Snake Game - within worksheet - cells as pixelsPython model for a “snake”-like gameBasic snake gameSnake...

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Snake Game - within worksheet - cells as pixels

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Since my rather mediocre attempt at making a space invader game I stumbled on a cache of Visual Basic for Applications games written by Japanese excel wizards. I have even had someone create Zelda? What an inspiration! Making complete, beautiful, fun arcade / GameBoy style games inside of an Excel spreadsheet is possible.

This is my first crack at recreating the old game Snake.


Snake Part:

Option Explicit

Private Type Properties
row As Long
column As Long
End Type

Private this As Properties

Public Property Let row(ByVal value As Long)
this.row = value
End Property

Public Property Get row() As Long
row = this.row
End Property

Public Property Let column(ByVal value As Long)
this.column = value
End Property

Public Property Get column() As Long
column = this.column
End Property

Public Sub PropertiesSet(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
this.row = row
this.column = column
End Sub


Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LongInteger) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LongInteger) As Long

Private Type LongInteger
First32Bits As Long
Second32Bits As Long
End Type

Private Type TimerAttributes
CounterInitial As Double
CounterNow As Double
PerformanceFrequency As Double
End Type

Private Const MaxValue_32Bits = 4294967296#
Private this As TimerAttributes

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub PerformanceFrequencyLet()
Dim TempFrequency As LongInteger
QueryPerformanceFrequency TempFrequency
this.PerformanceFrequency = ParseLongInteger(TempFrequency)
End Sub

Public Sub TimerSet()
Dim TempCounterIntital As LongInteger
QueryPerformanceCounter TempCounterIntital
this.CounterInitial = ParseLongInteger(TempCounterIntital)
End Sub

Public Function CheckQuarterSecondPassed() As Boolean
If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 0.25 Then
CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True
CheckQuarterSecondPassed = False
End If
End Function

Public Function CheckFiveSecondsPassed() As Boolean
If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 10 Then
CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True
CheckFiveSecondsPassed = False
End If
End Function

Public Sub PrintTimeElapsed()
If CounterInitalIsSet = True Then
Dim TimeElapsed As Double
TimeElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency
Debug.Print Format(TimeElapsed, "0.000000"); " seconds elapsed "

Dim TicksElapsed As Double
TicksElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial)
Debug.Print Format(TicksElapsed, "#,##0"); " ticks"
End If
End Sub

Private Function CounterNowLet()
Dim TempTimeNow As LongInteger
QueryPerformanceCounter TempTimeNow
this.CounterNow = ParseLongInteger(TempTimeNow)
End Function

Private Function CounterInitalIsSet() As Boolean
If this.CounterInitial = 0 Then
MsgBox "Counter Initial Not Set"
CounterInitalIsSet = False
CounterInitalIsSet = True
End If
End Function

Private Function ParseLongInteger(ByRef LongInteger As LongInteger) As Double
Dim First32Bits As Double
First32Bits = LongInteger.First32Bits

Dim Second32Bits As Double
Second32Bits = LongInteger.Second32Bits

If First32Bits < 0 Then First32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits
If Second32Bits < 0 Then Second32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits

ParseLongInteger = First32Bits + (MaxValue_32Bits * Second32Bits)
End Function

Worksheet Code:

Option Explicit

Public Enum Direction
North = 1
South = 2
East = 3
West = 4
End Enum

Public ws As Worksheet
Public snakeParts As Collection
Public currentRow As Long
Public currentColumn As Long
Public directionSnake As Direction

Sub RunGame()
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Game")
Set snakeParts = New Collection

Dim gameOver As Boolean
gameOver = False

Dim TimerGame As TimerWin64
Set TimerGame = New TimerWin64

Dim TimerBlueSquare As TimerWin64
Set TimerBlueSquare = New TimerWin64

Dim TimerYellowSquare As TimerWin64
Set TimerYellowSquare = New TimerWin64

Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart


ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
Do While gameOver = False
If TimerGame.CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True Then
ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
If SnakePartOverlapItself(currentRow, currentColumn) = True Then
gameOver = True
Exit Do
ElseIf SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True Then
gameOver = True
Exit Do
ElseIf SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True Then
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
Call SnakePartRemove
ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
Call SnakePartRemove
ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
End If
End If

If TimerBlueSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
End If

If TimerYellowSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
End If
gameOver = OutOfBounds
End Sub

Private Sub GameBoardReset()
ws.cells.Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
End Sub

Private Sub DirectionSnakeInitialize()
directionSnake = East
End Sub

Private Sub StartPositionInitalize()
currentRow = 96
currentColumn = 64
End Sub

Private Sub StartGameBoardInitalize()
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 6)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 5)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 4)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 3)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 2)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 1)
Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
End Sub

Private Sub SnakePartAdd(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart
SnakePartNew.PropertiesSet row, column
SnakePartAddToCollection SnakePartNew
SnakePartAddToGameBoard SnakePartNew
End Sub

Private Sub SnakePartAddToCollection(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
snakeParts.add snakepart
End Sub

Private Sub SnakePartAddToGameBoard(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
ws.cells(snakepart.row, snakepart.column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0)
End Sub

Private Sub SnakePartRemove()
End Sub

Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromCollection()
snakeParts.Remove 1
End Sub

Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromGameBoard()
ws.cells(snakeParts.Item(1).row, snakeParts.Item(1).column).Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
End Sub

Private Function OutOfBounds() As Boolean
If currentRow < 9 Or _
currentRow > 189 Or _
currentColumn < 21 Or _
currentColumn > 108 Then
OutOfBounds = True
MsgBox "GameOver"
OutOfBounds = False
End If
End Function

Private Function SnakePartOverlapItself(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long) As Boolean
If ws.cells(row, column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0) Then
MsgBox "GameOver"
SnakePartOverlapItself = True
SnakePartOverlapItself = False
End If
End Function

Private Sub BlueSquareAdd()
Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
End Sub

Private Function SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap() As Boolean
If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150) Then
SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True
SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = False
End If
End Function

Private Sub YellowSquareAdd()
Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
End Sub

Private Function SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap() As Boolean
If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0) Then
MsgBox "GameOver"
SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True
SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = False
End If
End Function

Private Sub CurrentCellUpdate()
Select Case directionSnake
Case Is = Direction.North
currentRow = currentRow - 1
Case Is = Direction.South
currentRow = currentRow + 1
Case Is = Direction.East
currentColumn = currentColumn + 1
Case Is = Direction.West
currentColumn = currentColumn - 1
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub SnakeCollectionUpdate(ByRef snakeParts As Collection)
snakeParts.add currentRow
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If directionSnake = East Or directionSnake = West Then
If Target.column = currentColumn Then
If Target.row <> currentRow Then
If Target.row = currentRow - 1 Then
directionSnake = North
ElseIf Target.row = currentRow + 1 Then
directionSnake = South
End If
End If
End If
End If

If directionSnake = North Or directionSnake = South Then
If Target.row = currentRow Then
If Target.column <> currentColumn Then
If Target.column = currentColumn + 1 Then
directionSnake = East
ElseIf Target.column = currentColumn - 1 Then
directionSnake = West
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

share|improve this question




    Since my rather mediocre attempt at making a space invader game I stumbled on a cache of Visual Basic for Applications games written by Japanese excel wizards. I have even had someone create Zelda? What an inspiration! Making complete, beautiful, fun arcade / GameBoy style games inside of an Excel spreadsheet is possible.

    This is my first crack at recreating the old game Snake.


    Snake Part:

    Option Explicit

    Private Type Properties
    row As Long
    column As Long
    End Type

    Private this As Properties

    Public Property Let row(ByVal value As Long)
    this.row = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get row() As Long
    row = this.row
    End Property

    Public Property Let column(ByVal value As Long)
    this.column = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get column() As Long
    column = this.column
    End Property

    Public Sub PropertiesSet(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
    this.row = row
    this.column = column
    End Sub


    Option Explicit

    Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LongInteger) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LongInteger) As Long

    Private Type LongInteger
    First32Bits As Long
    Second32Bits As Long
    End Type

    Private Type TimerAttributes
    CounterInitial As Double
    CounterNow As Double
    PerformanceFrequency As Double
    End Type

    Private Const MaxValue_32Bits = 4294967296#
    Private this As TimerAttributes

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PerformanceFrequencyLet()
    Dim TempFrequency As LongInteger
    QueryPerformanceFrequency TempFrequency
    this.PerformanceFrequency = ParseLongInteger(TempFrequency)
    End Sub

    Public Sub TimerSet()
    Dim TempCounterIntital As LongInteger
    QueryPerformanceCounter TempCounterIntital
    this.CounterInitial = ParseLongInteger(TempCounterIntital)
    End Sub

    Public Function CheckQuarterSecondPassed() As Boolean
    If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 0.25 Then
    CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True
    CheckQuarterSecondPassed = False
    End If
    End Function

    Public Function CheckFiveSecondsPassed() As Boolean
    If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 10 Then
    CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True
    CheckFiveSecondsPassed = False
    End If
    End Function

    Public Sub PrintTimeElapsed()
    If CounterInitalIsSet = True Then
    Dim TimeElapsed As Double
    TimeElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency
    Debug.Print Format(TimeElapsed, "0.000000"); " seconds elapsed "

    Dim TicksElapsed As Double
    TicksElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial)
    Debug.Print Format(TicksElapsed, "#,##0"); " ticks"
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Function CounterNowLet()
    Dim TempTimeNow As LongInteger
    QueryPerformanceCounter TempTimeNow
    this.CounterNow = ParseLongInteger(TempTimeNow)
    End Function

    Private Function CounterInitalIsSet() As Boolean
    If this.CounterInitial = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Counter Initial Not Set"
    CounterInitalIsSet = False
    CounterInitalIsSet = True
    End If
    End Function

    Private Function ParseLongInteger(ByRef LongInteger As LongInteger) As Double
    Dim First32Bits As Double
    First32Bits = LongInteger.First32Bits

    Dim Second32Bits As Double
    Second32Bits = LongInteger.Second32Bits

    If First32Bits < 0 Then First32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits
    If Second32Bits < 0 Then Second32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits

    ParseLongInteger = First32Bits + (MaxValue_32Bits * Second32Bits)
    End Function

    Worksheet Code:

    Option Explicit

    Public Enum Direction
    North = 1
    South = 2
    East = 3
    West = 4
    End Enum

    Public ws As Worksheet
    Public snakeParts As Collection
    Public currentRow As Long
    Public currentColumn As Long
    Public directionSnake As Direction

    Sub RunGame()
    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Game")
    Set snakeParts = New Collection

    Dim gameOver As Boolean
    gameOver = False

    Dim TimerGame As TimerWin64
    Set TimerGame = New TimerWin64

    Dim TimerBlueSquare As TimerWin64
    Set TimerBlueSquare = New TimerWin64

    Dim TimerYellowSquare As TimerWin64
    Set TimerYellowSquare = New TimerWin64

    Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
    Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart


    ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
    Do While gameOver = False
    If TimerGame.CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True Then
    ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
    If SnakePartOverlapItself(currentRow, currentColumn) = True Then
    gameOver = True
    Exit Do
    ElseIf SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True Then
    gameOver = True
    Exit Do
    ElseIf SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True Then
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
    Call SnakePartRemove
    ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
    Call SnakePartRemove
    ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
    End If
    End If

    If TimerBlueSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
    End If

    If TimerYellowSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
    End If
    gameOver = OutOfBounds
    End Sub

    Private Sub GameBoardReset()
    ws.cells.Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
    End Sub

    Private Sub DirectionSnakeInitialize()
    directionSnake = East
    End Sub

    Private Sub StartPositionInitalize()
    currentRow = 96
    currentColumn = 64
    End Sub

    Private Sub StartGameBoardInitalize()
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 6)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 5)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 4)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 3)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 2)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 1)
    Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakePartAdd(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
    Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
    Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart
    SnakePartNew.PropertiesSet row, column
    SnakePartAddToCollection SnakePartNew
    SnakePartAddToGameBoard SnakePartNew
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakePartAddToCollection(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
    snakeParts.add snakepart
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakePartAddToGameBoard(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
    ws.cells(snakepart.row, snakepart.column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0)
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakePartRemove()
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromCollection()
    snakeParts.Remove 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromGameBoard()
    ws.cells(snakeParts.Item(1).row, snakeParts.Item(1).column).Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
    End Sub

    Private Function OutOfBounds() As Boolean
    If currentRow < 9 Or _
    currentRow > 189 Or _
    currentColumn < 21 Or _
    currentColumn > 108 Then
    OutOfBounds = True
    MsgBox "GameOver"
    OutOfBounds = False
    End If
    End Function

    Private Function SnakePartOverlapItself(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long) As Boolean
    If ws.cells(row, column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0) Then
    MsgBox "GameOver"
    SnakePartOverlapItself = True
    SnakePartOverlapItself = False
    End If
    End Function

    Private Sub BlueSquareAdd()
    Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
    Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

    TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
    TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
    End Sub

    Private Function SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap() As Boolean
    If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150) Then
    SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True
    SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = False
    End If
    End Function

    Private Sub YellowSquareAdd()
    Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
    Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

    TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
    TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
    ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
    End Sub

    Private Function SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap() As Boolean
    If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0) Then
    MsgBox "GameOver"
    SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True
    SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = False
    End If
    End Function

    Private Sub CurrentCellUpdate()
    Select Case directionSnake
    Case Is = Direction.North
    currentRow = currentRow - 1
    Case Is = Direction.South
    currentRow = currentRow + 1
    Case Is = Direction.East
    currentColumn = currentColumn + 1
    Case Is = Direction.West
    currentColumn = currentColumn - 1
    End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub SnakeCollectionUpdate(ByRef snakeParts As Collection)
    snakeParts.add currentRow
    End Sub

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If directionSnake = East Or directionSnake = West Then
    If Target.column = currentColumn Then
    If Target.row <> currentRow Then
    If Target.row = currentRow - 1 Then
    directionSnake = North
    ElseIf Target.row = currentRow + 1 Then
    directionSnake = South
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If

    If directionSnake = North Or directionSnake = South Then
    If Target.row = currentRow Then
    If Target.column <> currentColumn Then
    If Target.column = currentColumn + 1 Then
    directionSnake = East
    ElseIf Target.column = currentColumn - 1 Then
    directionSnake = West
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    share|improve this question






      Since my rather mediocre attempt at making a space invader game I stumbled on a cache of Visual Basic for Applications games written by Japanese excel wizards. I have even had someone create Zelda? What an inspiration! Making complete, beautiful, fun arcade / GameBoy style games inside of an Excel spreadsheet is possible.

      This is my first crack at recreating the old game Snake.


      Snake Part:

      Option Explicit

      Private Type Properties
      row As Long
      column As Long
      End Type

      Private this As Properties

      Public Property Let row(ByVal value As Long)
      this.row = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get row() As Long
      row = this.row
      End Property

      Public Property Let column(ByVal value As Long)
      this.column = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get column() As Long
      column = this.column
      End Property

      Public Sub PropertiesSet(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
      this.row = row
      this.column = column
      End Sub


      Option Explicit

      Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LongInteger) As Long
      Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LongInteger) As Long

      Private Type LongInteger
      First32Bits As Long
      Second32Bits As Long
      End Type

      Private Type TimerAttributes
      CounterInitial As Double
      CounterNow As Double
      PerformanceFrequency As Double
      End Type

      Private Const MaxValue_32Bits = 4294967296#
      Private this As TimerAttributes

      Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      End Sub

      Private Sub PerformanceFrequencyLet()
      Dim TempFrequency As LongInteger
      QueryPerformanceFrequency TempFrequency
      this.PerformanceFrequency = ParseLongInteger(TempFrequency)
      End Sub

      Public Sub TimerSet()
      Dim TempCounterIntital As LongInteger
      QueryPerformanceCounter TempCounterIntital
      this.CounterInitial = ParseLongInteger(TempCounterIntital)
      End Sub

      Public Function CheckQuarterSecondPassed() As Boolean
      If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 0.25 Then
      CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True
      CheckQuarterSecondPassed = False
      End If
      End Function

      Public Function CheckFiveSecondsPassed() As Boolean
      If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 10 Then
      CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True
      CheckFiveSecondsPassed = False
      End If
      End Function

      Public Sub PrintTimeElapsed()
      If CounterInitalIsSet = True Then
      Dim TimeElapsed As Double
      TimeElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency
      Debug.Print Format(TimeElapsed, "0.000000"); " seconds elapsed "

      Dim TicksElapsed As Double
      TicksElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial)
      Debug.Print Format(TicksElapsed, "#,##0"); " ticks"
      End If
      End Sub

      Private Function CounterNowLet()
      Dim TempTimeNow As LongInteger
      QueryPerformanceCounter TempTimeNow
      this.CounterNow = ParseLongInteger(TempTimeNow)
      End Function

      Private Function CounterInitalIsSet() As Boolean
      If this.CounterInitial = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Counter Initial Not Set"
      CounterInitalIsSet = False
      CounterInitalIsSet = True
      End If
      End Function

      Private Function ParseLongInteger(ByRef LongInteger As LongInteger) As Double
      Dim First32Bits As Double
      First32Bits = LongInteger.First32Bits

      Dim Second32Bits As Double
      Second32Bits = LongInteger.Second32Bits

      If First32Bits < 0 Then First32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits
      If Second32Bits < 0 Then Second32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits

      ParseLongInteger = First32Bits + (MaxValue_32Bits * Second32Bits)
      End Function

      Worksheet Code:

      Option Explicit

      Public Enum Direction
      North = 1
      South = 2
      East = 3
      West = 4
      End Enum

      Public ws As Worksheet
      Public snakeParts As Collection
      Public currentRow As Long
      Public currentColumn As Long
      Public directionSnake As Direction

      Sub RunGame()
      Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Game")
      Set snakeParts = New Collection

      Dim gameOver As Boolean
      gameOver = False

      Dim TimerGame As TimerWin64
      Set TimerGame = New TimerWin64

      Dim TimerBlueSquare As TimerWin64
      Set TimerBlueSquare = New TimerWin64

      Dim TimerYellowSquare As TimerWin64
      Set TimerYellowSquare = New TimerWin64

      Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
      Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart


      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      Do While gameOver = False
      If TimerGame.CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True Then
      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      If SnakePartOverlapItself(currentRow, currentColumn) = True Then
      gameOver = True
      Exit Do
      ElseIf SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True Then
      gameOver = True
      Exit Do
      ElseIf SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True Then
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartRemove
      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartRemove
      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      End If
      End If

      If TimerBlueSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
      End If

      If TimerYellowSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
      End If
      gameOver = OutOfBounds
      End Sub

      Private Sub GameBoardReset()
      ws.cells.Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
      End Sub

      Private Sub DirectionSnakeInitialize()
      directionSnake = East
      End Sub

      Private Sub StartPositionInitalize()
      currentRow = 96
      currentColumn = 64
      End Sub

      Private Sub StartGameBoardInitalize()
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 6)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 5)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 4)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 3)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 2)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 1)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartAdd(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
      Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
      Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart
      SnakePartNew.PropertiesSet row, column
      SnakePartAddToCollection SnakePartNew
      SnakePartAddToGameBoard SnakePartNew
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartAddToCollection(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
      snakeParts.add snakepart
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartAddToGameBoard(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
      ws.cells(snakepart.row, snakepart.column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0)
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartRemove()
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromCollection()
      snakeParts.Remove 1
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromGameBoard()
      ws.cells(snakeParts.Item(1).row, snakeParts.Item(1).column).Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
      End Sub

      Private Function OutOfBounds() As Boolean
      If currentRow < 9 Or _
      currentRow > 189 Or _
      currentColumn < 21 Or _
      currentColumn > 108 Then
      OutOfBounds = True
      MsgBox "GameOver"
      OutOfBounds = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Function SnakePartOverlapItself(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long) As Boolean
      If ws.cells(row, column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0) Then
      MsgBox "GameOver"
      SnakePartOverlapItself = True
      SnakePartOverlapItself = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Sub BlueSquareAdd()
      Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
      Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

      TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
      TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      End Sub

      Private Function SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap() As Boolean
      If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150) Then
      SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True
      SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Sub YellowSquareAdd()
      Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
      Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

      TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
      TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      End Sub

      Private Function SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap() As Boolean
      If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0) Then
      MsgBox "GameOver"
      SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True
      SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Sub CurrentCellUpdate()
      Select Case directionSnake
      Case Is = Direction.North
      currentRow = currentRow - 1
      Case Is = Direction.South
      currentRow = currentRow + 1
      Case Is = Direction.East
      currentColumn = currentColumn + 1
      Case Is = Direction.West
      currentColumn = currentColumn - 1
      End Select
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakeCollectionUpdate(ByRef snakeParts As Collection)
      snakeParts.add currentRow
      End Sub

      Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
      If directionSnake = East Or directionSnake = West Then
      If Target.column = currentColumn Then
      If Target.row <> currentRow Then
      If Target.row = currentRow - 1 Then
      directionSnake = North
      ElseIf Target.row = currentRow + 1 Then
      directionSnake = South
      End If
      End If
      End If
      End If

      If directionSnake = North Or directionSnake = South Then
      If Target.row = currentRow Then
      If Target.column <> currentColumn Then
      If Target.column = currentColumn + 1 Then
      directionSnake = East
      ElseIf Target.column = currentColumn - 1 Then
      directionSnake = West
      End If
      End If
      End If
      End If
      End Sub

      share|improve this question


      Since my rather mediocre attempt at making a space invader game I stumbled on a cache of Visual Basic for Applications games written by Japanese excel wizards. I have even had someone create Zelda? What an inspiration! Making complete, beautiful, fun arcade / GameBoy style games inside of an Excel spreadsheet is possible.

      This is my first crack at recreating the old game Snake.


      Snake Part:

      Option Explicit

      Private Type Properties
      row As Long
      column As Long
      End Type

      Private this As Properties

      Public Property Let row(ByVal value As Long)
      this.row = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get row() As Long
      row = this.row
      End Property

      Public Property Let column(ByVal value As Long)
      this.column = value
      End Property

      Public Property Get column() As Long
      column = this.column
      End Property

      Public Sub PropertiesSet(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
      this.row = row
      this.column = column
      End Sub


      Option Explicit

      Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LongInteger) As Long
      Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LongInteger) As Long

      Private Type LongInteger
      First32Bits As Long
      Second32Bits As Long
      End Type

      Private Type TimerAttributes
      CounterInitial As Double
      CounterNow As Double
      PerformanceFrequency As Double
      End Type

      Private Const MaxValue_32Bits = 4294967296#
      Private this As TimerAttributes

      Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      End Sub

      Private Sub PerformanceFrequencyLet()
      Dim TempFrequency As LongInteger
      QueryPerformanceFrequency TempFrequency
      this.PerformanceFrequency = ParseLongInteger(TempFrequency)
      End Sub

      Public Sub TimerSet()
      Dim TempCounterIntital As LongInteger
      QueryPerformanceCounter TempCounterIntital
      this.CounterInitial = ParseLongInteger(TempCounterIntital)
      End Sub

      Public Function CheckQuarterSecondPassed() As Boolean
      If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 0.25 Then
      CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True
      CheckQuarterSecondPassed = False
      End If
      End Function

      Public Function CheckFiveSecondsPassed() As Boolean
      If ((this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency) >= 10 Then
      CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True
      CheckFiveSecondsPassed = False
      End If
      End Function

      Public Sub PrintTimeElapsed()
      If CounterInitalIsSet = True Then
      Dim TimeElapsed As Double
      TimeElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial) / this.PerformanceFrequency
      Debug.Print Format(TimeElapsed, "0.000000"); " seconds elapsed "

      Dim TicksElapsed As Double
      TicksElapsed = (this.CounterNow - this.CounterInitial)
      Debug.Print Format(TicksElapsed, "#,##0"); " ticks"
      End If
      End Sub

      Private Function CounterNowLet()
      Dim TempTimeNow As LongInteger
      QueryPerformanceCounter TempTimeNow
      this.CounterNow = ParseLongInteger(TempTimeNow)
      End Function

      Private Function CounterInitalIsSet() As Boolean
      If this.CounterInitial = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Counter Initial Not Set"
      CounterInitalIsSet = False
      CounterInitalIsSet = True
      End If
      End Function

      Private Function ParseLongInteger(ByRef LongInteger As LongInteger) As Double
      Dim First32Bits As Double
      First32Bits = LongInteger.First32Bits

      Dim Second32Bits As Double
      Second32Bits = LongInteger.Second32Bits

      If First32Bits < 0 Then First32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits
      If Second32Bits < 0 Then Second32Bits = First32Bits + MaxValue_32Bits

      ParseLongInteger = First32Bits + (MaxValue_32Bits * Second32Bits)
      End Function

      Worksheet Code:

      Option Explicit

      Public Enum Direction
      North = 1
      South = 2
      East = 3
      West = 4
      End Enum

      Public ws As Worksheet
      Public snakeParts As Collection
      Public currentRow As Long
      Public currentColumn As Long
      Public directionSnake As Direction

      Sub RunGame()
      Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Game")
      Set snakeParts = New Collection

      Dim gameOver As Boolean
      gameOver = False

      Dim TimerGame As TimerWin64
      Set TimerGame = New TimerWin64

      Dim TimerBlueSquare As TimerWin64
      Set TimerBlueSquare = New TimerWin64

      Dim TimerYellowSquare As TimerWin64
      Set TimerYellowSquare = New TimerWin64

      Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
      Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart


      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      Do While gameOver = False
      If TimerGame.CheckQuarterSecondPassed = True Then
      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      If SnakePartOverlapItself(currentRow, currentColumn) = True Then
      gameOver = True
      Exit Do
      ElseIf SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True Then
      gameOver = True
      Exit Do
      ElseIf SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True Then
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartRemove
      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      Call SnakePartRemove
      ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Select
      End If
      End If

      If TimerBlueSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
      End If

      If TimerYellowSquare.CheckFiveSecondsPassed = True Then
      End If
      gameOver = OutOfBounds
      End Sub

      Private Sub GameBoardReset()
      ws.cells.Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
      End Sub

      Private Sub DirectionSnakeInitialize()
      directionSnake = East
      End Sub

      Private Sub StartPositionInitalize()
      currentRow = 96
      currentColumn = 64
      End Sub

      Private Sub StartGameBoardInitalize()
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 6)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 5)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 4)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 3)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 2)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn - 1)
      Call SnakePartAdd(currentRow, currentColumn)
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartAdd(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long)
      Dim SnakePartNew As snakepart
      Set SnakePartNew = New snakepart
      SnakePartNew.PropertiesSet row, column
      SnakePartAddToCollection SnakePartNew
      SnakePartAddToGameBoard SnakePartNew
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartAddToCollection(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
      snakeParts.add snakepart
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartAddToGameBoard(ByRef snakepart As snakepart)
      ws.cells(snakepart.row, snakepart.column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0)
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartRemove()
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromCollection()
      snakeParts.Remove 1
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakePartRemoveFromGameBoard()
      ws.cells(snakeParts.Item(1).row, snakeParts.Item(1).column).Interior.Color = RGB(300, 300, 300)
      End Sub

      Private Function OutOfBounds() As Boolean
      If currentRow < 9 Or _
      currentRow > 189 Or _
      currentColumn < 21 Or _
      currentColumn > 108 Then
      OutOfBounds = True
      MsgBox "GameOver"
      OutOfBounds = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Function SnakePartOverlapItself(ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long) As Boolean
      If ws.cells(row, column).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 150, 0) Then
      MsgBox "GameOver"
      SnakePartOverlapItself = True
      SnakePartOverlapItself = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Sub BlueSquareAdd()
      Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
      Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

      TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
      TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150)
      End Sub

      Private Function SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap() As Boolean
      If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 150) Then
      SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = True
      SnakePartBlueSquareOverlap = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Sub YellowSquareAdd()
      Dim TopLeftCornerRow As Long
      Dim TopLeftCornerColumn As Long

      TopLeftCornerRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 189)
      TopLeftCornerColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(21, 108)

      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      ws.cells(TopLeftCornerRow + 1, TopLeftCornerColumn + 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0)
      End Sub

      Private Function SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap() As Boolean
      If ws.cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 140, 0) Then
      MsgBox "GameOver"
      SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = True
      SnakePartYellowSquareOverlap = False
      End If
      End Function

      Private Sub CurrentCellUpdate()
      Select Case directionSnake
      Case Is = Direction.North
      currentRow = currentRow - 1
      Case Is = Direction.South
      currentRow = currentRow + 1
      Case Is = Direction.East
      currentColumn = currentColumn + 1
      Case Is = Direction.West
      currentColumn = currentColumn - 1
      End Select
      End Sub

      Private Sub SnakeCollectionUpdate(ByRef snakeParts As Collection)
      snakeParts.add currentRow
      End Sub

      Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
      If directionSnake = East Or directionSnake = West Then
      If Target.column = currentColumn Then
      If Target.row <> currentRow Then
      If Target.row = currentRow - 1 Then
      directionSnake = North
      ElseIf Target.row = currentRow + 1 Then
      directionSnake = South
      End If
      End If
      End If
      End If

      If directionSnake = North Or directionSnake = South Then
      If Target.row = currentRow Then
      If Target.column <> currentColumn Then
      If Target.column = currentColumn + 1 Then
      directionSnake = East
      ElseIf Target.column = currentColumn - 1 Then
      directionSnake = West
      End If
      End If
      End If
      End If
      End Sub

      beginner game vba excel

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      edited 2 mins ago




      asked 21 mins ago








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