C++ Simple Game Beeping UtilitySimple console roguelike gameSimple console-based car gameText-based Snake...

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C++ Simple Game Beeping Utility

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Lately I have been playing a game called Dirty Bomb. I like it very much, and since I was taking a rest of basic C++ OpenGL, i tried to make a simple console utility for it.

What i wanted to achieve is that, when I pressed a key (representing an in-game character) the program would, after a specified delay depending on the key pressed, emit a distinct beeping. So when I see an enemy in-game character use its ability, I would press a key, and then after the cooldown delay of its ability is over(or at least near to get over), I get notified with a beeping, so i know if its a danger to get near him. I also wanted to have a "substracted delay" variable, so I could get notified a little before the enemy's ability is ready.

I wanted to have a review in the code I made, since I'm still a newbie in the world of C++ I want to know if there are ways to improve it and, if you're able, ask some questions I commented in there.

Also I've used pthreads for the beeping and waiting parts, since Beep() sleeps its calling thread and waiting can be easily done with the sleep_for() function.

Here is the code, I've commented each part so you know what each does easily:


#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h> // Question: I'm only using GetAsyncKeyState and Beep functions from windows.h,
// Is there a way so i don't have to include the whole windows header
// and just the ones that have those functions?
#include <thread> // for multithreading :D
#include <chrono>
#include "notes.h" // An util header i wrote to convert music notes to Hertz, so Beep() can actually play something

using namespace std;

// Holders to know which keys are and were pressed. ( so i can handle Pushing, Holding and Releasing keys ( but i just needed pushing, so :P ) )
bool lastAsyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};
bool asyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};

// Functions to save the keyboard state every cicle, so the below function can work
void saveAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) lastAsyncKeyState[i] = asyncKeyState[i]; }
void updateAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) asyncKeyState[i] = ( GetAsyncKeyState(i) ); }

// Only detect if a key was Pushed and not if it's being pressed constantly
bool asyncKeyPushed( int key ) {
if ( asyncKeyState[key] && !lastAsyncKeyState[key] ) return true;
return false;

const int updatePeriod = 10; // Delay between program updates in milliseconds
const int beepDelay = 1000; // Delay between beeps when this program is ON
int beepCount = 0; // counter for ON beeps
int substractDelay = 5; // How many seconds should the program substract to the original Characters delay
int noteDuration = 200; // Base note duration

bool shouldUpdateConsole = true; // variable to update the console only when needed
bool onSwitch = false; // Program state ( ON/OFF )

// Enums for sound types and delays
enum SoundType {

enum Delays {

void updateConsole() // Does what it says
system("CLS"); // I know its evil, but I had no other option

cout << endl;
cout << " Substracted Delay: " << substractDelay << endl << endl;
cout << " [ T ] Wait for FRAGGER ( " << Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
cout << " [ G ] Wait for JAVELIN ( " << Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << " [ H ] Wait for SKYHAMMER ( " << Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
cout << " [ B ] Wait for STOKER ( " << Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl << endl;
cout << " State: " << ( onSwitch ? "ON" : "OFF" ) << endl << endl;
cout << " Press [END] to exit." << endl;

shouldUpdateConsole = false;

// Note types
void playSound( int soundType ) {
switch( soundType ) {
case SoundType::FRAGGER :
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration );
case SoundType::JAVELIN :
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 5*octave), noteDuration );
case SoundType::STOKER :
Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::F + 5*octave), noteDuration );
case SoundType::SKYHAMMER :
Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration );
case SoundType::ONSWITCH :
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
case SoundType::OFFSWITCH :
Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
case SoundType::ON_BEEP :
Beep( noteHz(Note::C + 4*octave), noteDuration/4 );

// Makes the current thread to wait the specified delay and then play the specified Sound
void waitForAndPlaySound( int seconds, int soundType ) {
if ( seconds > 0 ) this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::seconds( seconds ) );
playSound( soundType );

// Creates a thread that runs waitForAndPlaySound, with the specified sound and delay
void playSoundProtocol( int soundType, int delay ) {
thread tempThread( waitForAndPlaySound , delay , soundType );
tempThread.detach(); // Error if not detached.

// The main loop :D
int main()
while ( !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END) ) { // Program will execute until the END key is pressed
updateAsyncKeyStates(); // Gets the keys that are pressed now, to compare with the keys that were pressed in the last cycle

if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_INSERT ) ) { // if the INSERT key is pushed, the program will switch to ON/OFF.
onSwitch = !onSwitch;
playSoundProtocol( ( onSwitch ? SoundType::ONSWITCH : SoundType::OFFSWITCH ), 0 );
shouldUpdateConsole = true;

if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_UP ) && substractDelay < 10 ) { substractDelay++; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MAX substracted delay is 10
if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_DOWN ) && substractDelay > 0 ) { substractDelay--; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MIN substracted delay is 0

if ( onSwitch ) { // If the program is ON
if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'T' ) ) // T is to wait for the character Fragger in-game ability
playSoundProtocol( SoundType::FRAGGER, Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay );
if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'G' ) ) // G is to wait for the character Javelin in-game ability
playSoundProtocol( SoundType::JAVELIN, Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay );
if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'B' ) ) // B is to wait for the character Stoker in-game ability
playSoundProtocol( SoundType::STOKER, Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay );
if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'H' ) ) // H is to wait for the character Skyhammer in-game ability
playSoundProtocol( SoundType::SKYHAMMER, Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay );

beepCount += updatePeriod; // The program beeps every beepDelay, so the user knows the program is active (ON).
if ( beepCount >= beepDelay ) { beepCount -= beepDelay; playSoundProtocol( SoundType::ON_BEEP, 0 ); }

// Question: is there a way to control the volume of Beep ?

} else { // If the program is OFF
if ( beepCount != 0 ) beepCount = 0;

if ( shouldUpdateConsole ) updateConsole(); // If the console should update, it calls the updateConsole func
saveAsyncKeyStates(); // Saves the keys that are pressed now, so the next cycle can use them
this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::milliseconds( updatePeriod ) ); // Sleeps for updatePeriod
return 0;


#ifndef NOTES_H
#define NOTES_H

enum Note{ // Starts from C0
C = -57, // C starts at -57, so A0 ( -48 ) plus 4 octaves ( 48 ) results in 0, so the noteHz function can work properly.

extern const int octave; // = 12

float noteHz( int );

#endif // NOTES_H


#include "notes.h"
#include <cmath>

// Note to Hertz constants and stuff, more info on:
// http://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/NoteFreqCalcs.html

const float a = std::pow( 2.0f , 1.0f/12 ); // Question: if someone can tell me how to make this constant "private"
// so only this .cpp can use it i would thank you :)

const int octave = 12; // Quantity of half notes in an octave ( or the length of the Note enum )

// This function transforms musical notes to Hz.
// It works by setting the center note as A4 ( 440 Hz ), then calculating every other Hz note from that point.
float noteHz( int note ) {
return 440.0f * std::pow( a , note );


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Nikko77 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    Lately I have been playing a game called Dirty Bomb. I like it very much, and since I was taking a rest of basic C++ OpenGL, i tried to make a simple console utility for it.

    What i wanted to achieve is that, when I pressed a key (representing an in-game character) the program would, after a specified delay depending on the key pressed, emit a distinct beeping. So when I see an enemy in-game character use its ability, I would press a key, and then after the cooldown delay of its ability is over(or at least near to get over), I get notified with a beeping, so i know if its a danger to get near him. I also wanted to have a "substracted delay" variable, so I could get notified a little before the enemy's ability is ready.

    I wanted to have a review in the code I made, since I'm still a newbie in the world of C++ I want to know if there are ways to improve it and, if you're able, ask some questions I commented in there.

    Also I've used pthreads for the beeping and waiting parts, since Beep() sleeps its calling thread and waiting can be easily done with the sleep_for() function.

    Here is the code, I've commented each part so you know what each does easily:


    #include <iostream>
    #include <windows.h> // Question: I'm only using GetAsyncKeyState and Beep functions from windows.h,
    // Is there a way so i don't have to include the whole windows header
    // and just the ones that have those functions?
    #include <thread> // for multithreading :D
    #include <chrono>
    #include "notes.h" // An util header i wrote to convert music notes to Hertz, so Beep() can actually play something

    using namespace std;

    // Holders to know which keys are and were pressed. ( so i can handle Pushing, Holding and Releasing keys ( but i just needed pushing, so :P ) )
    bool lastAsyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};
    bool asyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};

    // Functions to save the keyboard state every cicle, so the below function can work
    void saveAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) lastAsyncKeyState[i] = asyncKeyState[i]; }
    void updateAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) asyncKeyState[i] = ( GetAsyncKeyState(i) ); }

    // Only detect if a key was Pushed and not if it's being pressed constantly
    bool asyncKeyPushed( int key ) {
    if ( asyncKeyState[key] && !lastAsyncKeyState[key] ) return true;
    return false;

    const int updatePeriod = 10; // Delay between program updates in milliseconds
    const int beepDelay = 1000; // Delay between beeps when this program is ON
    int beepCount = 0; // counter for ON beeps
    int substractDelay = 5; // How many seconds should the program substract to the original Characters delay
    int noteDuration = 200; // Base note duration

    bool shouldUpdateConsole = true; // variable to update the console only when needed
    bool onSwitch = false; // Program state ( ON/OFF )

    // Enums for sound types and delays
    enum SoundType {

    enum Delays {
    STOKER_DELAY = 40,

    void updateConsole() // Does what it says
    system("CLS"); // I know its evil, but I had no other option

    cout << endl;
    cout << " Substracted Delay: " << substractDelay << endl << endl;
    cout << " [ T ] Wait for FRAGGER ( " << Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
    cout << " [ G ] Wait for JAVELIN ( " << Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << " [ H ] Wait for SKYHAMMER ( " << Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
    cout << " [ B ] Wait for STOKER ( " << Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl << endl;
    cout << " State: " << ( onSwitch ? "ON" : "OFF" ) << endl << endl;
    cout << " Press [END] to exit." << endl;

    shouldUpdateConsole = false;

    // Note types
    void playSound( int soundType ) {
    switch( soundType ) {
    case SoundType::FRAGGER :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration );
    case SoundType::JAVELIN :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 5*octave), noteDuration );
    case SoundType::STOKER :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::F + 5*octave), noteDuration );
    case SoundType::SKYHAMMER :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration );
    case SoundType::ONSWITCH :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    case SoundType::OFFSWITCH :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
    case SoundType::ON_BEEP :
    Beep( noteHz(Note::C + 4*octave), noteDuration/4 );

    // Makes the current thread to wait the specified delay and then play the specified Sound
    void waitForAndPlaySound( int seconds, int soundType ) {
    if ( seconds > 0 ) this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::seconds( seconds ) );
    playSound( soundType );

    // Creates a thread that runs waitForAndPlaySound, with the specified sound and delay
    void playSoundProtocol( int soundType, int delay ) {
    thread tempThread( waitForAndPlaySound , delay , soundType );
    tempThread.detach(); // Error if not detached.

    // The main loop :D
    int main()
    while ( !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END) ) { // Program will execute until the END key is pressed
    updateAsyncKeyStates(); // Gets the keys that are pressed now, to compare with the keys that were pressed in the last cycle

    if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_INSERT ) ) { // if the INSERT key is pushed, the program will switch to ON/OFF.
    onSwitch = !onSwitch;
    playSoundProtocol( ( onSwitch ? SoundType::ONSWITCH : SoundType::OFFSWITCH ), 0 );
    shouldUpdateConsole = true;

    if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_UP ) && substractDelay < 10 ) { substractDelay++; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MAX substracted delay is 10
    if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_DOWN ) && substractDelay > 0 ) { substractDelay--; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MIN substracted delay is 0

    if ( onSwitch ) { // If the program is ON
    if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'T' ) ) // T is to wait for the character Fragger in-game ability
    playSoundProtocol( SoundType::FRAGGER, Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay );
    if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'G' ) ) // G is to wait for the character Javelin in-game ability
    playSoundProtocol( SoundType::JAVELIN, Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay );
    if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'B' ) ) // B is to wait for the character Stoker in-game ability
    playSoundProtocol( SoundType::STOKER, Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay );
    if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'H' ) ) // H is to wait for the character Skyhammer in-game ability
    playSoundProtocol( SoundType::SKYHAMMER, Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay );

    beepCount += updatePeriod; // The program beeps every beepDelay, so the user knows the program is active (ON).
    if ( beepCount >= beepDelay ) { beepCount -= beepDelay; playSoundProtocol( SoundType::ON_BEEP, 0 ); }

    // Question: is there a way to control the volume of Beep ?

    } else { // If the program is OFF
    if ( beepCount != 0 ) beepCount = 0;

    if ( shouldUpdateConsole ) updateConsole(); // If the console should update, it calls the updateConsole func
    saveAsyncKeyStates(); // Saves the keys that are pressed now, so the next cycle can use them
    this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::milliseconds( updatePeriod ) ); // Sleeps for updatePeriod
    return 0;


    #ifndef NOTES_H
    #define NOTES_H

    enum Note{ // Starts from C0
    C = -57, // C starts at -57, so A0 ( -48 ) plus 4 octaves ( 48 ) results in 0, so the noteHz function can work properly.

    extern const int octave; // = 12

    float noteHz( int );

    #endif // NOTES_H


    #include "notes.h"
    #include <cmath>

    // Note to Hertz constants and stuff, more info on:
    // http://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/NoteFreqCalcs.html

    const float a = std::pow( 2.0f , 1.0f/12 ); // Question: if someone can tell me how to make this constant "private"
    // so only this .cpp can use it i would thank you :)

    const int octave = 12; // Quantity of half notes in an octave ( or the length of the Note enum )

    // This function transforms musical notes to Hz.
    // It works by setting the center note as A4 ( 440 Hz ), then calculating every other Hz note from that point.
    float noteHz( int note ) {
    return 440.0f * std::pow( a , note );


    New contributor

    Nikko77 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      Lately I have been playing a game called Dirty Bomb. I like it very much, and since I was taking a rest of basic C++ OpenGL, i tried to make a simple console utility for it.

      What i wanted to achieve is that, when I pressed a key (representing an in-game character) the program would, after a specified delay depending on the key pressed, emit a distinct beeping. So when I see an enemy in-game character use its ability, I would press a key, and then after the cooldown delay of its ability is over(or at least near to get over), I get notified with a beeping, so i know if its a danger to get near him. I also wanted to have a "substracted delay" variable, so I could get notified a little before the enemy's ability is ready.

      I wanted to have a review in the code I made, since I'm still a newbie in the world of C++ I want to know if there are ways to improve it and, if you're able, ask some questions I commented in there.

      Also I've used pthreads for the beeping and waiting parts, since Beep() sleeps its calling thread and waiting can be easily done with the sleep_for() function.

      Here is the code, I've commented each part so you know what each does easily:


      #include <iostream>
      #include <windows.h> // Question: I'm only using GetAsyncKeyState and Beep functions from windows.h,
      // Is there a way so i don't have to include the whole windows header
      // and just the ones that have those functions?
      #include <thread> // for multithreading :D
      #include <chrono>
      #include "notes.h" // An util header i wrote to convert music notes to Hertz, so Beep() can actually play something

      using namespace std;

      // Holders to know which keys are and were pressed. ( so i can handle Pushing, Holding and Releasing keys ( but i just needed pushing, so :P ) )
      bool lastAsyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};
      bool asyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};

      // Functions to save the keyboard state every cicle, so the below function can work
      void saveAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) lastAsyncKeyState[i] = asyncKeyState[i]; }
      void updateAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) asyncKeyState[i] = ( GetAsyncKeyState(i) ); }

      // Only detect if a key was Pushed and not if it's being pressed constantly
      bool asyncKeyPushed( int key ) {
      if ( asyncKeyState[key] && !lastAsyncKeyState[key] ) return true;
      return false;

      const int updatePeriod = 10; // Delay between program updates in milliseconds
      const int beepDelay = 1000; // Delay between beeps when this program is ON
      int beepCount = 0; // counter for ON beeps
      int substractDelay = 5; // How many seconds should the program substract to the original Characters delay
      int noteDuration = 200; // Base note duration

      bool shouldUpdateConsole = true; // variable to update the console only when needed
      bool onSwitch = false; // Program state ( ON/OFF )

      // Enums for sound types and delays
      enum SoundType {

      enum Delays {
      FRAGGER_DELAY = 20,
      JAVELIN_DELAY = 30,
      STOKER_DELAY = 40,

      void updateConsole() // Does what it says
      system("CLS"); // I know its evil, but I had no other option

      cout << endl;
      cout << " Substracted Delay: " << substractDelay << endl << endl;
      cout << " [ T ] Wait for FRAGGER ( " << Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
      cout << " [ G ] Wait for JAVELIN ( " << Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << " [ H ] Wait for SKYHAMMER ( " << Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
      cout << " [ B ] Wait for STOKER ( " << Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl << endl;
      cout << " State: " << ( onSwitch ? "ON" : "OFF" ) << endl << endl;
      cout << " Press [END] to exit." << endl;

      shouldUpdateConsole = false;

      // Note types
      void playSound( int soundType ) {
      switch( soundType ) {
      case SoundType::FRAGGER :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::JAVELIN :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 5*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::STOKER :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::F + 5*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::SKYHAMMER :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::ONSWITCH :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      case SoundType::OFFSWITCH :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      case SoundType::ON_BEEP :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::C + 4*octave), noteDuration/4 );

      // Makes the current thread to wait the specified delay and then play the specified Sound
      void waitForAndPlaySound( int seconds, int soundType ) {
      if ( seconds > 0 ) this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::seconds( seconds ) );
      playSound( soundType );

      // Creates a thread that runs waitForAndPlaySound, with the specified sound and delay
      void playSoundProtocol( int soundType, int delay ) {
      thread tempThread( waitForAndPlaySound , delay , soundType );
      tempThread.detach(); // Error if not detached.

      // The main loop :D
      int main()
      while ( !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END) ) { // Program will execute until the END key is pressed
      updateAsyncKeyStates(); // Gets the keys that are pressed now, to compare with the keys that were pressed in the last cycle

      if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_INSERT ) ) { // if the INSERT key is pushed, the program will switch to ON/OFF.
      onSwitch = !onSwitch;
      playSoundProtocol( ( onSwitch ? SoundType::ONSWITCH : SoundType::OFFSWITCH ), 0 );
      shouldUpdateConsole = true;

      if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_UP ) && substractDelay < 10 ) { substractDelay++; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MAX substracted delay is 10
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_DOWN ) && substractDelay > 0 ) { substractDelay--; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MIN substracted delay is 0

      if ( onSwitch ) { // If the program is ON
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'T' ) ) // T is to wait for the character Fragger in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::FRAGGER, Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay );
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'G' ) ) // G is to wait for the character Javelin in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::JAVELIN, Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay );
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'B' ) ) // B is to wait for the character Stoker in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::STOKER, Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay );
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'H' ) ) // H is to wait for the character Skyhammer in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::SKYHAMMER, Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay );

      beepCount += updatePeriod; // The program beeps every beepDelay, so the user knows the program is active (ON).
      if ( beepCount >= beepDelay ) { beepCount -= beepDelay; playSoundProtocol( SoundType::ON_BEEP, 0 ); }

      // Question: is there a way to control the volume of Beep ?

      } else { // If the program is OFF
      if ( beepCount != 0 ) beepCount = 0;

      if ( shouldUpdateConsole ) updateConsole(); // If the console should update, it calls the updateConsole func
      saveAsyncKeyStates(); // Saves the keys that are pressed now, so the next cycle can use them
      this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::milliseconds( updatePeriod ) ); // Sleeps for updatePeriod
      return 0;


      #ifndef NOTES_H
      #define NOTES_H

      enum Note{ // Starts from C0
      C = -57, // C starts at -57, so A0 ( -48 ) plus 4 octaves ( 48 ) results in 0, so the noteHz function can work properly.

      extern const int octave; // = 12

      float noteHz( int );

      #endif // NOTES_H


      #include "notes.h"
      #include <cmath>

      // Note to Hertz constants and stuff, more info on:
      // http://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/NoteFreqCalcs.html

      const float a = std::pow( 2.0f , 1.0f/12 ); // Question: if someone can tell me how to make this constant "private"
      // so only this .cpp can use it i would thank you :)

      const int octave = 12; // Quantity of half notes in an octave ( or the length of the Note enum )

      // This function transforms musical notes to Hz.
      // It works by setting the center note as A4 ( 440 Hz ), then calculating every other Hz note from that point.
      float noteHz( int note ) {
      return 440.0f * std::pow( a , note );


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      Lately I have been playing a game called Dirty Bomb. I like it very much, and since I was taking a rest of basic C++ OpenGL, i tried to make a simple console utility for it.

      What i wanted to achieve is that, when I pressed a key (representing an in-game character) the program would, after a specified delay depending on the key pressed, emit a distinct beeping. So when I see an enemy in-game character use its ability, I would press a key, and then after the cooldown delay of its ability is over(or at least near to get over), I get notified with a beeping, so i know if its a danger to get near him. I also wanted to have a "substracted delay" variable, so I could get notified a little before the enemy's ability is ready.

      I wanted to have a review in the code I made, since I'm still a newbie in the world of C++ I want to know if there are ways to improve it and, if you're able, ask some questions I commented in there.

      Also I've used pthreads for the beeping and waiting parts, since Beep() sleeps its calling thread and waiting can be easily done with the sleep_for() function.

      Here is the code, I've commented each part so you know what each does easily:


      #include <iostream>
      #include <windows.h> // Question: I'm only using GetAsyncKeyState and Beep functions from windows.h,
      // Is there a way so i don't have to include the whole windows header
      // and just the ones that have those functions?
      #include <thread> // for multithreading :D
      #include <chrono>
      #include "notes.h" // An util header i wrote to convert music notes to Hertz, so Beep() can actually play something

      using namespace std;

      // Holders to know which keys are and were pressed. ( so i can handle Pushing, Holding and Releasing keys ( but i just needed pushing, so :P ) )
      bool lastAsyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};
      bool asyncKeyState[ 0xFF ] = {0};

      // Functions to save the keyboard state every cicle, so the below function can work
      void saveAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) lastAsyncKeyState[i] = asyncKeyState[i]; }
      void updateAsyncKeyStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++ ) asyncKeyState[i] = ( GetAsyncKeyState(i) ); }

      // Only detect if a key was Pushed and not if it's being pressed constantly
      bool asyncKeyPushed( int key ) {
      if ( asyncKeyState[key] && !lastAsyncKeyState[key] ) return true;
      return false;

      const int updatePeriod = 10; // Delay between program updates in milliseconds
      const int beepDelay = 1000; // Delay between beeps when this program is ON
      int beepCount = 0; // counter for ON beeps
      int substractDelay = 5; // How many seconds should the program substract to the original Characters delay
      int noteDuration = 200; // Base note duration

      bool shouldUpdateConsole = true; // variable to update the console only when needed
      bool onSwitch = false; // Program state ( ON/OFF )

      // Enums for sound types and delays
      enum SoundType {

      enum Delays {
      FRAGGER_DELAY = 20,
      JAVELIN_DELAY = 30,
      STOKER_DELAY = 40,

      void updateConsole() // Does what it says
      system("CLS"); // I know its evil, but I had no other option

      cout << endl;
      cout << " Substracted Delay: " << substractDelay << endl << endl;
      cout << " [ T ] Wait for FRAGGER ( " << Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
      cout << " [ G ] Wait for JAVELIN ( " << Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << " [ H ] Wait for SKYHAMMER ( " << Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl;
      cout << " [ B ] Wait for STOKER ( " << Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay << "s )" << endl << endl;
      cout << " State: " << ( onSwitch ? "ON" : "OFF" ) << endl << endl;
      cout << " Press [END] to exit." << endl;

      shouldUpdateConsole = false;

      // Note types
      void playSound( int soundType ) {
      switch( soundType ) {
      case SoundType::FRAGGER :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 6*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::JAVELIN :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 5*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::STOKER :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::F + 5*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::SKYHAMMER :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 5*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 5*octave), noteDuration );
      case SoundType::ONSWITCH :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::B + 7*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      case SoundType::OFFSWITCH :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::A + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      Beep( noteHz(Note::G + 4*octave), noteDuration/2 );
      case SoundType::ON_BEEP :
      Beep( noteHz(Note::C + 4*octave), noteDuration/4 );

      // Makes the current thread to wait the specified delay and then play the specified Sound
      void waitForAndPlaySound( int seconds, int soundType ) {
      if ( seconds > 0 ) this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::seconds( seconds ) );
      playSound( soundType );

      // Creates a thread that runs waitForAndPlaySound, with the specified sound and delay
      void playSoundProtocol( int soundType, int delay ) {
      thread tempThread( waitForAndPlaySound , delay , soundType );
      tempThread.detach(); // Error if not detached.

      // The main loop :D
      int main()
      while ( !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END) ) { // Program will execute until the END key is pressed
      updateAsyncKeyStates(); // Gets the keys that are pressed now, to compare with the keys that were pressed in the last cycle

      if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_INSERT ) ) { // if the INSERT key is pushed, the program will switch to ON/OFF.
      onSwitch = !onSwitch;
      playSoundProtocol( ( onSwitch ? SoundType::ONSWITCH : SoundType::OFFSWITCH ), 0 );
      shouldUpdateConsole = true;

      if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_UP ) && substractDelay < 10 ) { substractDelay++; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MAX substracted delay is 10
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( VK_DOWN ) && substractDelay > 0 ) { substractDelay--; shouldUpdateConsole = true; } // MIN substracted delay is 0

      if ( onSwitch ) { // If the program is ON
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'T' ) ) // T is to wait for the character Fragger in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::FRAGGER, Delays::FRAGGER_DELAY - substractDelay );
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'G' ) ) // G is to wait for the character Javelin in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::JAVELIN, Delays::JAVELIN_DELAY - substractDelay );
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'B' ) ) // B is to wait for the character Stoker in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::STOKER, Delays::STOKER_DELAY - substractDelay );
      if ( asyncKeyPushed( 'H' ) ) // H is to wait for the character Skyhammer in-game ability
      playSoundProtocol( SoundType::SKYHAMMER, Delays::SKYHAMMER_DELAY - substractDelay );

      beepCount += updatePeriod; // The program beeps every beepDelay, so the user knows the program is active (ON).
      if ( beepCount >= beepDelay ) { beepCount -= beepDelay; playSoundProtocol( SoundType::ON_BEEP, 0 ); }

      // Question: is there a way to control the volume of Beep ?

      } else { // If the program is OFF
      if ( beepCount != 0 ) beepCount = 0;

      if ( shouldUpdateConsole ) updateConsole(); // If the console should update, it calls the updateConsole func
      saveAsyncKeyStates(); // Saves the keys that are pressed now, so the next cycle can use them
      this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::milliseconds( updatePeriod ) ); // Sleeps for updatePeriod
      return 0;


      #ifndef NOTES_H
      #define NOTES_H

      enum Note{ // Starts from C0
      C = -57, // C starts at -57, so A0 ( -48 ) plus 4 octaves ( 48 ) results in 0, so the noteHz function can work properly.

      extern const int octave; // = 12

      float noteHz( int );

      #endif // NOTES_H


      #include "notes.h"
      #include <cmath>

      // Note to Hertz constants and stuff, more info on:
      // http://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/NoteFreqCalcs.html

      const float a = std::pow( 2.0f , 1.0f/12 ); // Question: if someone can tell me how to make this constant "private"
      // so only this .cpp can use it i would thank you :)

      const int octave = 12; // Quantity of half notes in an octave ( or the length of the Note enum )

      // This function transforms musical notes to Hz.
      // It works by setting the center note as A4 ( 440 Hz ), then calculating every other Hz note from that point.
      float noteHz( int note ) {
      return 440.0f * std::pow( a , note );

      c++ game console windows pthreads


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      asked 6 mins ago




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