl = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)

      Dim tp As String
      tp = tbl.GetAssetTypeForDesc("unsub")

      Assert.AreEqual "Unknown Asset", tp

      Exit Sub
      Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
      End Sub

      Module1 -- additional sub to play around with functions

      Option Explicit

      Sub TestAssetInfoTable()

      Dim assetTbl As IAssetTableProxy
      Dim testAssetTbl As AssetTableTestProxy

      Set assetTbl = New AssetTableProxy
      Set testAssetTbl = New AssetTableTestProxy

      Dim assetSvc As IAssetInfoService
      Dim testAssetSvc As IAssetInfoService

      Set assetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(assetTbl)
      Set testAssetSvc = AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create(testAssetTbl)

      Dim tp As String
      Dim tick As String

      tp = assetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")
      tick = assetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("AMAZON COM INC (AMZN)")

      MsgBox ("Real Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

      tp = testAssetSvc.GetAssetTypeForDesc("Asset3")
      tick = testAssetSvc.GetTickerForDesc("Asset3")

      MsgBox ("Test Svc: tp=" & tp & "; tick=" & tick)

      End Sub

      Specific questions:

      1. I initially had the "proxy" logic in the service class. But it felt like I was duplicating too many functions when I created the AssetInfoTestService class. Breaking it out to AssetTableProxy and AssetTableTestProxy allowed me to keep only one version of the service functions. But is this carrying things (abstraction?) too far?

      2. Learning about interfaces, I believe I understand the following pieces:

        • the contract created by each Function mentioned in the interface;

        • the requisite coding of corresponding Interface_Function in the implementing class;

        • the dimm-ing of class var "as Interface"; and

        • accessing the functions with classVar.Function

          • However there seems to be an exception here. In TestAssetInfoTable I dim assetSvc as IAssetInfoService. That interface has a Create function, and in the concrete class, I have IAssetInfoService_Create defined. But when I try to call AssetInfoService.Create(…) I get a compile error that only clears when I change to AssetInfoService.IAssetInfoService_Create. What am I missing there?

      3. I see the "Option Base 1" thing. Since leave C pointers long ago, I haven't really had a religious belief one way or the other on 0- vs 1-based arrays. I went with it here, because when I began playing with the (extremely handy) multiDimArray = Range I noted the returned arrays are 1-based. And I kept screwing myself up between coding for those, and coding for my own 0-based ones. So I just opted to go all 1-based. Rubberduck Code Inspections do always throw that decision back in my face though, so let me ask here: are compelling reasons to not do that, or work arounds/tips for the multiDimArray = Range 1-based thing?

      vba excel rubberduck


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      jdap is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      asked 9 mins ago




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      jdap is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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